Have you ever looked at WHO is buying your info products? Some interesting finds...

9 replies
I know that when I create a product I usually have an idea in my mind of what the target consumer looks like, where he or she lives and a good feel for the market demographics.

Obviously, sometimes sales come in from outside this market demo and I found it quite surprising and astounding to see some of the people who were buying my info products.

For ethical reasons I would never reveal names or any REAL information, however I thought it would be interesting to share a few purchases.

From an astronaut... who had been in space! The Nasa email made me curious and I have to admit that I googled.

From a major corporations paypal account.

From an Ivy League professor who taught classes within the subject line of my 35 page ebook! lol.

From a local celebrity.

Those are some of the purchases that caught my eye out of thousands of transactions.

Without giving out too much information, anyone have an interesting purchase or story?

#buying #finds #info #interesting #looked #products
  • Profile picture of the author Keyword Prodigy
    Wow that's quite a list!

    I once had a famous "guru" marketer buy one of my early products. To say I was surprised would be an understatement.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jack Duncan
      Yep...this is always a lot of fun to look into...

      I remember getting a sale from a "old, master copywriter", and I first thought it must have been a trick or someone trying to pretend being this person.

      So, I went ahead and emailed him...and it really was legit...I still keep the receipt close by to remind me that "You really never know who is watching..."

      Every day brings a new contact...and a possible adventure!

      It's also interesting when you get sales from Mountain View WA and Redmond... (I guess you really never know...or do you?)
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  • Profile picture of the author Christophe Young
    I had a former Major Leaguer who played for the NY METS buy my ebook. I know it was really him because I gave him some coaching as well.

    Also had a current NBA player buy it, although I doubt it was actually him. He probably just has the same name.
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    • Profile picture of the author BenSalez
      Originally Posted by Christophe Young View Post

      I had a former Major Leaguer who played for the NY METS buy my ebook. I know it was really him because I gave him some coaching as well.

      Also had a current NBA player buy it, although I doubt it was actually him. He probably just has the same name.
      Keith Hernandez? lol
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  • Profile picture of the author Zeus66
    My Mom bought one of my ebooks. She's famous for her spaghetti and meat sauce, and for her peach cobbler. I've never been prouder than when she made that purchase.
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    • Profile picture of the author Hanz
      I had some well known marketers purchase my products but the products were sufficient for list giveaways anyway so it made sense. Although it does kinda make you think "Wow, I can't believe these giants in the game would be interested in my stuff!"
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      • Profile picture of the author glassextreme
        Originally Posted by Hanz View Post

        I had some well known marketers purchase my products but the products were sufficient for list giveaways anyway so it made sense. Although it does kinda make you think "Wow, I can't believe these giants in the game would be interested in my stuff!"
        Sometimes they could be just checking on their competition, anyone who is in their niche.
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        • Profile picture of the author ytt
          I have not started out yet, but this post is interesting. I will definitely learn to keep track of my buyers should I make a sale one day...
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    • Profile picture of the author terrapurus
      Originally Posted by Zeus66 View Post

      My Mom bought one of my ebooks. She's famous for her spaghetti and meat sauce, and for her peach cobbler. I've never been prouder than when she made that purchase.
      You made your mom buy? Man, that is harsh That's the killer instinct we like to see.

      Now I just have to go check my ebay auction and see how much the bidding on my grandmother has got to.
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