Best Day / Time To Post EzineArticle Articles?

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I have been testing and tweaking this. And I have come up with an equation.

I normally post on thursdays. WHY?....

Simple really.....

You see on thursdays, I post my articles to EA as it has the best results, and I get my articles accepted by friday 24 - 48 hours normally. (i.e. because I have over 803 articles now, and I am a premium member)

So my articles get accepted by friday or monday the next week at the latest latest. Then they get high traffic exposure 48 hours after this. That takes me to to TUES and WED of the following week....the two days where the traffic coming to my site doubles anyway...even before I was doing articles. These two days are good I think because it is not the start of the week, where people have to panic and get to work, to start their crumby 9-5 job. And it is not the end of the week, where people are dreaming of what they will be getting up to on the weekend.

I am still testing this, but I just want to maximize my article marketing efforts. To milk every last drop from my efforts and to make the most amount of sales possible.

Please add your testing below, if you have a better day that you found to post your articles that you think gets maximum results.
#articles #day #ezinearticle #post #time

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