3 easy-to-make mistakes that are costing you money

27 replies
So I've been watching the forums for the last few days to see what people are doing wrong - so I could better lend a hand.

Here's three mistakes that keep popping up...

1. Information overload

There's hundreds of ways to make money online - and a few dozen with these forums alone. How do you know what to do?

With Adsense, affiliate programs, product creation, seo, ppc, cpa, and a million other acronyms, it's tough to just pick one to work with.

For my first few years I spent (see: wasted) a whole lot of time floundering around with different techniques and made a few dollars here and there, but nothing to write home about.

It wasn't until I stopped spreading my time across multiple avenues that I found a single income stream that's been really profitable for me.

Since then I've been able to diversify as I've been able to automate certain aspects of my income... but until you STOP doing everything and start doing only one thing you're probably not going to make much money.

2. Laziness

You'd be surprised how much money someone can make when they get up off their butt and just do something.

I see a lot of people over-analyzing their offers, endlessly critiquing their copy, or just being scared to take action...

Follow the ready-fire-aim approach instead.

Choose something, do it, and tweak it.

If you don't make a lot of money right away with it, keep tweaking it until you do. It's worked for me, and it can work for you too.

3. Not associating with others

IMers, in general, tend to be loners. We like to sit in front of our computers all day every day working.

It wasn't until I started congregating with other IMers (online or otherwise) that I saw a big increase in my online income.

Here's the facts... You need help from other people. I need it every day.

If you can find a group of people to associate with that are at least one level above where you are, they're going to help you make a LOT more money.

Think of one single thing that you can do today to impress someone that's making more money online doing what you want to do, and do it. Get them to notice you and you'll find that they'll quickly be your friend.

So, those are just three of the big things you need to watch out for... What else can you think of?
#costing #easytomake #mistakes #money
  • Profile picture of the author IMmoneydeals
    Originally Posted by Chris Ramsey View Post

    I see a lot of people over-analyzing their offers, endlessly critiquing their copy, or just being scared to take action...

    Follow the ready-fire-aim approach instead.

    Choose something, do it, and tweak it.

    If you don't make a lot of money right away with it, keep tweaking it until you do. It's worked for me, and it can work for you too.
    I could not agree any more with you on this. If you don't take action, how can you really learn. No matter how much you analyze and prepare, there's always a chance you're going to be wrong, or that you wait so long that you miss a great opportunity. Even worse, sometimes people only do the ready-fire part, and just give up without trying to tweak and try again until they find success!
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  • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
    Originally Posted by Chris Ramsey View Post

    3. Not associating with others
    This might be the single most important thing that most people overlook. In any business networking is a must! That is why the Chamber of Commerce has weekly after hours meetings at bars. Networking is a must!

    As an online marketer you absolutely must start networking with other marketers. Chatting in a forum is a good way to break the ice, but you must reach out to people that you have an interest in working with.

    I am not suggesting that you send out mass "I want to work with you" emails. Those will end up in the trash faster than my wife ran out the door at 4am on Black Friday.

    Polish up your social skills and make a friend before asking to do business together. When you are ready to pop the question, make sure that you know what you are asking. Marketers get the ol' "hey we should work together" line way too much. Be specific. What do you want to do with me? How is it mutually beneficial? Have those answers ready to go before engaging.

    Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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  • Profile picture of the author indokarir
    yes..you're right...I do #3..I'm single fighter... I think i'll be more succesfull if i associate with other people...
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  • Profile picture of the author invitetheweb
    You make some very valid points. I have read articles where people wayyyy over analize their product almost to the point where it's just ridiculous. Learn to sell ya know?
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  • Profile picture of the author Rikki_Fawkes
    I find I'm more productive if I'm accountable to someone. Not a boss - no way! But another IM person. A month or so ago I went in with another guy for a joint venture. In the past, I would've stuck to my regular freelance work and let some of my "own stuff" slide. But since he's relying on my newly produced content and was keeping in contact with me several times a week, I got it done much more quickly.

    So that pretty much booted the "laziness" and "not associating with others" aspects.

    Learn how you can get paid writing online with NO startup money! I will help you make part-time or full-time income as a freelance writer at http://getpaidwriting.org. No previous writing experience necessary!

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  • Profile picture of the author Chris G
    Great post Chris! I couldn't agree more. I believe everyone in IM has been through number one. A good portion go through number 2 and more IM's need to do number 3.
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  • Profile picture of the author Edwin Torres
    Im with ya. Lazyness is a factor that will either make you successful or not
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  • Profile picture of the author Elvin
    You are right Chris. There are thousands of threads just here on WF. I would love to get to read all of them (impossible, they keep multiplying all of the time and get some useful information/skills but if i dont practice them its seamless.
    Anyway the temptation always is there:...what about this strategy...what about this guy making thousands with this technique...it just goes on.

    N 1 is key. FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS

    thanks again!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author blueyedcdnguy
    You hit it wright on the nose with that Chris, the first and third are my BIGGEST mistakes which i'm trying really hard to correct but not easy I must say. I'v been online for about 3 years now and haven't made a dime, how pathetic is that and i have 4 websites.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sheryl Polomka
    Great post Chris - I completely agree with all three points. My biggest issue would be No. 2, some days I am just too lazy to get stuck into the tasks for the day so I procrastinate and hang around forums and check stats because I'm too lazy to get on with it.

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  • Profile picture of the author richard_s_smith
    good points all, agree with sheryl on hanging around the WF, it can contribute to all 3

    Love the life you live so you can live the life you love.

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  • Profile picture of the author Andrea Wilson
    You made that direct to the point. Certainly, lots of users in this forum are over loaded with information and systems to implement. Now my thought is, how can they clear their mind so they can pick one and start off with it?

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    • Profile picture of the author IMStudentforlife
      Not just information overload, but sometimes possibly dated or even incorrect information. Like the recent craze over Aged Domain Names. Only to for us to find out that the Big G doesn't any really give any importance to Aged Domains..

      And I think limiting your time on WF is wise, I'll look at it over my lunch hour. I agree you can get lost and waste an entire day on here.

      Great information don't get me wrong, just you really need to take action.
      Old School SEO and IM, 1MediaZone

      Running low on inspiration?
      The Strangest Secret in the World
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  • Profile picture of the author seoslayer
    I think information overload & procrastination plays a big part. People take too much time debating whether something will work or not and never get to the point of actually doing it. Instruction is trumped by taking action.
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  • Profile picture of the author esk
    great post... I'm new to the whole scene but I'm glad that one of my first lessons I've learned was to focus
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  • Profile picture of the author brian culbert
    Thank you for great post, I agree with you specially the part of laziness.
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  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    Great post, Chris. You've also prioritized them pretty well, as information overload is pretty much at the top of the list for any marketer, whether they're at the beginner, intermediate or advanced level.

    I find myself becoming a lot better at pushing aside #1, and I'm working on #2 and #3, which can be stumbling blocks for me at times. This forum definitely helps with #3 and also #2 to some extent, and I'm certainly grateful for its existence as a result of this.

    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author missm2m
    Thanks for a great post!
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  • Profile picture of the author Nathan Walker
    "3. Not associating with others

    IMers, in general, tend to be loners. We like to sit in front of our computers all day every day working.

    It wasn't until I started congregating with other IMers (online or otherwise) that I saw a big increase in my online income.

    Here's the facts... You need help from other people. I need it every day.

    If you can find a group of people to associate with that are at least one level above where you are, they're going to help you make a LOT more money."

    I couldn't agree more. I personally believe the phrase "two heads are better than one". The IM field is a prime example.
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    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by Nathan Walker View Post

      "3. Not associating with others

      IMers, in general, tend to be loners. We like to sit in front of our computers all day every day working.

      It wasn't until I started congregating with other IMers (online or otherwise) that I saw a big increase in my online income.

      Here's the facts... You need help from other people. I need it every day.

      If you can find a group of people to associate with that are at least one level above where you are, they're going to help you make a LOT more money."

      I couldn't agree more. I personally believe the phrase "two heads are better than one". The IM field is a prime example.
      Associating with like-minded people just like you will always be fruitful, especially if they're at a higher level than you are. The nature of the interaction will almost invariably compel you to do better and be more creative with your ideas and thoughts.

      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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      • Profile picture of the author Nathan Walker
        Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

        Associating with like-minded people just like you will always be fruitful, especially if they're at a higher level than you are. The nature of the interaction will almost invariably compel you to do better and be more creative with your ideas and thoughts.


        This is very true, Paulie. I feel that when someone more established than you partakes in a JV with you and helps get you at a higher level, then it should be a duty of your's to do the same. The benefits, as you stated, will be fruitful for both in the long run. It's a highly beneficial cycle. It's your duty to, as you said, be creative and produce good quality in your business so that this cycle remains fruitful. Those ahead of you will look for quality in your work, and this will determine if they will take you on for a JV. You will, in return, look for quality in your JV offers from others as well and determine if it is beneficial for you to take up the partnership.
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  • Profile picture of the author missm2m
    Originally Posted by Chris Ramsey View Post


    - so I could better lend a hand.

    Here's three mistakes that keep popping up...

    ........3. Not associating with others

    IMers, in general, tend to be loners. We like to sit in front of our computers all day every day working.

    It wasn't until I started congregating with other IMers (online or otherwise) that I saw a big increase in my online income.

    Here's the facts... You need help from other people. I need it every day.

    If you can find a group of people to associate with that are at least one level above where you are, they're going to help you make a LOT more money.

    Think of one single thing that you can do today to impress someone that's making more money online doing what you want to do, and do it. Get them to notice you and you'll find that they'll quickly be your friend.

    So, those are just three of the big things you need to watch out for... What else can you think of?

    Chris, thank you for wanting to better lend a hand! I emailed and sent you a PM when you were online here yesterday but I'll try this to see if you'll see this reply here! Hope so!

    You said it's great to meet with others so I'm taking you up on that because you said you benefit from it also. I think it'd be beneficial to you then...

    Why? Because I'm right here in your home town. I've learned it all myself, just like all of us, like you say, right in front of this screen. I've got training from best of the best too... and it all comes down to implementing.

    I've set up a store front in Offline. I've got lists of several thousands. I've had 90% of my sites on page 1 or 2 of Google in less than 3 days, sometimes in 30 mins... and maintained... I've narrowed myself down to 2 main specialties and am 'mastering' them! I've been a resident of Central FL for almost 20 years and working in the offline niche is just evolving because of the need, not because I found myself seeking it!

    Like I mentioned in my email, I'd love to meet with you in person like you wrote about. Even though I've known you here in WF and saw that you lived here also, it wasn't until your post that I thought it'd be great. Like you say, we tend to stay by ourselves behind this monitor.

    Hopefully, you meant what you said!! Yes?? Thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author mattbaehr
    Amen - I am stuck on #1. I am trying to test several different things, but spreading myself too thin. But, as they say, the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.
    Get Your Own .EDU Pages for Less than $10 a Piece!! - How would you like to have your own content, anchor text and links on a .edu domain? You control it all from the text to the links. Now you can!
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    All good points, Chris. Since you asked for more, another big mistake is to let fear hold you back. I see a lot of people afraid of making mistakes so they do nothing, or play it way to safe to find success. Some equate mistakes with failure and take it personally.


    Mistakes are just learning experiences. Failures are just results. Neither defines who you are unless you choose to let them define you.

    Many people would succeed a lot faster if they made more mistakes and experienced more failure.

    Get over the illusion that you have to be perfect or have perfect knowledge -- it will cripple you.

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Faber
    Originally Posted by Chris Ramsey View Post

    3. Not associating with others

    IMers, in general, tend to be loners. We like to sit in front of our computers all day every day working.

    It wasn't until I started congregating with other IMers (online or otherwise) that I saw a big increase in my online income.

    Here's the facts... You need help from other people. I need it every day.

    If you can find a group of people to associate with that are at least one level above where you are, they're going to help you make a LOT more money.

    Think of one single thing that you can do today to impress someone that's making more money online doing what you want to do, and do it. Get them to notice you and you'll find that they'll quickly be your friend.

    So, those are just three of the big things you need to watch out for... What else can you think of?
    That one is positively huge. If you're not leveraging the power of relationships, you're leaving much of your success on the table. It is something I realized way too late. Now that I have, things are starting to roll along much better. Too bad it only took 5+ years for me to realize what I was missing.

    One of the warriors here wrote a post on the power of relationships a few months ago that took this even further. I think it was Eric L, but I can't remember for sure. In any case, great relationships are extremely important in business, both online and off.
    For Killer Marketing Tips that Will Grow Your Business Follow Me on Twitter Now
    After all, you're probably following a few hundred people already that aren't doing squat for you.....
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  • Profile picture of the author Jake Toney
    Amen Brother! I would have to say that in some cases #2 is because there's a lack of expertise that would result in anything positive...In other words, no real skills! Good post though...and definitely something that we all can extract value from, in varying degress of course!

    Jake Toney
    Digital Product Creator

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