My small contribution for cross domain add displays...

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Hey all,

I have been playing around with ways to have all my adds in a central place, and then load them from ANYWHERE.

The key was to be able to change the adds on the central repository, but, do nothing on all the pages they load to start with.

So, this is what I came up with.

First, you need a small JavaScript file, which you can name whatever you want:

var myads =
document.writeln('<iframe src="', myads[Math.floor(Math.random()*myads.length)],'" id="addframe" name="addframe"width="100%" frameborder=0 height="100%"><\/iframe>');
The HTML files with the adds, should NOT include HEAD and BODY tags!

Also be aware that if the add is any more than a couple of lines, you will need to play around with: height="100%", and change it to pixels and not %.

Now, all you need to do, is add this one line on ANY domain, on ANY page, for your adds to run:

<script language=javascript src=""></script>
That's it! Now, on those pages, you will have your adds display randomly. When you want to add or remove adds, you just need to edit the 1 JavaScript file.

You can add in as many lines for the HTML adds as you want!

You can even do this for multiple niches. Just have a separate directory, or sub-directory for each niche you want adds to run for.

#add #contribution #cross #displays #domain #small

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