This Is My Best Christmas Ever; Merry Christmas from King Shiloh

by King Shiloh Banned
15 replies
Why the best?

1. The first Christmas I'm celebrating with Warriors.

2. The first Christmas I'm celebrating online.

3. The first Christmas I'm celebrating with some dollars breathing in my Clickbank.

4. The first Christmas I'm celebrating with some unimaginable presents from Warriors.

5. The first Christmas I'm celebrating with a full sense of fulfillment.

Thank you Allen. Thank you my Warrior Family & Friends including Alexa Smith, Kevin Riley, CDarklock (Caliban), Richard Van, Bollytintin, TMG Enterprises
(Tina), Zabrina, dbarnum, Mattlaclear (Matt), Caleb Spilchen, tpw (Bill), Michael Oksa, Paul Myers, Thomas Belknap, Sheryl Polomka, Lisa Gergets, sanssecret (San), AidenChong (Aiden), Kim Standerline, garyfromdurham, Willie Crawford, Steve Wagenheim, R Hagel, KimW (Kim), Dennis Gaskill, Kim Roach, jwenberg (Jeff)...Honestly, the list is endless but please don't be offended if I didn't mention your name.

All I can say is that I'm very happy on this happy and special day.

Warriors, you are the bomb! Warrior Forum rocks!!

Merry Christmas from King Shiloh in Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

Let the drums roooooooooooooll!
#christmas #king #merry #shiloh

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