Best guide to creating your own product?

28 replies
Hi guys.

2011 is the time for me to create my own product. I've been researching the market and I have some rough ideas on products that will help.

Thing is that I could do with a really good guide to follow. A 'real' system that is proven to work.

I've come across the Product Launch Formula, but do you guys know of any others?
#creating #guide #product
  • Based on what I've seen, the best way to go about it is to look at some other successful products that you have seen and have been helpful to you and try to emulate that style.

    Try finding a product you really like, make a point form list of the reasons you really like it, and try to create a product that will fulfill those same things.

    This is probably not helpful at all, but like the previous poster alluded to, there probably isn't a guide to help you with this kind of thing - you just have to do it...

    Good luck!

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  • Profile picture of the author cheekeong.tan
    Hi freelance,

    May i ask why you want to make your own product ?
    To List building / Make money / give away ?

    If can afford to spent on Product Launch Formula, there are many more great coaching program you can look into (depending on what's your answer for the first question)

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    • Profile picture of the author iamchrisgreen
      Originally Posted by cheekeong.tan View Post

      Hi freelance,

      May i ask why you want to make your own product ?
      To List building / Make money / give away ?
      I want multiple products in the same niche.

      Simple ones that build lists.
      More established ones to make money.
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      • Profile picture of the author Robert Boduch
        Originally Posted by freelance4money View Post

        I want multiple products in the same niche.

        Simple ones that build lists.
        More established ones to make money.
        Excellent! So you want to really make a splash in a specific market and have multiple products to offer as you grow your business. Sticking to the same niche makes this growth a more natural process.

        If you've infiltrated your market already, you may be keenly attuned to what it is that they want and need. If not, start digging... and never stop this part of it.The more tapped in you are, the better you'll be able to offer on-target solutions that are well-received in the marketplace.

        Begin at the obvious starting point - with a free report to build your list of prospects and to get your name out there in your niche. Don't try to cover a broad subject in one free report though. Find one idea... one angle... one method...or a series of quick tips your prospective customers will helpful and valuable.

        With a title that's written along the lines of a short headline, you can be off to the races in no time at all. If you need any inspiration, check out some of the most popular threads on the WSO forum... or any of the news-magazine sites like sympatico or There are tons of sources around. You'll find short, punchy headlines and with something similar, it will be easy to shape a product around it. "How To..." or "21 Ways To..." are proven approaches... but there are LOTS more too.

        It's good to have an idea of what you're trying to create from the get go... and always prepare an outline -- and adjust it to suit the scope of your project -- before you begin and you'll stay on course.

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  • Profile picture of the author tee_emm
    Are you talking about phyiscal products or websites?
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Boduch
    Creating products is easy. Creating products that sell in terrific numbers, month after month and year after year - not so much. Of course it all depends on the market and the specific approach you take with your product/solution and the marketing systems you put in place.

    Rather than searching for the one "really good guide" that will provide you with every conceivable answer, I suggest absorbing all you can from this very forum... and picking a few stellar products from fellow warriors like Mike MacMillan, Trevor Emdon (wizardofwisdom), CDarklock, Steve Manning and others.

    Occasionally, I've found some real gems listed here as WSO's. But others, like Steve Manning's How To Write A Book About Anything in 14 Days will cost considerably more. I can also highly recommend Eben Pagan's Guru Blueprint program when it becomes available again, though it carries a price tag of about $2K.

    There are dozens of different ways you can approach product creation. For example, you can interview experts, write a report or ebook, create an audio training series or monthly podcasts, write a Amazon book, or produce a complete set of videos course -- or combine all of these into one massive program.

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  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Michal
    PM me, I may have just the thing for you.
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    • Profile picture of the author KevinTorrence
      Here's my best recommendation for product creation:

      Look up fellow Warrior: Kevin Riley's - "Product Creation Labs" (google him)

      He had tons of tightly targetted "recipes" that are LOADED with step by step screen shots, good clear directions, and they are VERY affordable (cheap!).

      He covers everything from niche research, how to write/build your product, how to market in various channels (articles, video, jv's , etc, etc).


      Look him up.
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  • Profile picture of the author StevenJones
    Originally Posted by freelance4money View Post

    Hi guys.

    2011 is the time for me to create my own product. I've been researching the market and I have some rough ideas on products that will help.

    Thing is that I could do with a really good guide to follow. A 'real' system that is proven to work.

    I've come across the Product Launch Formula, but do you guys know of any others?
    There are many many eBooks and guides on this matter, but I still vouch for the mind, personal interest and such. What do you want to write about and is this in your interest area are the two basics questions I ask myself when I start to write a guide/eBook.

    I hope you will do this before taking that digital pen (keyboard) and write.
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  • Profile picture of the author iamchrisgreen
    Originally Posted by Chris Kent View Post

    Product Launch Formula is overkill for the total beginner product creator, in my opinion, though a great course.

    What is it specifically that you are looking for. I know it would be great to find the "ideal course" but it won't build the product for you.

    Do you know why you need a course? Or have you been delaying and delay and indecisive and not making a start on a product and need some sort of an excuse to do so?

    I am not being patronising, only trying to drill down to what you need exactly.
    Hi Chris

    That's an excellent question and I appreciate the challenging attitude.

    I've had this in the back of my mind for over two years (while working on other projects) and not been able to make a start.

    I am suffering from information overload from reading people's opinions on product creation and just need some kind of blueprint to follow.

    I imagine having the following products:

    > Set's of ebooks on subjects within the niche.
    > Video guides.
    > A membership site where you can access what you have paid for.
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  • Profile picture of the author PLR Basket
    The fastest way to create a product is by re-purposing PLR.
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    • Profile picture of the author iamchrisgreen
      Originally Posted by Chris Moore View Post

      The fastest way to create a product is by re-purposing PLR.
      I hear what you're saying, but the market I am going for need really high quality info.

      Unless there's a way of getting high quality PLR?
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      • Profile picture of the author smartdoctor
        Creating a product is one of the easiest way to make money online I have done my market survey well and I am pretty sure this is the way to the fuuture. But make sure you know your market well before you roll out your product all it will turn out to be a total failure. What kind of products are you intending to develop? E books? If so talk to me.
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      • Profile picture of the author PLR Basket
        Originally Posted by freelance4money View Post

        I hear what you're saying, but the market I am going for need really high quality info.

        Unless there's a way of getting high quality PLR?
        If you're a writer you can always improve the quality of the PLR you're working with...
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  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    Maybe I am wrong but the "product creation" in itself seems to be the easiest part of IM.: you can do it yourself from scratch, you can outsource it, you can 'compile' some info in a new product etc.

    For me the biggest lesson when I started flirting with IM was
    - to do the proper market research BEFORE thinking of a product
    - finding ways to get your message (product) in front of the hungry buyers AFTER you have the product

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  • Profile picture of the author Dayne Dylan
    Creating info products is easy.

    Getting highly targeted traffic though can take some work (besides PPC that is).
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    • Profile picture of the author iamchrisgreen
      Originally Posted by Dayne Dylan View Post

      Creating info products is easy.

      Getting highly targeted traffic though can take some work (besides PPC that is).
      It's only easy if you know what you're doing ...

      I know SEO and traffic generation, but i've never created a product, so for me it's the other way round.
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      • Profile picture of the author paulie888
        Originally Posted by freelance4money View Post

        It's only easy if you know what you're doing ...

        I know SEO and traffic generation, but i've never created a product, so for me it's the other way round.
        So it seems like you're pretty comfortable with quite a few things in IM, but can't quite wrap your head around product creation. I also see that you mentioned about Product Launch Formula, so I wonder what exactly are you having issues with?

        Is it product creation, or the marketing aspect of it (after you've created it), that is causing you to look around for guidance? Which area are you having the most issues with?

        >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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        • Profile picture of the author iamchrisgreen
          Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

          Is it product creation, or the marketing aspect of it (after you've created it), that is causing you to look around for guidance? Which area are you having the most issues with?

          Hi Paul

          It's mainly creating the product.

          > How in depth does the info need to be?
          > How do I differentiate the guide so it's valuable?
          > If I have video as well, how do I package that up with the ebook?
          > Should I stick it all in a wordpress membership site so that people can watch the videos and read the guides?

          That kind of thing.

          Then ... when it's created, do I sell through something like Clickbank or set up my own affiliate thing?
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  • Profile picture of the author Az Ozegbe
    Creating a product is very easy but what matters most is how to make
    the cash from the product created.Produce,promote and market the
    right kind of products and you are on your way to success in 2011.

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  • Profile picture of the author brendan301
    Originally Posted by freelance4money View Post

    Hi guys.

    2011 is the time for me to create my own product. I've been researching the market and I have some rough ideas on products that will help.

    Thing is that I could do with a really good guide to follow. A 'real' system that is proven to work.

    I've come across the Product Launch Formula, but do you guys know of any others?
    check the wso section for guides, there's some good stuff in there.
    jason fladlien has a good course on creating info products quickly, sayer's simple ebook sorcery is pretty good as well.
    i've heard good things about cdarklock's wsos on product creation.

    however here's a free tip - a quick easy way to create a product is to rewrite/modify a plr product, or compile a series of plr articles on a subject, combine then and voila, you have a "report" that you could sell.
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  • Profile picture of the author HaiFu
    If you want low cost course on product creation then I would recommend Geoff Shaw. He is also member here.

    His courses are the real deal.

    If you got more (far more) money then get Eben Pagan's Guru Blueprint. It's A to Z to produce and launch information products.

    Both the authors made money with what they are teaching. So, their systems are pretty "real"
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  • Profile picture of the author Mohammad Afaq
    Maddi Murtaza's Product Creation Coaching.

    I know he opened up the third session about 5 days ago and just 2 days ago he had two spots left.

    Check it out:

    “The first draft of anything is shit.” ~Ernest Hemingway

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  • Profile picture of the author Diver's
    i think Kevin Riley has some guide/Lab on Creating Product.. check his name on the search tab..
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    • Profile picture of the author ELK
      Whoever mentioned doing your research first, that's the key. You said you knew you needed pretty solid info, you had some rough ideas of what you wanted to do, etc.

      Do you know what the market wants? Do you have some answers to their burning questions? I remember recently reading someone's suggestion not to just write about what you like, write about what will sell.

      Maybe one way to consider the focus of your product is to think of one of those burning questions. If you can do that, you may find some that are more specific and others that are more broad. Take that question, brainstorm angles, sub-questions, areas you know you'd need to explain, etc. See how long your list is for a few of them and go from there.

      I've recently purchased Tiffany Dow's PLR ATM and I was using her technique for getting some article titles for a topic. I just used the global searches column for Google Adwords in descending order, most to least popular. Took out any repeating ones, kept all that had the main keyword in it or something very relevant (and marketable), and there I had nearly twenty titles.

      As it happens, the topic she chose was depression. Since I'm a mental health professional and plan on focusing on those types of topics, that was really helpful! Anyway, I saw how those could possibly be used as subtitles for a larger guide/ebook/report, or they could each be titles for separate articles. OR, as Tiffany mentioned, you could go even deeper with some of them (those that maybe had more searches) and create a 5-pack just on that subtopic.

      So, I don't think you are looking at creating PLR, but that exercise really helped me see the "scope" of potential projects, which is what I think you are trying to do. Kind of like trying to clearly see Mt Rushmore in one of those viewfinder things. How close is too close, or too fuzzy, or too far away?

      Hope that helps - that process has been one of my bigger stumbling blocks, and I hope to move through it more smoothly.

      Quality handcrafted PLR articles made by me, a mental health professional and freelance writer

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  • Profile picture of the author Franck Silvestre
    Hi Freelance,

    Here are my replies:

    > How in depth does the info need to be?

    Your first product should set up the foundation. I mean that each chapter will be the title for another book in the future.

    > How do I differentiate the guide so it's valuable?

    Make it a case study. This is a GREAT USP, because you will be the only one on the whole web with this story. Nobody can find it anywhere else.

    If you look at the IM launches for example, you'll see that most of them are just a story. "How a 23 years old super cool dude made $283.939.99 last year with free traffic", etc...

    > If I have video as well, how do I package that up with the ebook?

    Start fast with just an ebook and get videos later on. Start to sell fast

    > Should I stick it all in a wordpress membership site so that people can watch the videos and read the guides?

    Start without membership site, just sell the ebook, you can add this later.

    Bottom line, get started with a quality report or audio, or video (you choose). Get it out there, get subscribers feedbacks, create a new version, make it better, and start recruting affiliates to promote for you.

    This is how I do it.

    NOTE: Think about your backend BEFORE creating your first product.


    PS. Sent you a PM
    Former Body Guard, Now REAL Traffic & List Building Coach
    >> HOT WSO: Six Figure Solo Sellers <<

    Winson Yeung said: "...Definitively A++ recommended WSO"
    Kevin Riley said: "Franck, glad to see you bringing out MORE and MORE GREAT stuff"
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    • Profile picture of the author iamchrisgreen
      Originally Posted by aboutalhah View Post

      NOTE: Think about your backend BEFORE creating your first product.


      PS. Sent you a PM
      Does the product on the PM you sent me outline this too?
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