Crosslinking Related Websites/Blogs

5 replies
I assume Google still punishes for crosslinking unrelated websites, but if they are related (e.g., dog training, dog leashes, dog houses) is there any penalty for crosslinking your own websites?

In this question, I'm assuming the same hosting account, domain name source, etc.

In other words, everything above-board. Not "tricking" Google with separate accounts, cloaking, etc.
#blogs or websites #crosslinking #related #websites or blogs
  • Profile picture of the author Ldimilo
    Originally Posted by terryrayburn View Post

    I assume Google still punishes for crosslinking unrelated websites, but if they are related (e.g., dog training, dog leashes, dog houses) is there any penalty for crosslinking your own websites?

    In this question, I'm assuming the same hosting account, domain name source, etc.

    In other words, everything above-board. Not "tricking" Google with separate accounts, cloaking, etc.
    I have never had an issue with this although I doubt it boosts rankings. The better question you should ask yourself is does it benefit user experience?
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    • Profile picture of the author terryrayburn
      Originally Posted by Ldimilo View Post

      I have never had an issue with this although I doubt it boosts rankings. The better question you should ask yourself is does it benefit user experience?
      I think the answer is that it MAY benefit user experience, but it presumes that a person searching for dog training, for example, will also be interested in other dog things.
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  • Profile picture of the author Highdefinition
    Originally Posted by terryrayburn View Post

    I assume Google still punishes for crosslinking unrelated websites, but if they are related (e.g., dog training, dog leashes, dog houses) is there any penalty for crosslinking your own websites?

    In this question, I'm assuming the same hosting account, domain name source, etc.

    In other words, everything above-board. Not "tricking" Google with separate accounts, cloaking, etc.
    As long as those sites are really relevant and benefial to your visitors then I don't think there's problem with that.
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  • Profile picture of the author GoogleWarrior
    It will only help boost your sites... take a look at Wikipedia (they are the masters of this!)
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    • Profile picture of the author terryrayburn
      Originally Posted by GoogleWarrior View Post

      It will only help boost your sites... take a look at Wikipedia (they are the masters of this!)
      Good example. Thanks.
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