What Makes You Come Alive?

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It's really important to focus on what we are passionate about, or discover it if you don't know already. For there are certain things that make each of us come alive. I love to hike, spend time in nature, write, take pictures, topics of psychology, volunteer at a Center for Women's Ministries that reaches out to hurting women as well as work with children and hear people's stories. These things make me come alive. Being free to spend time on these things makes my life so rich. We live more fully when we spend our time on things that resonate with us. Now, it's good to think about these things, and spend time doing the things that make us come alive, for nothing serves as a greater motivator to work hard and make your business successful as getting a taste of what it feels like to live doing things that you are passionate about. It is helpful to discern our passions and what we are really good at for the effectiveness of our business as well. For there are some ways of marketing that come more easily, that we're good at because they resonate with our personality. So find these things and utilize them for the benefit of your business. The great thing about working for yourself, on your own schedule, is that there is more freedom and opportunity to do those things that makes one come alive.

#alive #makes

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