Free Domain Name Reasearch

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My name is Kevin and my specialty is domain names.

I love to research them and find profitable ones.

I buy and sell domains regularly.

I have a team that helps me find domain names based on my criteria.

The challenge is that my team finds 50-100 domain names daily,
that have profit potential.

I can't possibly use or develop them all for resale
so that is where you come in.

I'm willing to do some free domain name reasearch for
10 people, in exchange for a testimonial.

That is it.

For 10 people only, you can send me up to 5 keywords
and I'll research them, I'll build them into domain names
and I'll detrmine if the terms are searched for or hold
any value.

I'll deliver you a report in .csv file format
for each keyword you provided.

It is then up to you if you want to go and
register the domains.

In exchange, you send me a testimonial that I can use
in my future endevours (what ever they may be)

Tell me what you did with the research, did you register
any domains we recommended?

Did you find the research valuable.

Thanks very much.

send me an email now

Kevin Needham

subject: I'll take the domain Research, I promise A Testimonial

My 5 keywords are:
#domain #find domain names #free #reasearch

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