Social Cash Stacker - part #2

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OK, yesterday I posted a question re this program, But since I'm new here I can't post a reply to my own posts....mmmm.... .....
Here's the link to that thread:

Anyway, I bought that system, thinking to get some nice Facebook\Tweeter tips, tools and techniques.
The selling page promised a lot!!
I quote from the Sell page:
Start quote:
Here are just a few of the fun, profitable tactics that await you:

  • The "Hail Mary Handover", an almost undetectable tactic that, once unleashed, will make ALMOST ANYONE a friend.
  • The "Tattletale Treasure", a time multiplying tip that can cut the "time to 10k earnings" in HALF!
  • The "Grab 2 Beers and Jump" technique, a controversial shortcut that can TRIPLE the money you make from a single post!
  • The "Dorm Room Detective" method. Use this one at your own risk, it's almost beyond belief this one is still completely legal and moral!
  • The "15 Minute Cash Stacker": 15 minutes, a computer, and this method can and has made me up to $500 again, and again, and again. It's easy, i'll show you how!
  • The Velvet Rope Technique: Use this one to Instantly gain admittance to just about any group or gathering. I've used this one a time or two in real life!
  • The Linguini Incident: Use this one to get celebrities and musicians CHASING AFTER YOU to help them! (It works with rich people too)...
End of quote!
Sound nice, ah?

Well the truth is far far form this....

The whole program pretends to teach you (If I understood well, and I will explain soon) how to find a job (:confused as a Social Media manager (uuhhh:confused:??) meaning to promote a regular (:confused business using FB\TW as platform. Later on it pretends to teach you how to hire other people to do this (:confused:???)

Now, you probably notice I used a lot of "(?)" and ":confused:" in the last paragraph. The reason is that the program is not clear and not understandable.
It consist of several audio files, and a few PDFs. Now, there is no introduction of the system, no preview of the steps and the methods that will be used, and basically, only at the end of the second audio I understood what the system is all about.
The audio files all begins with a greeting by the author (Lyndsie Oubre), her voice is so monotonic and boring that I got lost her more than once during listening, it is not coherent, not fluent, and its very amateur. At the end on the audio session It ends unexpectedly, almost as if interrupted.
And its NOT because English isn't my fist language....
There is no transcription of the audio files, maybe a video would explain things better.
None of the above quoted tactics and techniques were to be found anywhere, not in the audio files and not in the PDFs.
Nothing from the promised things at the Sell Page were delivered!
Its NOT simple, its NOT for anyone! It may be, at the best, for FB\TW junkies, those who have no life outside FB\TW.
And there is the support issue. After I paid I got to the download link (with a few OTO pages on the way, which I didn't buy) and all the DL links were dead.."404 page not found" message. After a few retries I mailed the support. This was yesterday, 9 PM (my timezone). only today 1 PM (my time) I got an email from Lyndsie with a reminder of the links, which this time worked. No response from their support! Now its almost 11 PM (my time) and I still got no response from them...(even though I don't need it anymore).

To sum it up:
Its an amateur tutorial on "How to get a job as Social Media Manager". Nothing more. Low-Q PDFs, low-Q content audio files, no added value even in the Bonuses.

Conclusion: Don't buy.
I am refunding mine tonight.

#cash #part #social #stacker

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