Backlinking, Article Writing or On-Site Content Creation

10 replies
Imaginary Scenario:

You've done your niche research. Completed thorough keyword research. And, finally, launched you site.

If you only had 1 or 2 hours a day to spend, for the next month, to get your site ranked and attract traffic, and could only do one of these activities - build backlinks, submit articles to the directories, or post content to your site - which would you spend the time on, and why?

I know that all of these things need to be done, and other things as well, but wanted to know what others would do.

#article #backlinking #content #creation #onsite #writing
  • Profile picture of the author Steven Fullman
    In your scenario -- if you want instant traffic -- write articles. Because article directories will have existing traffic.

    In practise, I'd write my own stuff on my own blog (you'd be amazed how much traffic you'll get!)

    Not promoting right now

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  • Profile picture of the author webapex
    Wiyjin those limitations, it sounds like 3 different formulas for failure. I always hear that a balanced organic approach is needed to achieve lasting search ranking. Why not tackle a different aspect each day, content monday, article writing tuesday, article distribution wednesday, etc.

    Providing you have perhaps 10 pages min content in a niche site, articles appear to be a more powerful traffic and seo source than junky free backlinks.

    “An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field” Niels Bohr

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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Hines
    Thanks for the feedback. Just to be clear - I don't intend on focusing on only one, just wanted to see what different people would hop on as the vehicle of choice if they absolutely had to choose only one, and why that would be their preferred method.

    I agree that most people can't get by with doing only one, just a hypothetical question.

    The answers so far are great and very helpful.
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    • Profile picture of the author leclaims
      To answer your original question, I would submit articles. Not only can you get traffic, you also build backlinks by linking from them. That covers two out of the three activities that you listed!
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      • Profile picture of the author Ted_B
        Without a doubt, writing articles. They generate traffic in a hurry and also provide valuable backlinks. They're a great investment of your time.

        Searching for the best content? Look no further! Here are the Best Niche PLR Packs available.

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  • Profile picture of the author MillionaireStudio
    Ideally, I'd spend 20 minutes on all three! Building backlinks seems fairly pointless if you're not consistently generating content to send those links to, and posting articles to directories I'd personally replace with guest posting on high traffic blogs in my niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jake Gray
    I started doing Article Submission a few days ago, Already noticing a huge amount of traffic increase.
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  • Profile picture of the author James247
    It depends on the type of website you're trying to work on. That said, I'd recommend you to build your cornerstone content first and then do some guest blogging - this will get you BOTH backlinks and new audience as your articles get wider exposure.

    Article marketing - when used properly with services like UAW - can complement your link-building endeavors significantly (but I'd still prefer writing guest posts for high traffic websites in your niche).

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  • Profile picture of the author bizman413
    Definetly not just writing content. Though this may drive some traffic. It will not bring tons. Unless of course you are GREAT at SEO
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  • Profile picture of the author edhoyz
    Social bookmarking and dummy blogging. I will try article submission too.
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