What is Viral Advertising and Should I Use it to Promote My Website?

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What is Viral Advertising and Should I Use it to Promote My Website?

By: Joel Martin

There was a time when consumers had no control over which ads they watched or listened to. Whatever commercials interrupted their favorite television or radio programs where the ones they heard or saw. Today, however, consumers have a lot more power as to which advertising messages they listen to. Viral advertising is one way in which marketers attempt to get the attention of consumers by coming up with something so entertaining or so outrageous that the individuals who see or hear the ad automatically want to share it with others. One person will forward it to another, and so on, until the message, clip, or photo, has indeed "gone viral," which simply means it has become immensely popular.

Making videos is a popular method for creating viral advertising, but it is not the only way that advertisers get the attention of millions of consumers in a relatively short amount of time. Just think back to some of the email forwards you have received. How many of those did you forward to someone else? While many of those may have been political statements or human interest stories, many of the email messages that consumers forward contain viral advertising messages. You may not even realize it because you are so entertained by the message that you miss the part about it being advertising.

When you are fortunate enough to create an advertising message that goes viral, it will bring your brand into the forefront of consumers' minds. It may even result in your brand or your talent being picked up by bigger fish. For example, the brothers that created the JibJab videos were later hired by Anheuser-Busch. Some of their viral videos were seen by more than 80 million people. That's because the consumers who watched the videos were so entertained that they simply had to pass the video on to others who went on to pass it along to more people.

Viral advertising can definitely enhance your website and drive more traffic to it. It may take some time to develop the right viral message but for those who are able to do so, the rewards are incredible.

About The Author:

Joel Martin is owner of HomeBusinessBlog.ws and JoelMartin.ws; Joel writes on a variety of subjects. To learn more about this topic Joel recommends you visit: JoelMartin.ws
#advertising #promote #viral #website

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