Odd question on marketing motivation

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Hi My Friends:

I have a rather odd question on some marketing I have seen lately. I really don't understand the motivation of the marketer. I don't understand exactly what they are trying to accomplish. I guess that makes me naive.

I put a site up a couple of months ago with an energy products. Local energy production, ok. Nothing else.

I also opened an account on facebook and twitter. I know the links are "no follow" but still it gets a little exposure for my site.

I regularly get e-mails from someone at Twitter saying that they are following me and asking me to follow them also and I automotically click on it to follow them also. Not a matter of a lot of attention. Just routine. Ten seconds, maybe. Mostly same industry.

Then i noticed last week that one of the offers picture was of a naked lady. I looked back and I had automatically clicked to follow several ladies like this. They all showed no followers and seventy or so that they were following. Shows they were out really hustling. but I am not sure what and why they would want to follow me in the energy industry. The pictures are really small and I am glad my wife doesn't see any better than I do.

But I don't understand why they want to follow a bunch of people. These are "no follow" links. i know I am naive.



Home Power Generation - Assessment of Home Power Generation Products.
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