FREE Image/Video Gallery Site Script

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Hey everyone. I'm sharing with you all the Easy Media Script. My buddy and I have been working on this image/video content management system for several months now, and we'd like to share it with everyone.
Note: the script requires PHP5 and mysql on your server in order to run properly.

-Upload 1000s of images and organize them into galleries.
-SEO features include keyword tagging, descriptions, titles, and SEO-friendly links.
-User accounts, user commenting, favorites.
-OpenID support
-Social sharing buttons
-Built in image/video rating system (1-10)
-Administrator panel allows you to control all aspects of your website
-Built in template editor
-Automated Social Poster (generates a LOT of traffic!!)
-Allows for embedded youtube videos (currently we don't have video upload support...but we will in the future)
-RSS importer (also works on some forums and flickr pages) lets you import large amounts of content.
...and a whole lot more.

You can see a demo site and download here:

Easy Media Script - Image Content Management and Image Gallery Script

feel free to ask questions or PM me issues (there are still bugs...from time to time)
#automated affiliate site #free #gallery #image gallery #image or video #script #site #social media

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