by voiceofreason Banned
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As I set up my latest network of blogs, I have found myself asking the question: "Which works better? A review site similar to the conduit method, or a standard presell template?

I was browsing through Warriorforum today and ran across a thread that mentioned a presell template far outselling a review site. Obviously each persons experience will be different depending on how well each site is setup, and which niche you are targeting.

But let's see if we can get some discussion going here. In your experience:

1. What pulls better? A presell landing/mini-site, or a review page?

2. Do you prefer setting these up on blogs, or on standard HTML site?

3. Do you find a minimalist design works best, or more graphic heavy, "easy on the eyes" design?

So far, I've only tested traditional landing sites. I am just now kicking off a small round of review sites, so I'll definitely report my results.

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