Tip: Creating Videos For Web Playback

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[Video Specifications]

When creating your videos:

The first thing that you would define is the video size. Since most are using high-definition (HD) displays, go with:
Video Size: HD 720p (1280x720)
When exporting/rendering your videos:

The following recommended specifications below are designed for videos to be uploaded and processed by video services or sharing sites for web playback.
File Type: mp4
Codec: H.264
Video Size: HD 720p (1280x720)
Bitrate for video: 1500Kb
Bitrate for Audio: 128Kb audio
A little side note about the H.264 codec:

H.264 is an MPEG-4-based standard for encoding for a variety of devices and high-definition displays.
Do note there are other H.264 file formats which are intended to be played on certain devices that different video editing software can export too such as:
  • 3GPP for mobile phones, video files for iPods and PlayStation Portables(PSP). Filename extension: .aac(audio only), .3gp, and most of the time .mp4
  • H.264 Blu-ray however is also a subset of the MPEG-4-based standard that supports encoding in high definition for Blu-ray disc media. Filename extension: .m4v
#creating #playback #tip #videos #web

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