Quick Way To $50k This Month

160 replies
I know that number may seem unreachable, or huge
to you. Don't worry. It's not only possible it's really
pennies compared to the infinite possibilities there are
to generate income online.

My THEORY is that most peoples (Including marketers)
minds still haven't caught up with the power of the

Anyone who thinks about a "recession" mind hasn't
caught up with the power of the internet.

You think economic times can really stop you from making
a measly $50k per month online? Honestly.

The only reason you can't make $50k this month is
because of your limited mindset (PERIOD).

Forums like this are good to find gems, but as I find the
average marketer on here have severely limited minds. no offense.

I had a very limited mind to. Hell at one point I just wanted to make
$200 per day.

Now that I look back, it was me focusing on just $200 per day
that made me struggle to make that.

In my mind I was programmed to think you have to struggle
online before you made it big. Going from $2k - $5k- $10k - etc... per

But the truth is you can go from $2k this month, to $20k the next month
to $50k, to $100k per month the next.

Now that sounds crazy right? Thats what I use to think.

But then once you really embody that you are only limited by your concepts of

So in essence what you're doing is taking a limitless resource like THE INTERNET
and putting a cap on it. When you focus on just making $5k per month, and thats
your goal, then you're going to struggle and Journey to make $5k per month.

Me and my partner have been doing really extensive study into
the mind/spirit and how it relates to building a business.

I guarantee you, that once you say set a real goal of making
$50k this month. A few things will happen. (It happens for everybody)

I personally like to ask the question, "How Can I Provide $100k worth of
service and value."

Doesn't really matter how you phrase it.

Anyways once that happens you will begin to get some great
inspired ideas. And those ideas will generate at least $50k if

So the million dollar question is, why don't you
implement the ideas that pop into your head?

Well for most people its a combination of Self Esteem / Limited Thinking

You may get the idea to go offline and start targeting small businesses
and helping them get online.

Now that will make your $50k this month.

Usually you'll find that right after that thought is the objection

"But I don't know enough about Internet marketing to help a business"

"I'm not smart enough"

"I haven't generated enough income online yet"

"I haven't struggled enough and built myself from the ground up"

Or 1 million other things that stops you dead in your tracks.

Then after the objection thought, the excuse mechanism kicks

"I don't have enough resources to do that"

"The owner probably wouldn't talk to me anyone"

"I'm so busy I don't have the time".

Usually it goes like this

Great Idea - Objection - Excuse - Excuse - Excuse - New though/end of idea

Here is some reality for that ass...

If you were to keep asking yourself why, why not, and "Who said" after every
objection and excuse you'll find that executing that idea starts with
taking the first small step. Which leads into the next step, than the next.

It may just be picking up the phone.

I've found the biggest battle in making $50k in a month (online/offline)
really has nothing to do with generating traffic, building a list, or writing
sales copy.

The biggest battle is breaking out of the limited mentality box that you
see all over marketing/business forums, blogs, and other marketers.

Just because someone says you have to struggle for 6 months to
get to $50k per month doesn't mean it's true.

Most people limit themselves to the same terrible formula for making it
"Big online"

Squeeze Page - Sales page - $27-$97 product.

Of course selling a $27 product it's going to be hard to make $50k per month.

So ask yourself why the hell are you only selling a $27 product?

You should have at least at $1k consulting program in whatever niche
you're in.

In fact I would even say $5k. Again I find the problem isn't that you can't
find people that will gladly pay $5k for your services.

The problem is you don't believe your services are worth $5k.

But you have to realize you don't set the worth on your services.
You estimate it, and the customer has the final say.

(As a tip always under-estimate the value of your service)

Get out of the small limited box most struggling marketers are closed into.

Writing Articles
Submitting Blog Posts
Posting on Forums
Selling $47 ebooks

None of those things are going to get you to $50k this month. And personally
it takes to much energy.

I'll give you an example.

I'm in the music production niche'... When I started I just had an
ebook for sale. Then it graduated into an audio an ebook course.

Then it graduated to an ebook/Audio/Video course.

But at the end of the day I still could only charge $67-$97 bucks.

I'd have to sell alot of courses every month to make $100k per month.

Now Multi-platinum producers COME TO ME, to help them.

How much more can I charge a famouse multi-platinum producer
than someone sitting on the couch with the 9-5?

Here's where my revelation came. I could have started off
going after multi-platinum producers in the from day one.

What I'm teaching them I could have taught them when
I first started.

But my limited mindset told me that I had to do it the way
everybody else on forums etc... tell me to do it.

Now I realize that the resource we call the internet is
INFINITE and you don't have to limit "Internet Marketing"
to ebooks, squeeze pages, and blogs.

So if you want to make $50k this month, start by writing
it down, and when that great idea pops into your head,
just tackle it without delay.

Think outside of the box.


Due to the amount of people this post touched me and my partner
decided to create a few (FREE) No strings attatched videos to
help you grow your business.

#$50k #month #quick
  • Profile picture of the author DonTino
    Great post, thanks a lot for it.

    That one hit the nail on the head:
    The problem is you don't believe your services are worth $5k.

    But you have to realize you don't set the worth on your services.
    You estimate it, and the customer has the final say.
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  • Profile picture of the author James Schramko
    Fish for whales. I said the same thing in the offline thread. It is much easier to deal with your premium clients than to get a lot of small ones.
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  • Profile picture of the author flnz400
    HOORAY! Now we're talking my talk! Good post.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jason Fladlien
      Sounds great. How many 4 figure coaching and consulting programs to do you run, and how do you sell them? I'd be interested in knowing your methods so I can apply them to my business and make 50K a month as well, because I'm only making 10K right now.


      Co-creator of WP Twin. Perhaps the most expensive yet most reliable wordress cloning tool on the market. We've definitely been used more successfully than all other options :)

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      • Profile picture of the author Daniel E Taylor
        Originally Posted by Jason Fladlien View Post

        Sounds great. How many 4 figure coaching and consulting programs to do you run, and how do you sell them? I'd be interested in knowing your methods so I can apply them to my business and make 50K a month as well, because I'm only making 10K right now.

        Great questions Jason.

        The truth is you can answer those questions better than anyone
        on this planet.

        Sit down one night when you're by yourself and ask yourself
        those same questions. You'll come up with the answers guaranteed.
        How do I know? Because you already know the answers you've just
        never asked yourself the question and became receptive to the

        Don't take this for "airy fairy" mysticism. In fact it's nothing
        mystical at all. It's the way your brain operates.

        What worked for me may not exactly work for you. I run different
        consulting prgrams in different niches, and they work differently.

        I'll give you an example.

        In the music production niche all I did was contact a producer on
        Myspace.com and told him about what I was doing.

        Then I just kept contacting major producers on myspace. I believed
        100% in what I was offering so I had the confidence to propose it.

        I wish there was some very complicated process, but it really is that

        The battle isn't in whether you can find the people to pay you. They're
        everywhere. The battle is seeing yourself worth that type of money.

        Why do you think places like myspaces are havens for good

        To add 500 friends per day to advertise your $37

        Or finding partners, high end clients, and mentors?

        Always remember technology makes things EASIER. Not
        the other way around.


        Self Actualization is one's true purpose. Everything
        else is an illusion.

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        • Profile picture of the author David_Thompson
          Originally Posted by Daniel E Taylor View Post

          Great questions Jason.

          The truth is you can answer those questions better than anyone
          on this planet.

          Sit down one night when you're by yourself and ask yourself
          those same questions. You'll come up with the answers guaranteed.
          How do I know? Because you already know the answers you've just
          never asked yourself the question and became receptive to the

          Don't take this for "airy fairy" mysticism. In fact it's nothing
          mystical at all. It's the way your brain operates.

          What worked for me may not exactly work for you. I run different
          consulting prgrams in different niches, and they work differently.

          I'll give you an example.

          In the music production niche all I did was contact a producer on
          Myspace.com and told him about what I was doing.

          Then I just kept contacting major producers on myspace. I believed
          100% in what I was offering so I had the confidence to propose it.

          I wish there was some very complicated process, but it really is that

          The battle isn't in whether you can find the people to pay you. They're
          everywhere. The battle is seeing yourself worth that type of money.

          Why do you think places like myspaces are havens for good

          To add 500 friends per day to advertise your $37

          Or finding partners, high end clients, and mentors?

          Always remember technology makes things EASIER. Not
          the other way around.

          Damm you Daniel for saying that I have the magic wand already,
          didn't you know you're not suppose to say that the guru's
          might come knocking on your door soon...lol

          It will keep them from selling dreams...lol

          Just joking guys...

          This is one wicked post people copy and post to your
          pc monitor...brilliant..

          JV partnership wanted, Lets grow your list for free. Nothing to do with giveaways. PM Now
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[293976].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author luckystar
    Your write up can be called mentality expander.

    good work and remainder.

    Click http://www.thecurepoint.com/makemoneyonline to learn how to make money using automated email marketing platform

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  • Profile picture of the author Ron Douglas
    Originally Posted by Daniel E Taylor View Post

    Get out of the small limited box most struggling marketers are closed into.

    Writing Articles
    Submitting Blog Posts
    Posting on Forums
    Selling $47 ebooks

    None of those things are going to get you to $50k this month. And personally
    it takes to much energy.

    I'm so glad you posted this Daniel because many people on this forum need to hear it.

    The months in which I've done over $50k were because my goal was more like $100k. And making that amount didn't include writing articles or the other small minded strategies preached as the bible on this forum every day.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ken Preuss
    THANK YOU to one of my favorite posters here......who always tells it like it really is.

    If you are reading this thread still looking for a magic pill, re-read what Daniel wrote in the OP....as well as what he wrote a couple posts above this one.

    You are the magic pill.
    You are the magic pill.
    You are the magic pill.


    Coming soon for all you IM junkies... The Internet Daily Show

    A Secret to Success: Making serious money online or offline is not complex unto itself - we're the ones who complicate it. Simply sell them what they are already buying.

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    • Profile picture of the author rafaelapolinario
      Originally Posted by Ken Preuss View Post

      THANK YOU to one of my favorite posters here......who always tells it like it really is.

      If you are reading this thread still looking for a magic pill, re-read what Daniel wrote in the OP....as well as what he wrote a couple posts above this one.

      You are the magic pill.
      You are the magic pill.
      You are the magic pill.

      Yes, indeed you are a magic pill, Daniel. Your post motivates me to go work and earn my first 50k this month.

      Much success,
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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Ratliff
    Daniel, you are a true inspiration man, I appreciate the original post and the response to Jason's question.

    It's takes about the same effort to sell 10 $5,000 coaching seats...as it does to sell 100 $50 ebooks. The mental challenges you seem to be pointing out here are the reasons/excuses that more people don't sell the bigger tickets.
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    • Profile picture of the author netkickstart
      Originally Posted by Joseph Ratliff View Post

      It's takes about the same effort to sell 10 $5,000 coaching seats...as it does to sell 100 $50 ebooks. The mental challenges you seem to be pointing out here are the reasons/excuses that more people don't sell the bigger tickets.
      Same effort or less? The argument for big ticket items is usually that it takes less effort. Assuming the effort is equivalent, wouldn't we want to opt for 100 sales in this example, so as to reach and help more people?
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      • Profile picture of the author MaskedMarketer
        Originally Posted by opportunitiesaplenty View Post

        What you're worth to your customers is a reflection of the value you provide to them. That's for them to decide. In many such cases people devalue themselves and think way too small.

        That's exactly correct.

        What your worth is directly effected by your self image. You can't outgrow your self image as that's part of a limiting belief you put on yourself. That's the difference between 50k a day and 10k a month.

        There's fine examples in this thread of what not to become..

        Especially if you're in business for yourself/ small business/ entrepreneur, your business is a reflection of yourself. Improving your self image improves all areas of life.

        Jay Abraham is a good example of a successful entrepreneur with high prices. Sure, he might be a natural born entrepreneur, but there's more to it than just being a natural.

        Originally Posted by opportunitiesaplenty View Post

        I had a consulting friend that took a company that was losing $1,000,000 a month and made it profitable by adjusting their product line. How much was that information worth to them? Unfortunately for him he only charged them an hourly consulting fee for his services. He had no contingency fee contract for residual revenue.
        Jay Abraham has an upfront fee and 50% of all future business (i think). Get paid what you're worth take half.Why do it for less? That reminds me of the internet company I worked with then they were only doing 1 million a month and losing money. After the marketing director became CEO (he changed the website name and added about 8 more sites over the years) the company went to about 8+ million a month and into profit zone.

        (marketing is the largest leverage in business)

        Under this marketing (business growth expert) director he did the biggest internet deal in 2006 and probably for at least 3-5 years, of 60 million dollars. The board of directors handed over 60 million to the company, not a bad deal.

        And He was getting PAID. Now he works for another company- all he does it grow businesses to 100's of millions of dollars/billions and goes to the next business (while taking residuals and lots of profits). Thats how its done by experts.

        No reason you or others can't do the same.

        Besides changing up the sites- I can tell you banner advertising, PPC, and affiliate marketing made that company.Thats what the CEO did- you guys all know it and can do the same.(he actually won 3 stevie business awards for himself and the company- because he's an expert marketer and consultant.)
        Originally Posted by opportunitiesaplenty View Post

        That is partially because he knew very little about their business before he agreed to the consulting job, so he didn't feel his services were worth more than his standard, hourly rate. Big mistake.
        Yes, BIG MISTAKE, lol! If you're a consultant, you better know marketing inside and out as its the largest leverage in a business.

        If you know marketing (not just internet marketing) then you can grow any business.
        Originally Posted by opportunitiesaplenty View Post

        Remember, there is no can not; only do or do not.
        I love it!

        Originally Posted by David_Thompson View Post

        Hey Steven,
        maybe it was something in your post that made him reply that way...
        Yeah- it was his post

        Silly me for replying- he doesn't even put the advice into action and blasts me :rolleyes:

        "One Man's Ceiling is Another Man's Floor

        "I Pay Less Attention to What Men Say. I Just Watch What They Do."
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  • Sounds like somebody was listening to Boortz this moning
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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      Daniel, great post. Thanks.

      You know I'm a straight shooter and never have a problem with telling it like
      it is either, so for me, it's true confession time.

      Yes, I am one of those small minded thinkers who makes about $11,000 a
      month now.

      The reason I am not making 50K is because I have yet to come up with an
      idea that I feel is worth that kind of money.

      I consider myself a fairly intelligent person. Not a genius by any stretch of
      the imagination but fairly intelligent.

      I don't know how to think that big yet.

      My next product (coming out in March) is going to be my most expensive
      one to date and will gross about 200K when it comes out, but that's a
      one shot deal. Yes, I guess I could break it up into an ongoing membership
      site, but then we're still talking in the $47 to $97 range per month per
      member. I still don't see 50K a month out of that. Even at $100 a month
      membership, I'd need 500 members to generate 50K. That's asking a bit,
      though not impossible I guess.

      Point is, I have been limited by my small thinking because I can't see that
      big. If I can't (and I consider myself fairly successful) then how is somebody
      earning $200 a month going to think that big?

      It's human nature, for most of us anyway, to only be able to see what we
      can comprehend based on where we are at any given point in time.

      When you're 10 years old, you might dream of playing for the Yankees, but
      you can't even conceive of it happening because it's so far off.

      But then you're about to graduate college and a scout sees you and signs
      you to a minor league contract. Suddenly, it's not such a far fetched idea.
      But there was no way you could have seen that at age 10.

      So while what you're saying is absolutely correct, human nature makes it
      very difficult to go from $200 a month to $200,000 a month.

      It's what the mind can conceive.
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      • Profile picture of the author Daniel E Taylor
        Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

        Daniel, great post. Thanks.

        You know I'm a straight shooter and never have a problem with telling it like
        it is either, so for me, it's true confession time.

        Yes, I am one of those small minded thinkers who makes about $11,000 a
        month now.

        The reason I am not making 50K is because I have yet to come up with an
        idea that I feel is worth that kind of money.

        I consider myself a fairly intelligent person. Not a genius by any stretch of
        the imagination but fairly intelligent.

        I don't know how to think that big yet.

        [My next product (coming out in March) is going to be my most expensive
        one to date and will gross about 200K when it comes out, but that's a
        one shot deal. Yes, I guess I could break it up into an ongoing membership
        site, but then we're still talking in the $47 to $97 range per month per
        member. I still don't see 50K a month out of that. Even at $100 a month
        membership, I'd need 500 members to generate 50K. That's asking a bit,
        though not impossible I guess.]

        Point is, I have been limited by my small thinking because I can't see that
        big. If I can't (and I consider myself fairly successful) then how is somebody
        earning $200 a month going to think that big?

        It's human nature, for most of us anyway, to only be able to see what we
        can comprehend based on where we are at any given point in time.

        When you're 10 years old, you might dream of playing for the Yankees, but
        you can't even conceive of it happening because it's so far off.

        But then you're about to graduate college and a scout sees you and signs
        you to a minor league contract. Suddenly, it's not such a far fetched idea.
        But there was no way you could have seen that at age 10.

        So while what you're saying is absolutely correct, human nature makes it
        very difficult to go from $200 a month to $200,000 a month.

        It's what the mind can conceive.
        Great post Steve!

        That's is the exact question me and my partner came up with.

        How can someone with the limited mindset go from having a $3k
        a month vision to $300k the very next month.

        That's how we came up with the Limitless Mindset Technique.

        Honestly I couldn't teach it to you with one post. But I can use it
        to give my OPINION on your problem.

        Your post ask your question and gives you the answer in the very
        same post.

        Example 1:

        [Yes, I am one of those small minded thinkers who makes about $11,000 a
        month now.]

        You have just labeled yourself a small minded thinker. You have just told
        your brain to only be receptive to small thinking, and small minded ideas.

        The worse thing you can do is limit and label yourself. The moment you
        become "Aware" of something you can change it in that moment. At that
        point it's your CHOICE.

        A small minded thinker doesn't know they are thinking small.

        [My next product (coming out in March) is going to be my most expensive
        one to date and will gross about 200K when it comes out, but that's a
        one shot deal. Yes, I guess I could break it up into an ongoing membership
        site, but then we're still talking in the $47 to $97 range per month per
        member. I still don't see 50K a month out of that. Even at $100 a month
        membership, I'd need 500 members to generate 50K. That's asking a bit,
        though not impossible I guess.]

        This is a perfect example of the problem we had. That's a perfect
        example of limited thinking.

        Your still thinking inside the box. Who says you have to do anything
        that even relates to a $47 product, membership site, or whatever.

        Don't you get it? You are locking your mind into one small fraction
        of the infinite possibilities available to you to generate $50k this month.

        That's why you think you can't come up with ideas.

        Here's an idea. How about you go to ecommerce sites (people that sell
        physical products) look for the ones that you know are struggling.
        If you find an idea and product you see has potential to blow up.

        Talk to the guy work out a deal to teach him internet marketing
        and how to do things like build a list, build a relationship, etc...

        Those are things alot of ecommerce sites have no idea about. And
        are in dire need of help.

        Or why don't you link up with a team, (up and coming web designer/programmer)
        and just bang out 3 affiliate sites per day in various niches. All you do is write the
        quick squeeze page copy he creates the squeeze pages and uploads them.

        You should be able to bang out 50-100 sites in no time. Do that on top
        of whatever else you're doing.

        Again that's just one tiny fraction idea of the things you can do to generate
        more income online.

        As long as you start to think outside of the box.

        [Point is, I have been limited by my small thinking because I can't see that
        big. If I can't (and I consider myself fairly successful) then how is somebody
        earning $200 a month going to think that big?]

        Your assuming everyone has your mindset. Your mindset seems based
        more on bad subconscious programming that has you stuck.

        lets look at that sentence "I have been limited by my small thinking
        because I can't see that big"

        So you acknowledge that you have been limited by your small thinking
        then in the same exact sentence you say

        "I can't see that big".

        All you're doing is living in a cycle. Once you say "I can't do XYZ" then
        you're definitely not going to do it.

        You already believe that you can't think big. So the next step is to
        ask yourself

        "Why do I believe I can't see that big"

        Then you're going to come up with an excuse, to justify your

        Then you just keep asking why.

        Then you get to the answer:

        "Just Because"

        "That's just how it is"

        "That's just who I am".

        And when you get down to that answer that's your clue that
        there really was no reason why you couldn't, but the ones you
        made up in your head.

        Like I said this whole thing is just a battle with yourself.


        Self Actualization is one's true purpose. Everything
        else is an illusion.

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        • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
          Originally Posted by Daniel E Taylor View Post

          Great post Steve!

          Like I said this whole thing is just a battle with yourself.

          Brilliant! That pretty much sums up 99% of the problems that most people
          have. Fortunately, I haven't let this battle limit me to the point where I am
          not successful at all, but I know I can do so much more.

          Okay, time to challenge myself yet again. I'm going to sit down and map
          out some ideas. I won't censor myself while doing this. I'll write down
          anything that comes to my mind, no matter how crazy it sounds and then
          I'll think of how I can pull it off. If it means I have to team up with
          somebody or outsource or whatever, I'll do it.

          My goal next year is to at least double what I made this year, which
          wasn't all that bad and allowed me to spring for a new recording studio in
          my home.

          Thanks Daniel...you actually helped me more than you realize.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Lockwood
    Wow, I'm shocked there are no "This is BS- nobody makes more than $100 a year" type posts here yet.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Lockwood
    If you're going to dream, don't settle for playing for the Yankees.
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    • Profile picture of the author britboynovice
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      • Profile picture of the author kj95100
        Great post Daniel! The reality behind what you are saying goes a lot deeper than most of us will ever know. Whatever we think in our own minds determines what we will do.

        If one is ever in doubt about what they are thinking ... check out what you do, and you will know exactly what you are thinking. Like it or not, we dictate our destiny by the way we view/contemplate our life.

        I really do appreciate someone stepping up to share such forward thinking information here. Thank you,

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        • Profile picture of the author Martin Luxton

          I can tell you how to increase your income overnight.

          Raise your prices. You sell everything way too cheap. Even if you doubled the price you would still be way overdelivering.

          Take your Hot Trends WSO. $15 was a steal. Even at $27 it's a bargain.

          You have nothing left to prove to anybody on this Forum so why not let your prices reflect that?

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          • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
            Originally Posted by Martin Luxton View Post


            I can tell you how to increase your income overnight.

            Raise your prices. You sell everything way too cheap. Even if you doubled the price you would still be way overdelivering.

            Take your Hot Trends WSO. $15 was a steal. Even at $27 it's a bargain.

            You have nothing left to prove to anybody on this Forum so why not let your prices reflect that?

            Ah, that's something entirely different. Crazy as it may sound, my prices
            that I charge here are my way of saying thank you to the forum and
            giving, as the term itself suggests, a real true special offer to the
            members here because I feel they deserve it.

            It's not about proving anything. I know I have nothing to prove.

            I finished in the top 20 in the Nitro Marketing Blueprint affiliate contest,
            almost beating out Mike Filsaime until the very last day.

            I finished 2nd in Dean Shainin's launch and that was with hardly doing
            any work at all.

            And as I pointed out in my above post, the need for me to get more just
            isn't there. When I first started out, I had to make this work. I worked my
            tail off to do that.

            Today, I've made somewhat of a name for myself and don't have to work
            as hard, though I still enjoy what I do, and thus keep doing it.

            My mortgage was just paid. My daughter only has 1.5 years of college
            left and we've paid for that without taking any loans and we still have
            plenty in the bank.

            My biggest joys come from things that don't require money. So I don't
            have the need to go out and make things happen anymore than I already

            But I am reaching the point where I at least want to make what I'm making
            now and have more time to spend with my kid and wife, so to that end, I
            am going to restructure my business model and in doing so, ironically, I'll
            end up making more money...that I'll never spend.

            This thread has certainly given me some food for thought. I think I am
            better understanding now what Andy Henry is currently going through
            with his decision to leave IM behind.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[293971].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Ken Preuss

    I really appreciate what you shared above.

    Know what's interesting? You can't see how valuable you are because you are too close to it. From "over here" we can see that you are worth a solid seven figures per year.

    Daniel's right. Instead of saying that you'll make $200K on your product launch in March, how about writing down $50K by January....then getting creative in how you will make it happen? (I'm betting you already have every tool you possibly need - subscribers, partners, resources, etc.)

    For me the mindset shift came when I suddenly realized there were many big names in my niche at the time (real estate investing) literally *showing* me how to make $30-50K+ per month rather than the $8-10K I was making at the time.

    With that realization I chose to "ignore" my inner objections and excuses and simply duplicate the same elements, just as a one-time experiment.

    Within a month I went from $10K to almost $32K....working less hard than I had previously....all because I chose to just try ignoring my brain and simply duplicating what I knew was earning mid-five figures for others in the same niche.


    Coming soon for all you IM junkies... The Internet Daily Show

    A Secret to Success: Making serious money online or offline is not complex unto itself - we're the ones who complicate it. Simply sell them what they are already buying.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[293901].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      Originally Posted by Ken Preuss View Post


      I really appreciate what you shared above.

      Know what's interesting? You can't see how valuable you are because you are too close to it. From "over here" we can see that you are worth a solid seven figures per year.

      Daniel's right. Instead of saying that you'll make $200K on your product launch in March, how about writing down $50K by January....then getting creative in how you will make it happen? (I'm betting you already have every tool you possibly need - subscribers, partners, resources, etc.)

      For me the mindset shift came when I suddenly realized there were many big names in my niche at the time (real estate investing) literally *showing* me how to make $30-50K+ per month rather than the $8-10K I was making at the time.

      With that realization I chose to "ignore" my inner objections and excuses and simply duplicate the same elements, just as a one-time experiment.

      Within a month I went from $10K to almost $32K....working less hard than I had previously....all because I chose to just try ignoring my brain and simply duplicating what I knew was earning mid-five figures for others in the same niche.


      Ken, you know what my problem is? It's called tunnel vision and linear

      I can actually write a book on this because it is something that affects
      a lot of people.

      See, the average person thinks in a linear fashion.

      For example, they graduate college and look for their first "job" already
      accepting that they're going to start off at entry level salary. They
      believe that they have to "work their way up" to where they want to be.
      They don't think that it's possible to walk out of that dorm room, walk into
      the office of some high paid exec and say, "I can make you a fortune if
      you'll listen to what I have to say. Now, here are my terms" and lay down
      his 7 figure a year game plan (that's 7 figures for his salary plus perks). As
      for what he'll make the company? Probably hundreds of millions IF he can
      back up what he said with the goods.

      Look, I've been doing this long enough to know that I have the smarts to
      turn anybody who has the commitment into at least a 6 figure a year
      earner. What I don't have is the non linear foresight to be able to go from
      doing just that myself to actually teaching it. I feel I have to first work my
      way up to making mid 6 figures before I can offer my services, not realizing
      that the foundation itself can put somebody way beyond that if they
      commit to it.

      I've actually had students pass me. Why? Because they did do the out
      of the box thinking that Daniel is talking about that I seem to have so
      much trouble with. I know that I can go to any brick and mortar company
      that has no Internet presence and increase their income substantially.
      Why don't I do it? Well, honestly, a lot of it is laziness. I hate leaving the
      house. I've gotten real spoiled working from home. My car puts in about
      20 miles a week.

      And then finally, and this is such a big one, there is the need.

      See, I don't really NEED more than what I have now. There isn't enough
      to drive me to go for more unless I know that it can be done with the
      least amount of effort. I don't even care if I have to spend some big bucks
      to get it done, but I'm already realizing that I'm working more than enough
      and don't want to add any more hours to my day.

      So, that means a total restructuring of my business model, which I am
      working on for next year (have 3 membership sites in the works) but I
      can't make the shift immediately because it's going to take time to put
      the pieces in place and I can't just drop the things that I'm doing. That
      would mean the income would shrink considerably until the transition was
      complete because of the business model that I've boxed myself into.

      Look, if I had it to do all over again, I would have done things totally
      different. I would have chosen a business model, right from the get go,
      that gave me a residual income right away. NO ebooks. All member based
      sites. All outsourced. Nothing for me to do but just research the niches
      that I wanted to tackle, hire the work, and sit back and collect the money.

      I didn't do it. I can't look back. I have to go forward from where I am.

      By this time next year, this old life will be but a memory. That is my goal.
      Heck, I may even sell many of my current sites.

      But like I was saying before I got off track, this linear thinking is common
      in all walks of life. Very few people have the ability to really see beyond
      the step 1, step 2, step 3 mindset. I admit that I am one of them.

      But I am working damn hard to change that.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[293947].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ChrisMarx
        This little nugget right here was very valuable.

        Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

        Look, if I had it to do all over again, I would have done things totally
        different. I would have chosen a business model, right from the get go,
        that gave me a residual income right away. NO ebooks. All member based
        sites. All outsourced. Nothing for me to do but just research the niches
        that I wanted to tackle, hire the work, and sit back and collect the money.

        I don't have your perspective and experience, but hopefully this will help me skip a few steps that I've been stuck on with one time offers and skip straight to setting up membership sites.Thanks!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[872532].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Ken Preuss
    Another thought relating to what Daniel said about not creating a monetary "limit" like 5K or 10K.

    When I finally chose to ignore my objections and duplicate what was already earning other marketers mid-five figures, I had NO financial goal articulated. NONE.

    I realize all the books say you need to articulate your goals specifically, etc. But I did not. I put goals aside and literally just duplicated a proven model and its elements and really went for it.

    The result? My merchant account temporarily shut me down because I totally blew past my monthly volume limit.

    Moral of the story:

    When you operate with no ceiling the sky truly is the limit.


    Coming soon for all you IM junkies... The Internet Daily Show

    A Secret to Success: Making serious money online or offline is not complex unto itself - we're the ones who complicate it. Simply sell them what they are already buying.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[293943].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Ken Preuss
    Good for you Steven. Go for it man...you really do deserve it.

    And thanks for the valuable insights into "linear thinking." That is not something I can relate to so I greatly appreciate you clarifying it.


    P.S. My gosh this is a great freakin' thread....

    Coming soon for all you IM junkies... The Internet Daily Show

    A Secret to Success: Making serious money online or offline is not complex unto itself - we're the ones who complicate it. Simply sell them what they are already buying.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[293960].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Ivancho
    Great Daniel. You have actually opened my mind.

    Some IM thinks that is really difficult to go from $20 to $200 a day but is not, I done it my self in under a month so i think everyone can do it.

    Some IM thinks that they will never ever make money online but they are whrong, I done it my self under 3 years ago when i was actually just reading and not appliying any thing that i read.

    Hope you get my point.
    Thanks for the Great post

    Ivan Georgiev
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[294033].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author David_Thompson
    Originally Posted by Daniel E Taylor View Post

    The only reason you can't make $50k this month is because of your limited mindset (PERIOD).

    Think outside of the box.

    Here a little something I cook up in excel
    for you guys...

    JV partnership wanted, Lets grow your list for free. Nothing to do with giveaways. PM Now
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[294140].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author prestige00

    This post could not have come at a better time. Thanks Daniel because this is what I and everyone needs to hear.

    This is the kind of stuff that separates the men from the WARRIORS. This is some deep stuff that seriously needs some thinking behind it.

    "The problem is you don't believe your services are worth $5k.

    But you have to realize you don't set the worth on your services.
    You estimate it, and the customer has the final say."

    BINGO! It feels like you were talking directly to me.

    For me I think the key is your MINDSET and that is a very powerful thing that determines your failure or success.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[294236].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MaskedMarketer
      Originally Posted by Daniel E Taylor View Post

      Me and my partner have been doing really extensive study into
      the mind/spirit and how it relates to building a business.
      Some business leaders base there businesses on a spiritual foundation.

      An example would be- "How many people did you help today" "How much value did you add to there life"

      So, it can be part of the business building equation. And I wouldn't do it any other way.

      Nice post Daniel

      Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

      Yes, I am one of those small minded
      Step one is to eliminate that thinking process from you're belief system.

      Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

      The reason I am not making 50K is because I have yet to come up with an
      idea that I feel is worth that kind of money.
      Because of you're small minded thinking you now have a 'reason why' you can't- That 'reason why' need to be eliminated.

      If you don't feel you're idea is worth enough - you might have a belief/value blocking you from being able to charge more money.

      Maybe try increasing your self worth/esteem/identity?

      Doesn't Jay Abraham charge 40k a day for consulting or some outrageous price? Its possible- you just have to be able to see it.

      Have you ever read Psycho-Cybernetics w/ Dan Kennedy?

      Its a good starting point..

      Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

      I consider myself a fairly intelligent person. Not a genius by any stretch of
      the imagination but fairly intelligent.
      I don't know how to think that big yet.
      Why can't you think that big yet?

      And you don't need to be a genius- just a good marketer.

      Years , years, and years of self programing like that will only make it harder for you unless you make a decision, today, to make those changes.

      Also- The Mind is what Creates Wealth. Improve Your Mind and Improve Your Wealth simple concept.

      Good Luck

      "One Man's Ceiling is Another Man's Floor

      "I Pay Less Attention to What Men Say. I Just Watch What They Do."
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[294372].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
        Originally Posted by MaskedMarketer View Post

        Some business leaders base there businesses on a spiritual foundation.

        An example would be- "How many people did you help today" "How much value did you add to there life"

        So, it can be part of the business building equation. And I wouldn't do it any other way.

        Nice post Daniel

        Step one is to eliminate that thinking process from you're belief system.

        Because of you're small minded thinking you now have a 'reason why' you can't- That 'reason why' need to be eliminated.

        If you don't feel you're idea is worth enough - you might have a belief/value blocking you from being able to charge more money.

        Maybe try increasing your self worth/esteem/identity?

        Doesn't Jay Abraham charge 40k a day for consulting or some outrageous price? Its possible- you just have to be able to see it.

        Have you ever read Psycho-Cybernetics w/ Dan Kennedy?

        Its a good starting point..

        Why can't you think that big yet?

        And you don't need to be a genius- just a good marketer.

        Years , years, and years of self programing like that will only make it harder for you unless you make a decision, today, to make those changes.

        Also- The Mind is what Creates Wealth. Improve Your Mind and Improve Your Wealth simple concept.

        Good Luck

        Well, I guess you sure told me.


        You remind me of the following conversation.

        Son: I'm sorry dad. I know I made a mistake. I won't do it again.
        Dad: You should be sorry. That was a very stupid thing you did.
        Son: I said I was sorry and I wouldn't do it again.
        Dad: That's not the point.
        Son: Then what is the point dad?
        Dad: The point is, I have to be the one to make you feel like crap

        People who have to give you a lecture after you have acknowledged
        your mistake, tick me off.

        And that is putting it mildly.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[294381].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author MaskedMarketer
          Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

          Well, I guess you sure told me.
          Steven- I'm only trying to "practice what I preach"

          "How many people did you help today" "How much value did you add to there life"



          You remind me of the following conversation.

          Son: I'm sorry dad. I know I made a mistake. I won't do it again.
          Dad: You should be sorry. That was a very stupid thing you did.
          Son: I said I was sorry and I wouldn't do it again.
          Dad: That's not the point.
          Son: Then what is the point dad?
          Dad: The point is, I have to be the one to make you feel like crap

          People who have to give you a lecture after you have acknowledged
          your mistake, tick me off.

          And your up bringing by your parents, family, environment play a big role on your self image and self worth. Good thing you posted that as its very important and influential on your self image.

          I'll be looking out for your success story

          "One Man's Ceiling is Another Man's Floor

          "I Pay Less Attention to What Men Say. I Just Watch What They Do."
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[294390].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
            Originally Posted by MaskedMarketer View Post

            Steven- I'm only trying to "practice what I preach"

            "How many people did you help today" "How much value did you add to there life"
            Read the edit to my reply...I'm glad you're not my father.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[294393].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author MaskedMarketer
              Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

              I'm glad you're not my father.
              Me too. Good luck with everything.

              "One Man's Ceiling is Another Man's Floor

              "I Pay Less Attention to What Men Say. I Just Watch What They Do."
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[294403].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
            Originally Posted by MaskedMarketer View Post

            Steven- I'm only trying to "practice what I preach"

            "How many people did you help today" "How much value did you add to there life"



            You remind me of the following conversation.

            Son: I'm sorry dad. I know I made a mistake. I won't do it again.
            Dad: You should be sorry. That was a very stupid thing you did.
            Son: I said I was sorry and I wouldn't do it again.
            Dad: That's not the point.
            Son: Then what is the point dad?
            Dad: The point is, I have to be the one to make you feel like crap

            People who have to give you a lecture after you have acknowledged
            your mistake, tick me off.

            And your up bringing by your parents, family, environment play a big role on your self image and self worth. Good thing you posted that as its very important and influential on your self image.

            I'll be looking out for your success story

            Point is, I recognized my shortcomings. I know where I have to improve.
            I didn't need a reminder of what I already figured out on my own. People
            who do that do it because they have a need to feel like they made a
            difference when in fact they've made no difference at all.

            Had I asked, "How do I go about changing this" then your response would
            have been welcome.

            A simple, "Good that you see where you need to improve" would have
            sufficed without the added face slapping.

            It doesn't make people like you...trust me.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[294408].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author MaskedMarketer
              Originally Posted by MaskedMarketer View Post

              People who have to give you a lecture after you have acknowledged
              your mistake, tick me off.
              If you don't use the advice given, what good is it?

              Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

              Point is, I recognized my shortcomings. I know where I have to improve.
              I didn't need a reminder of what I already figured out on my own. People
              who do that do it because they have a need to feel like they made a
              difference when in fact they've made no difference at all.
              You put yourself out there and I responded.

              Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

              A simple, "Good that you see where you need to improve" would have
              sufficed without the added face slapping.
              Had I known by putting my post up I was slapping you in the face, I would not have put it up.

              Some people love criticism.. and I love it.

              It can take thick skin sometimes though. But I'm glad you're working on it - I'd love to see you're success story.

              And although I responded directly to you, I am in fact speaking to the thousands of daily readers this forum has as well.

              "One Man's Ceiling is Another Man's Floor

              "I Pay Less Attention to What Men Say. I Just Watch What They Do."
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[294446].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author David_Thompson
              Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

              Point is, I recognized my shortcomings. I know where I have to improve.
              I didn't need a reminder of what I already figured out on my own. People
              who do that do it because they have a need to feel like they made a
              difference when in fact they've made no difference at all.

              Had I asked, "How do I go about changing this" then your response would
              have been welcome.

              A simple, "Good that you see where you need to improve" would have
              sufficed without the added face slapping.

              It doesn't make people like you...trust me.
              Hey Steven,

              maybe it was something in your post that made him reply that way...

              Anyway back to what we were talking about, something about this
              statement "How Can I Provide $100k worth of service and value."
              just brought a bunch of things in place for me and now going back and
              re-reading the thread I finally got the answer.

              A most eye opening post thanks Daniel...

              JV partnership wanted, Lets grow your list for free. Nothing to do with giveaways. PM Now
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[295491].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Bev Clement
    The other problem a lot of people have is they allow views from forums to negatively affect their thinking.

    Let me explain what I mean.

    Someone wants to get involved in a specific niche.
    They ask advice and are told you will never get paid more than $100.
    Immediately they believe that to be true.
    The work believing that to get to $10K will take them months or years.
    They keep working for peanuts because their belief is they don't deserve more, or they have been told it is impossible to get more.
    Yet, if they watch the same people who gave that bad advice and see what they are doing, they are packaging the work in a different way and telling people go and sell it for $10,000 and outsource for $50.
    If people were to search they will find that $10,000 is too cheap, because there are ways of doing the $100 and charging up to $50,000.
    There are places outside the IM niche that will pay a premium for services, and once people understand that, their mindset will change.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[294496].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
      The only reason you can't make $50k this month is
      because of your limited mindset (PERIOD).
      Well, if that's the only reason, why not unleash your unlimited mindset and make $10 million this month, then buy us all a nice Christmas present?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[294508].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      Originally Posted by Bev Clement View Post

      The other problem a lot of people have is they allow views from forums to negatively affect their thinking.

      Let me explain what I mean.

      Someone wants to get involved in a specific niche.
      They ask advice and are told you will never get paid more than $100.
      Immediately they believe that to be true.
      The work believing that to get to $10K will take them months or years.
      They keep working for peanuts because their belief is they don't deserve more, or they have been told it is impossible to get more.
      Yet, if they watch the same people who gave that bad advice and see what they are doing, they are packaging the work in a different way and telling people go and sell it for $10,000 and outsource for $50.
      If people were to search they will find that $10,000 is too cheap, because there are ways of doing the $100 and charging up to $50,000.
      There are places outside the IM niche that will pay a premium for services, and once people understand that, their mindset will change.

      Bev, that is quite true. I think the problem is, we have forgotten what
      it was like to be out in the brick and mortar world.

      When I was consulting for White Computer Industries here in NJ, the money
      they'd spend on lunch was outrageous. I was making $30 an hour as a
      consultant who basically walked around all day observing people putting
      shoe boxes into carousels. It was insane the amount of money that was

      Large corporations spend insane amounts of money on things we'd never
      even consider charging that much for. And yes, I'm as guilty of that as
      anybody else. Six years out of corporate life and I've developed this
      mindset of the $27 ebook (which I am working on changing and getting
      away from...so please Masked Marketer, no more lectures.) But it's an
      easy trap to fall into because of all the cheap info we see online.

      Look at all the gifting programs.

      For just $10 YOU can make $$$ per week.

      I could keep going but I don't want to make anybody sick.

      We're conditioned and programmed to believe 2 things.

      1. We can make a fortune online without spending more than $10.
      2. We can't sell anything at a high cost because of number 1 above.

      It's a non stop feeding frenzy that cycles itself into oblivion except for
      the few who have the guts to say...

      Screw this...You want my services? You're going to have to pay for

      A few online have done that. I am heading in that direction because I
      have enough smarts in my head to know that I'm worth a hell of a lot
      more than I'm putting myself out there for.

      And yeah, I know a lot of my fans (God I hate that word) are going to say,

      "Steve, don't sell out for the dollar. We need you to sell us all this great
      stuff dirt cheap."

      And as I continue down that slippery slope, I'll still have to deal with my
      50 emails a day and my low six figure income.

      There comes a time where you just have to say...

      Screw this...You want my services? You're going to have to pay for

      Will I take a hit on the one end? Probably.

      Do I care?

      Honestly, at this point, if I end up going out of business because all I
      can sell is $27 ebooks, then I deserve to go out of business. I'll go sit
      in my recording studio and make my music.

      I don't need to do this.

      I have enough articles and sites and products and advertising out there
      that I could stop working today and still make 50K a year. With my mortgage
      paid off and my daughter out of college in a year, it's all I'll need.

      I am very thankful for this thread and the kick that Daniel gave me to
      make me realize that I'm giving away my knowledge (6 years of it) for a

      It's going to stop in 2009.

      And Bev...you rock!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[294513].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MaskedMarketer
      Originally Posted by Bev Clement View Post

      If people were to search they will find that $10,000 is too cheap, because there are ways of doing the $100 and charging up to $50,000.
      There are places outside the IM niche that will pay a premium for services, and once people understand that, their mindset will change.
      Thanks for chiming in Bev- on point advice.

      The value changes once you take it to a different market.

      Selling IM stuff to IM people will only yield peanuts- compared to taking it offline (that's probably where the biggest market gap is)

      The bigger the market gap- more potential money.

      The seminar company I used to work with did 250k average a seminar and they had them all across the nation multiple times a week/day. And it was only one portion of the entire operation.

      Thinking big and out side the box can make lots of money.

      Thanks for that Bev

      "One Man's Ceiling is Another Man's Floor

      "I Pay Less Attention to What Men Say. I Just Watch What They Do."
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[294524].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Bev Clement
        I wasn't talking about the offline business, because here in HK that isn't a good option for me. I am talking purely online which can be done from any part of the world.

        But, I have been researching a lot recently, and I am seeing certain people posting on this forum who really have double standards. They want top dollar for their work, and make sure that the newbie and others are told they are the bottom of the pile, so keep working for a couple of dollars, so I can make the big dollars.

        Tell someone often enough they are an idiot and they will believe you.

        It took me years to believe I wasn't a failure, because my mother said I failed because I got 99% in maths.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[294543].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author MaskedMarketer
          Originally Posted by Bev Clement View Post

          I wasn't talking about the offline business, because here in HK that isn't a good option for me. I am talking purely online which can be done from any part of the world.
          Hey Bev- Its really about thinking about side the box - and whats the "norm". And you're doing a great job at taking this outside the IM niche and outside the box. Many people just follow the crowd.

          And the market gaps are the sweet spots for the potential to make the most money. No matter what market/industry you're in.

          Originally Posted by Bev Clement View Post

          But, I have been researching a lot recently, and I am seeing certain people posting on this forum who really have double standards. They want top dollar for their work, and make sure that the newbie and others are told they are the bottom of the pile, so keep working for a couple of dollars, so I can make the big dollars.
          Its a dog eat dog world...

          "One Man's Ceiling is Another Man's Floor

          "I Pay Less Attention to What Men Say. I Just Watch What They Do."
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[294622].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author richfit
    Daniel Awesome Post!

    There are too many people who are thinking small when they can just as well be thinking big...I think it was Donald Trump who said,

    "If your going to be thinking anyway, you might as well Think Big!"
    PerfectFunnelSystem.com - Enter to WIN a Brand NEW Kindle Fire + Download My Report titled, "11 Irresistible Money Magnets To Generate More Leads For Your Business!"

    Affiliates earn over $404 per sale + $38 per month recurring cash flow when you share "this experience" See why top marketers are promoting like crazy!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[294546].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Ebbi
    Great post!!!!

    I'm adding this to the newbie thread this second!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[294611].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author TheMagicShow
    Thanks Daniel, this was by far one of the best posts I have ever read on the warrior forum and for it to come near the end of the year makes it even sweeter, you are a true professional and your posts are always nice to read.

    " You can either give a man a fish and feed him for a day OR teach him how to catch a fish and it will feed him for a lifetime"

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[294639].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author George Wright
    Daniel You Said,

    My THEORY is that most peoples (Including marketers)
    minds still haven't caught up with the power of the
    No truer words were ever spoken.

    George Wright
    "The first chapter sells the book; the last chapter sells the next book." Mickey Spillane
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[294652].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author onlinetreason
    I completely agree with you brother!People should definitely take your advice because you do know what you are talking about. Well I hope you do anyways. I am yet to make that much money in a month, but I do hope to do so Someday. Great post.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[294675].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Rob Lee
    I think one of the things that helps bring change in our preception is seeing others succeed. If you see others doing it and know they are really doing it that makes a difference.

    If you start getting personal success your goals will get larger and larger. Personal success can really help change your perception.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[294723].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Cardsearch
      I once worke as an insurance salesman and our boss told us that people only make as much as they think they are worth.How true.

      Spend your vacation in a log cabin in Maine!

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    • Profile picture of the author MoBuck$
      Originally Posted by Rob Lee View Post

      I think one of the things that helps bring change in our preception is seeing others succeed. If you see others doing it and know they are really doing it that makes a difference.

      If you start getting personal success your goals will get larger and larger. Personal success can really help change your perception.

      Hey I totally agree with that.

      Once I started to make a little bit of money, my mind went into Overdrive with Confidence and I started to make even more and more money as the days and weeks went on.

      It's really about how you think. Your Mind is Crazy Powerful.


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  • Profile picture of the author Marian Berghes
    Great thread guys...really made me think about some stuff and some ideas that I have but always told myself stuff like "no, your not known enough to do that" or "I first need to make X amount of money before I can charge X amount of money for my consulting"....

    I have done "how to improve conversion rate" consulting for rock bottom prices while offering top advice to some guys and businesses, just because I think that I am not a "celebrity" in my area of expertise so that must mean that I should charge very low so I can -work my way up- then start doing/selling courses for 1k$ a pop or somethin' like that.

    Thx Daniel,Bev,Masked,Steve and the others for making me realise that I should get cracking on some of my courses that I was "afraid" to do just because I tought I could only sell them for 27$ (the 27$ ebook mindset again) because thats what other people sell it for, you know?

    Thx again. and time to get those dusty gazillion notes out and make my course.
    EDIT: Also other 2 things that have kept me from making more are:

    1. My age...Im 20..how many of you or other business would agree to pay $1k-$10k to a 20 year old kid? Even if say that my work is outstanding you would still have ALOT more doubts than if a 40 year old would make you the same offer. Aint I right?

    2. My nationality. Generally Americans,Canadians,Australians,UK people tend to not-trust me because of my nationality. And I cant sell in my country because people here don't have the mentality yet..for them 90% of IM is a scam and you cant change their minds (Ive done 2 FREE seminars for newbies with basic IM stuff and at the end 60% of them told me that "nah, I still think that you have to steal or something so you can make a living online your just trying to scam us"...and I didn't even had anything for sale at none of the seminars), and business don't pay very much for consulting...cus of their limited thinking.
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    • Profile picture of the author MaskedMarketer
      Originally Posted by Marian Berghes View Post

      EDIT: Also other 2 things that have kept me from making more are:

      1. My age...Im 20..how many of you or other business would agree to pay $1k-$10k to a 20 year old kid? Even if say that my work is outstanding you would still have ALOT more doubts than if a 40 year old would make you the same offer. Aint I right?
      If you were confident in yourself you could do it. It is an internal issue on self esteem as well as other stuff. Plus, you do have to be somewhat of an expert- and produce results for your clients.

      I posted this the other day. Maybe it will give you some inspiration

      "At Age 12, Farrah had a lucrative nationwide speaking career commanding $5,000 - $10,000 per appearance."

      He became self made millionaire at 14.

      The Official Farrah Gray Website

      Originally Posted by Marian Berghes View Post

      2. My nationality. Generally Americans,Canadians,Australians,UK people tend to not-trust me because of my nationality. And I cant sell in my country because people here don't have the mentality yet..for them 90% of IM is a scam and you cant change their minds (Ive done 2 FREE seminars for newbies with basic IM stuff and at the end 60% of them told me that "nah, I still think that you have to steal or something so you can make a living online your just trying to scam us"...and I didn't even had anything for sale at none of the seminars), and business don't pay very much for consulting...cus of their limited thinking.

      If you can't sell offline- then just sell online. And, to me, nationality has nothing to do with trust. Just try to get out of that mindset and do your thing!




      Here's the E- Book the 14 year old self made millionaire wrote

      Reallionaire: Nine Steps to Becoming ... - Google Book Search -

      - Its about half of the book or more- its only a preview but good and free..

      You can read short description at amazon and reviews...

      Amazon.com: Reallionaire: Nine Steps to Becoming Rich from the Inside Out: Farrah Gray, Fran Harris: Books

      "One Man's Ceiling is Another Man's Floor

      "I Pay Less Attention to What Men Say. I Just Watch What They Do."
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Faber
    Fantastic post! (and now thread) The whole thing about limiting yourself is so true. What you're worth to your customers is a reflection of the value you provide to them. That's for them to decide. In many such cases people devalue themselves and think way too small.

    If you give them information that allows them to go from losing money every month to becoming profitable, that sort of information is virtually priceless to them, no matter how long it took you create, package, and convey it to them.

    I had a consulting friend that took a company that was losing $1,000,000 a month and made it profitable by adjusting their product line. How much was that information worth to them? Unfortunately for him he only charged them an hourly consulting fee for his services. He had no contingency fee contract for residual revenue.

    That is partially because he knew very little about their business before he agreed to the consulting job, so he didn't feel his services were worth more than his standard, hourly rate. Big mistake.

    In the early 1990's I began installing custom residential audio video systems. I still remember the first $30K+ job we sold. It was $37K and I had to almost force myself to ask for that much money. Looking back now, the figure was ridiculously small. Again, I was self limiting. In the years since, I've designed and sold residential A/V systems that were above $500K. It's all in feeling that it's worth it.

    You have to look at what it is worth to your client, not to you. You don't have your client's budget. Remember that when you're selling big ticket items to the very well heeled or businesses. Selling to businesses is even easier, because you can demonstrate you will bring them actual value in the form of recurring savings, increased revenues or profits, or lowered capital acquisition costs.

    Remember, there is no can not; only do or do not.
    For Killer Marketing Tips that Will Grow Your Business Follow Me on Twitter Now
    After all, you're probably following a few hundred people already that aren't doing squat for you.....
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    • Profile picture of the author RaynayValles
      Great thread. This is important to bring up in this time when so many of us are struggling financially.

      I once had a marketing coach who told me, "Most people think they have to climb the ladder of success rung by rung." He continued: "The biggest secret is, THERE IS NO LADDER. You can start today and go to the top if you change your thinking."

      His advice led to some breakthroughs in my thinking and actions, but not to $50,000/month.

      Very thought-provoking. Thanks.
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    • Profile picture of the author Peter Hajnal
      I'm new at this forum.
      I wanted to say thanks for the great post.
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    • Profile picture of the author toddperk
      This post is an eye-opener for me. For the past few months I have been one of those people that focus more on:

      Writing Articles
      Submitting Blog Posts
      Posting on Forums
      Selling $47 ebooks

      I have not seen a lot of income come from this tedious work. I would almost rather pay people to do this for me so that I can focus on BIGGER projects that will bring in the bacon.

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    • Profile picture of the author pheonix44
      excellent thread. I can definitely say that I have had problems with this. I would go a step further and say that this applies to everything in life. You show others directly what you feel you are worth by what you do and how you present yourself. Take approaching girls for example. If I see a really attractive girl my first thought is wow she is so beautiful, she could have any guy she wants so why would she choose me. So you have done her job for her and rejected yourself.You go to someone you feel you have a better chance with aka someone who you feel is less attractive thusfore will not reject you because there options are less. This could be said for anything in life that is highly desireable. A car, a house in a certain neighborhood choice of mates your career, the school you go to or the people you hang around. The real lesson here is to VALUE YOURSELF.
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  • Profile picture of the author David_Thompson
    he biggest problems we, well most people have isn't information,
    it making decisions. For some reason most people don't want to
    get it wrong and that in itself with self esteem, lack of confidence
    creates havoc in ones life...

    We see that everyday in real life, let me ask a question here: anyone
    of you guys have a friend that can do all but does nothing...you know
    the type most of the time they are brilliant at coming up with kickass
    ideas but they just won't do anything...

    In order to make anything of your self you have to come out of your
    bloody comfort zone and face your fears just like every successful
    person ever.

    And Daniel's post is a great start.....

    JV partnership wanted, Lets grow your list for free. Nothing to do with giveaways. PM Now
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[295962].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MaskedMarketer
      Originally Posted by David_Thompson View Post

      he biggest problems we, well most people have isn't information,
      it making decisions.

      so true. Decisions guide you to your destiny. In history, we've had lack of information, now we have too much. Too much is better than none, we need to learn how to cope with such a huge influx of information (most ads and garbage anyways, lol)

      Originally Posted by David_Thompson View Post

      We see that everyday in real life, let me ask a question here: anyone
      of you guys have a friend that can do all but does nothing...you know
      the type most of the time they are brilliant at coming up with kickass
      ideas but they just won't do anything...

      In order to make anything of your self you have to come out of your
      bloody comfort zone and face your fears just like every successful
      person ever.
      I know exactly the type. They say there is a thin line between genius and being insane/crazy. My friend is exactly that type- super smart and very creative , but has "mental isssues" holding him back. He could be super successful because he has very high IQ and high EQ (EQ is said to be more important).

      You can have a couple weaknesses and everything falls apart. He has fear (aslo has OCD, lol) and self control holding him back. As far as brains go, kid read 16 volumes of encylopedias at 6 years old.. weird kid, lol

      Everyone wants to know the ONE thing, the magic pill, that is for successful people. I don't believe there is one as its a combination of things, but if I had to pick the most important-

      its self control/discipline.

      "One Man's Ceiling is Another Man's Floor

      "I Pay Less Attention to What Men Say. I Just Watch What They Do."
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  • Profile picture of the author 247coolprofits
    oops! You giving an Inspirational Message... Ok Noted
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  • Profile picture of the author Vijay M
    Yesterday I read this thread for the first time and thought ..bullshit. Most people like me are just average people without any special niche knowledge trying to make extra money online.

    I came back to it after some time and again thought, 1)It is just too easy for people "who have made it" to spout this message. It's just theory. Cannot put it to practice.

    Today, is my birthday and I'm reading it for the 3rd time and I finally get it. I was working hard trying to build my online biz( after my regular work/job) trying to make a few affiliate dollars/adsense income.

    It is my limiting beliefs which chain me to my current efforts which in spite of my hard work is not producing the kind of income I would like.

    Now, how do I think big and come up with a plan? Today is as good a day as any, to revise my plans and set new goals.
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    • Profile picture of the author MaskedMarketer
      Originally Posted by Vijay M View Post

      I came back to it after some time and again thought, 1)It is just too easy for people "who have made it" to spout this message. It's just theory. Cannot put it to practice.
      If a 12 year old can do it, so can you

      Originally Posted by Vijay M View Post

      Today, is my birthday and I'm reading it for the 3rd time and I finally get it. I was working hard trying to build my online biz( after my regular work/job) trying to make a few affiliate dollars/adsense income.

      It is my limiting beliefs which chain me to my current efforts which in spite of my hard work is not producing the kind of income I would like.

      Now, how do I think big and come up with a plan? Today is as good a day as any, to revise my plans and set new goals.

      Thanks for sharing that with us!

      When I stopped trying to build my business and started to build myself- everything started to make sense. And success is way far from financial gains.

      Take Eben Pagan for example. He said he spent the majority of the time on himself rather than his business. Not saying you'll be the next Eben Pagan, as you can make way more than he does- or way less..

      Just something to consider...

      "One Man's Ceiling is Another Man's Floor

      "I Pay Less Attention to What Men Say. I Just Watch What They Do."
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[296180].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Magic Johnson
      Originally Posted by Vijay M View Post

      It is my limiting beliefs which chain me to my current efforts which in spite of my hard work is not producing the kind of income I would like.
      Yes, I had these problems for many years too. I knew there were something missing. I've always had some self doubt problems, and questioning myself.

      I believed whole heartly that people who made it "were gifted" or just lucky.

      I've struggled a lot through the last years. Cried sometimes because there were a missing link somewhere.

      When you start to REALLY WANT to wrap your mind around things. And not ignore "what people says" because they are "too complicated" for you to understand.

      Then you will start with seeing the fruites of your own mind.

      All I can say is what worked for me better than anything else is looking towards Science and not ignoring it, just too stay in my Fantasies and comfort soon.

      I say this beacuse it's a lot less about "well wishes" and positive thinking... and much much more about setting up a goal in a 2 seconds snap, and ignoring that goal for several months and just working to complete it. Without thinking, one step at a time.

      Turn to science books and you will see why 99% of the self help books dont work for the average (day job mentality people and dreamers).

      Self-Help Book: This books(self-help) is not aimed to successful people, never will, never been, they are aimed to give pictures and resonate with this crowds core and sometimes struggling personalities. Match to market, simply put.

      The belief in the average people is that of FICTION. Wanting something out of nothing. Wanting to be babysit and in control. Wanting vague claims and the most of all, wanting to use their imagination to daydream about their future. Thinking if they think about it enough it will happen. Big mistake!
      Instead, Just program the science in to you and everything will come natural.

      If you want some books, and believe in ME, PM and I give you some books that changed me completely. Now this books is damn hard to read if you have an average IQ. I have an just below average IQ. And guess, I took it a little at a time, put the books away for some days. Just doing everything in my power to wrap my mind around the ideas, because I knew deep inside.. it was this that separated those who are successful & happy - with man and women who are struggling and confused.

      PM me if you want some guidelines. I have nothing to sell you, it's all hardcovers and paperbooks.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[300299].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author David_Thompson
        Originally Posted by Magic Johnson View Post

        Yes, I had these problems for many years too. I knew there were something missing. I've always had some self doubt problems, and questioning myself.

        I believed whole heartly that people who made it "were gifted" or just lucky.

        I've struggled a lot through the last years. Cried sometimes because there were a missing link somewhere.

        When you start to REALLY WANT to wrap your mind around things. And not ignore "what people says" because they are "too complicated" for you to understand.

        Then you will start with seeing the fruites of your own mind.

        All I can say is what worked for me better than anything else is looking towards Science and not ignoring it, just too stay in my Fantasies and comfort soon.

        I say this beacuse it's a lot less about "well wishes" and positive thinking... and much much more about setting up a goal in a 2 seconds snap, and ignoring that goal for several months and just working to complete it. Without thinking, one step at a time.

        Turn to science books and you will see why 99% of the self help books dont work for the average (day job mentality people and dreamers).

        Self-Help Book: This books(self-help) is not aimed to successful people, never will, never been, they are aimed to give pictures and resonate with this crowds core and sometimes struggling personalities. Match to market, simply put.

        The belief in the average people is that of FICTION. Wanting something out of nothing. Wanting to be babysit and in control. Wanting vague claims and the most of all, wanting to use their imagination to daydream about their future. Thinking if they think about it enough it will happen. Big mistake!
        Instead, Just program the science in to you and everything will come natural.

        If you want some books, and believe in ME, PM and I give you some books that changed me completely. Now this books is damn hard to read if you have an average IQ. I have an just below average IQ. And guess, I took it a little at a time, put the books away for some days. Just doing everything in my power to wrap my mind around the ideas, because I knew deep inside.. it was this that separated those who are successful & happy - with man and women who are struggling and confused.

        PM me if you want some guidelines. I have nothing to sell you, it's all hardcovers and paperbooks.
        Hey Dude this is a damm good post man thanks for sharing...

        It would be good if you could share your books with the other
        members in this forum...

        JV partnership wanted, Lets grow your list for free. Nothing to do with giveaways. PM Now
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[301444].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author David_Thompson
        Originally Posted by Magic Johnson View Post

        If you want some books, and believe in ME, PM and I give you some books that changed me completely.

        PM me if you want some guidelines. I have nothing to sell you, it's all hardcovers and paperbooks.
        Hey magic,

        you planning on letting us know what books you're talking about
        about buddy, I think it would greatly benefit the other members
        of this forum.

        JV partnership wanted, Lets grow your list for free. Nothing to do with giveaways. PM Now
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[304279].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author gotlinks
    Thanks for the tips, it does make one think!
    Learn the secrets to growing your Youtube Channel!

    - Feel free to private message me about anything. I love to help people and you are definitely no exception!
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    • Profile picture of the author meshmore
      Great thread guys.

      I am no where near the $50k per month.

      What I am quite certain has held me back is being too much into freebies. One of my greatest undoing was to think that I could do most of my promotional tasks free - without paying for any advertising. I have even searched for "freeautoresponders" in the past.

      It's only early this year when I changed my outlook.

      Now I know that I have to pay for a reliable autoresponder which will ensure that my messages get delivered to my prospects.

      I also now appreciate that I cannot perform some tasks. I just have to outsource the functions to capable people.

      It's only early this year that I now appreciate that I can sell in any market - I just have to find people with the right knowledge to help me with the product development(ebooks,interviews etc).

      So I think any lofty target one sets can be reached - as long as we appreciate that we have to outsource tasks that we cannot perform.

      Even if we can perform the tasks - sometimes its just not worth our time. Our time is better spent investigating how we can come with products that can increase our bottom line

      Mesh More

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  • Profile picture of the author Noel2010
    Thanks for this really great post. There really is no limit.
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  • Profile picture of the author bobsstuff
    Thank you Daniel,
    Your post has my wife and I thinking. Our before work conversation today was about $50K and stretching our belief system beyond paying the bills.

    You posts, as always, are important to this forum. I appreciate your honest about yourself and the directions you went, are going and plan on going.

    There have been other great posts also, and they make me think.

    I have printed this and have gone through it with a yellow, red and green marker and will read it again and again, UNTIL I GET IT.
    Bob Hale
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  • Profile picture of the author Preben Frenning
    Great post.
    I have a GREAT idea, but I'll need almost $10,000 for it.
    Or actually, I don't know. I might get a coder from the philipines to do it for way less, but I'm afraid they might steal my idea.

    So I'm doing "small-time" marketing first, to build up enough revenue for the big project. I'm planning on going to the offline internet marketing niche, and charging for what my services really are worth.

    The same concept you mention in your OP applies to offline marketing if you want to go after the big bucks.

    Then I plan on building a solid, semi-passive income from that, and invest the money in bigger and bigger project.

    I'm an optimist of nature, and really believe I can make $50k+ a month.
    Once I first get the money I need to finish all of my projects.
    And going to school as well doesn't make it easier to make the money I need=P

    I'm also planning on getting investors, so I can get started immediately.

    Thanks again for the inspiration.

    - Preben

    Content overload? Too many tabs open? Then
    check out my awesome tech startup! - It will make your life easier.

    Twitter? - http://twitter.com/Preben_Frenning

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    • Profile picture of the author D.K. Magnus
      Funny, I've read this thread several times in the last 2 days and recognized some of the limits I have put on myself through my thinking.

      Today when I got home from my JOB, there was a message for me from a friend of mine.

      He is a brick and mortar business owner, who likes to discuss starting an Ebay or possibly an online business with me. I've never been sure of how serious he was until now.

      He has a new tenant in an office building he owns, that has the same type of business that I work in.

      My friend has money to invest, and knowing that I not only have some years of experience in this field, but also went to school to train for it, asked if I would be interested in starting a business similar to his tenant's.

      And what did I find myself doing?

      Down playing my experience and qualifications!

      So once again I find that I'm holding myself back with my limited thinking.

      But I'm getting there!(should be a big smile here)
      For unique, high quality articles go to http://www.warriorforum.com/warriors...ent-great.html
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  • Profile picture of the author Phil Jones
    Whatever The Mind Can Conceive... It Can Achieve. (W. Clement Stone 1902-2002)
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Rich
    I appreciate both the words and the timing of your post. There's an old saying, "When the student is ready, the teacher appears." Well, that is not an exact match for the timing of this post for me, but it's close.

    What actually happened in my situation was that an idea came to me while I was doing some article research a week ago. It has to do with a concept that's been in and out of the mainstream for quite a while. It's probably more like an urban legend than anything else. In fact, it was the subject of a movie some years ago.

    To shorten the story, I have been putting thoughts together to create a product from this idea, and it feels like something with huge potential...if I'm right, and creative enough to make smart decisions. I'm being very critical about the content and how I put the promotional strategy into play. I've been making very little progress, other than thinking about to make sure the end user sees the value.

    Then today, I'm reading an email from George about updates he's putting together, and he was thoughtful enough to put a link to this post, into his email. And now I'm here, inside this post....and my thoughts literally leaped past the sticking point I've suffered with for nearly a week.

    Now I am confident I can make this idea work, and thanks to your message filled post, I know how to put the finishing touches on the product...and a way to create value that more closely matches its potential.

    My sincere thanks go to you and to George as well. You are two very generous individuals who over deliver at every opportunity. It's my belief that your actions illustrate why this business pays so handsomely to some while rationing revenue to others.

    You're A Class Act Gentlemen,
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  • Profile picture of the author JasonParker
    Killer post Daniel.

    Personally... Some amazing things have happened for me since I started thinking bigger.

    I'm finding more and more that mindset and attitude is 99% of this game.

    I know this because I started with a really crappy mentality and only started making any kind of real money once my entire outlook transformed.

    For example, my goal now is $1,000 per day. Sounds crazy to most people, especially the ones crying "recession!" But just focusing on a bigger goal makes you make better decisions. I find myself bypassing ideas that could never get me there and taking on ideas that will get me where I want.

    I remember listening to your mp3s a while back, maybe 5 or 6 months ago. And I remember listening to your story of how you were raised and where you started with your thinking in the projects of LA (I think... forgive me if I can't remember exactly). It's amazing that you broke free from those roots. I enjoyed those mp3s a lot.

    If you have any more mindset stuff, will you please PM me a link or something?
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  • Profile picture of the author InternetM39482
    One hell of a post! Really a very nice read.

    If someone sets a high goal, even if it is not achieved, you'll be amazed at the results that come out of it!
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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Ratliff
    Wow...this could possibly go down in Warrior history as one of the best posts "all-time"...

    I am reminded of a quote from Napoleon Hill...

    "The only limitations to the mind are those that we acknowledge, both richness and poorness are the offspring of thought."

    Forgive me if I didn't get that word for word.

    And about opening your business to other niches than IM...well...let's just say I personally was thumped on the head by one of my mentors to examine that about 2 years ago...and it was Miller time from that point on
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Cho
    I'm planning to make millions off internet marketing! =)
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  • Profile picture of the author Vin_J
    Important stuff in that article
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    • Profile picture of the author kf
      steven wagenheim:

      When you're 10 years old, you might dream of playing for the Yankees, but
      you can't even conceive of it happening because it's so far off.

      But then you're about to graduate college and a scout sees you and signs
      you to a minor league contract. Suddenly, it's not such a far fetched idea.
      But there was no way you could have seen that at age 10.
      Unfortunately (and I'm taking your comment out of the context you intended Steven), I think the opposite of this statement tends to be more likely.

      We begin, as children, without limits. We all want to be astronauts or the president or a major league player.

      Sadly, the limitations of those around us often means that only those most determined, whose dreams have been nourished not squashed, will make it to college still on track (versus studying business or nursing) and play that game with the talent scout looking on.

      A child's mind is innately creative, filled with ideas and only 'learns' limitations with age.

      The challenge is to get back to that child's mind where all things are possible. And we can have or be what we desire simply *because* we desire it.

      daniel taylor:
      Here's where my revelation came. I could have started off
      going after multi-platinum producers in the from day one.
      Beautiful. Thanks for the great thread Daniel.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vasilios T
    Awesome Post, You can never hear enough insight on the factors of the mind and how it effects us in any field. I find one of my biggest problems is overload of information and inaction, continually having to get more and more information and thinking that one more course or book is going to help get that jackpot. The factor is you have to think and feel big and act, so those small tiny little obstacles that would otherwise knock you over and stop you dead in your tracks if you were aiming low would be overcome aiming high. This is something I have only really just come to understand and hoping to expand, I hope everyone gets to the stage they dream of, just as long as they take the stance to do it. Warrior in training.....
    Good Luck to all.
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  • Profile picture of the author dave.
    Originally Posted by Daniel E Taylor View Post


    In fact I would even say $5k. Again I find the problem isn't that you can't
    find people that will gladly pay $5k for your services.

    The problem is you don't believe your services are worth $5k.

    But you have to realize you don't set the worth on your services.
    You estimate it, and the customer has the final say.

    It's really fascinating what you are telling us, but IMO linear thinking is a much bigger problem then most people actually think. For example, I'm very far from earning 50K a month for the reason you described above: I simply can't imagine, that I could offer something that is worth at least $1K. If it's not a totally original and cool idea, nobody would be interested in it, because I'm not a real IM expert, so all the knowledge I have can be found on the internet for a much cheaper price.

    Let's talk about coaching for example. I have some niche sites, which are bringing me a good passive income. So I know, how to find a niche and how to go around with it, but all I do is trying out things that are working IMO. I don't say, that I could ALWAYS find a profitable market and ALWAYS create a cool income from it, therefore I can't guarantee, that my coaching would be perfect.

    (My niches are not the ones where I could get more money from)

    I look forward to your thoughts.

    >>>>Free Forex Strategies: Forex Univerzum <<<<
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[304388].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Joseph Ratliff
      Originally Posted by dave. View Post

      It's really fascinating what you are telling us, but IMO linear thinking is a much bigger problem then most people actually think. For example, I'm very far from earning 50K a month for the reason you described above: I simply can't imagine, that I could offer something that is worth at least $1K. If it's not a totally original and cool idea, nobody would be interested in it, because I'm not a real IM expert, so all the knowledge I have can be found on the internet for a much cheaper price.

      Let's talk about coaching for example. I have some niche sites, which are bringing me a good passive income. So I know, how to find a niche and how to go around with it, but all I do is trying out things that are working IMO. I don't say, that I could ALWAYS find a profitable market and ALWAYS create a cool income from it, therefore I can't guarantee, that my coaching would be perfect.

      (My niches are not the ones where I could get more money from)

      I look forward to your thoughts.

      Here's something to ponder, and Allen actually brought this up somewhere in the War Room I think...

      There are pdf downloads being sold for hundreds to thousands of dollars that are limited in page count...but have highly targeted and sought after information.

      And...many markets have this type of information...

      So, instead of selling an ebook for $97.00, if that information is worth more...why not sell it for more ? (I don't claim to "sell them for more" either, just exploring this idea)

      In fact, Jim Straw does this with one of his info product packages (selling it for $997.00 I think).

      So, why are we limiting ourselves (me included) to selling an ebook for less if it's worth more? Is it because we don't want to do the work of conveying the benefits and value?

      Are we placing artificial price limits on our products (info products namely)?

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[305299].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author dave.
        Originally Posted by Joseph Ratliff View Post

        Here's something to ponder, and Allen actually brought this up somewhere in the War Room I think...

        There are pdf downloads being sold for hundreds to thousands of dollars that are limited in page count...but have highly targeted and sought after information.

        And...many markets have this type of information...

        So, instead of selling an ebook for $97.00, if that information is worth more...why not sell it for more ? (I don't claim to "sell them for more" either, just exploring this idea)

        In fact, Jim Straw does this with one of his info product packages (selling it for $997.00 I think).

        So, why are we limiting ourselves (me included) to selling an ebook for less if it's worth more? Is it because we don't want to do the work of conveying the benefits and value?

        Are we placing artificial price limits on our products (info products namely)?

        It's an interesting question.
        I guess we are selling eBooks for $97, because you can find other eBooks for the same topic with this or a lower price. Probably anyone of us bought many IM related products for $47 or whatever price, but if I'd buy something for $997, I'd expect something unique and groundbreaking. If I just get a well-written, informative eBook (but nothing special, like a big secret or something), I'd get the feeling that I was throwing out money.

        I think such a pricing is only imaginable, if your target audience don't have a clue about the prices, or don't have another choice (or at least they don't know about other options).

        For example, I'm laughing about people in my country, who are buying IM products for over $100, because I know that they could get it much cheaper in English. But they don't realize this, because they can't compare it to any other product, since they only know about these ones.

        It's just my opinion, let me know what you think.

        >>>>Free Forex Strategies: Forex Univerzum <<<<
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  • Profile picture of the author AtticusBaker
    I must agree that the greatest obstacle I face in online sales, marketing, or anything else in my life is self-sabotage (negative mindset). I appreciate your post and thank you for the eye-opening "attitude adjustment".
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  • Profile picture of the author Steveb2u
    Great post....I agree that a large part of the battle is with your own mind and what you think is possible.
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  • Profile picture of the author drkellogs
    I agree with almost everything you've said.

    Mindset is the MOST important factor in determining success online (or wherever else). It supercedes everything else. From tactics to knowledge to marketing strategy to social skills.

    As Donald Trump says in his most recent book(and I'm paraphrasing here): Think Big And Kick Ass! It went something like this...:

    "If you're going to think ANYWAY... might as well think BIG... it's free."
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeremy James
    Great post!

    Have you ever been a ticked off customer? My reports gets you Satisfaction and Resolution! Click HERE to check it out!

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    • Profile picture of the author Darrel Hawes

      Those videos aren't playing for me. I've tried with Firefox and IE.

      I can see a black square where the video should be on each page, but I don't see a video nor a player.

      Are they still up, and if so, any ideas on troubleshooting from my end?
      Darrel Hawes - Blog
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  • Profile picture of the author sheffie
    Quick way to make money this exciting new year is exploding BIG now. PM me if you want to know...
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  • Profile picture of the author MrLD
    This is such a great post, in fact this should be posted all over the discussion boards on this forum. I have been guilty myself of feeling this way for a few years. I remember about 10 years ago when I first started to learn about online marketing. My goal was to make $200/month. It took me 8 months to make that amount of money, in fact I didn't make any money until after the 3rd month and it was for $40. I was able to reach my goal of making $5k/month after two years, but even so I was still not aiming big. All I was doing was trying to make an additional $1000/month and take it from there. I was wrong. When I started making $100,000/month. I told myself that I have reached my max and all I have to do is sit down and relax. Wrong again! But of course as an entrepreneur, we really do not want to stop working and exploring new hings. But even after achieving this , I was still limiting myself to a lower degree of success. I kept going back to the basics the fact that every time I saw a WSO or other opportunities out there that can make me another $1-$5k/month, I will study it harder and try to make that amount of money. (Now. I am not saying that you should not explore these type of opportunities, as there is also a possibility that you can take this to the next level.)

    I finally realized, this has got to stop. I got to get bigger and that has been my goal this year. I have been working on a much bigger projects since the start of this year and will be working on a more bigger projects in the future.

    I guess what I am trying to say here is aim high, think big and take action to achieve your goals. Thanks much for this post Mr. Taylor


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  • Profile picture of the author goingup
    Sounds great-but a lot of us dont want to do our own product. I'd like to sell big ticket items but unfortunately the price of entry tends to be to buy the product, which I cant afford in the first place. As for 50k a month-yes, I believe that and a lot more is possible monthly. Now if I can just figure out how.....

    Only dead fish go with the flow.

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  • Profile picture of the author visit_faraz
    I completely agree with the mindset part.
    I have experienced this when I was trying to create a service creating blogs and lenses for people. At that time, I didnt know what to charge and so I ended up working for cheap and later on I found that people were charging $40 , $50 or even $70 for creating a blog or a squidoo lens.

    As a matter of fact, I had got many ideas and I didnt apply them because I thought that nobody would find it useful , and some time later on I found these ideas coming out as wso's and people were buying like crazy.

    I still get ideas but am not sure whether to go forward with these ideas. There is a fear that I will lose and nobody will buy or that I wont get the price I ask.

    I would really love it if I could somehow get over it and be able to charge a decent price for my services and be confident that people that my services do have value.

    Thanks Daniel, your post was really helpful.

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  • Profile picture of the author Janet Dunn
    Can't access the videos! Sorry
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    There are a lot of people who want to make decent amounts of money online but their mind set is terrible. It is really true:

    Thoughts are things.

    Our thoughts create our reality.

    So how do we change our mindset when there are so many negative things happening in our lives?

    First, TURN OFF THE NEWS. Only watch your favorite shows.

    Second, there is a book that EVERYONE here needs to read and it is called:

    What to say when You Talk To yourself By Shad Helmstetter ( I think I got the last name mis-spelled)

    This is a MUST read book that will help you when it comes to "OUR THOUGHTS CREATE OUR REALITY.

    When I was struggling to make it, all I could think of was "I am failing". "This business is not working for me". "I won't work". So I picked up the book that I mentioned above and read it. Then I went out and got my self a recorder and recorded myself and telling myself that:

    "I am successful. I am doing very well online. I am earning X amounts of dollars per month. I am a success. I love what I do. Etc..."

    Those thoughts after a short while became a reality for me and it works.

    So go out and get that book and start doing what it says that you need to do there.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[497812].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author RaynayValles
    Originally Posted by Daniel E Taylor View Post

    Due to the amount of people this post touched me and my partner
    decided to create a few (FREE) No strings attatched videos to
    help you grow your business.


    I think your site is having tech difficulties. I went to the link above in FF and IE and couldn't play the videos. I can play other online videos so I don't think it's my system.

    Let us know when they are available. I'm looking forward to them.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[498153].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Rachel Zaouche
      This is an amazing thread- Daniel - thank you for sharing (but I too am having problems viewing the video)

      Thank you too to the post that gave us a spreadsheet to calculate our dream - sorry I cant remember who it was but I did thank you at the post.

      One thing I would like to add is that before everyone goes off chasing the amount of money they think they want, make sure you take some time out to decide what it is you actually want. Too many people are feeling like they are failures because they dont meet the $1m per year earnings promised by so many sales letters.

      It is only when YOU decide what is YOUR dream life, that you will begin to go forward and meet it. SW illustrated this - he sees himself as a success (and of course he is) but he doesnt earn the $50k a month every month. But he has a happy family, no mortgage, a daughter almost through college without being up to her neck in debt, that is a success in anyones book.

      Yes aim high and don't limit yourself but remember Everyones version of success is,and should be, different.

      Follow people like Daniel and the other great contributions on here and decide for yourself what you wish to implement. They have been very generous with their time but ultimately we are the only ones that can take action.

      One of the reasons Bob Proctor is held up as a "guru" (personally I love his stuff) is that he went in as a consultant to a big life office and told the life assurance sales people that he would make them hit a certain sales figure (cant remember the actual figure). Nobody had ever come close to hitting that level of sales but under Bobs coaching they did and within a very short time period. These were the same people doing the same job yet writing masses more business. What changed? Their belief in their own ability.

      As a avid reader, some books that people looking to develop the right mindset might be interested in reading are (be warned some of these are in very old style English and not that easy to read but their message is amazing!)

      The Science of Getting Rich - Wallace Wattles
      Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill (don't let the prejudice (wrong yes but put yourself back in early 1900's) put you off)
      AS Man Thinketh - James Allen
      The Art of War - Sun TZU (Definitely not an easy read!)
      Acres of Diamonds - Russell Conwell

      Acres of Diamonds in particular reminds me of IM. How many of us, including or perhaps mainly! me, are guilty of chasing after the next bright and shiny thing online when as Conwell puts it we are probably already sitting on "Acres of Diamonds"

      The below is an extract of Acres of Diamonds - enjoy!

      "I told him of a man out in California in 1847 who owned
      a ranch. He heard they had discovered gold in southern
      California, and so with a passion for gold he sold his ranch to
      Colonel Sutter, and away he went, never to come back. Colonel
      Sutter put a mill upon a stream that ran through that ranch,
      and one day his little girl brought some wet sand from the
      raceway into their home and sifted it through her fingers
      before the fire, and in that falling sand a visitor saw the first
      shining scales of real gold that were ever discovered in
      California. The man who had owned that ranch wanted gold,
      and he could have secured it for the mere taking. Indeed,
      thirty-eight millions of dollars has been taken out of a very few
      acres since then. About eight years ago I delivered this lecture
      in a city that stands on that farm, and they told me that a
      one-third owner for years and years had been getting one
      hundred and twenty dollars in gold every fifteen minutes,
      sleeping or waking, without taxation. You and I would enjoy
      an income like that--if we didn't have to pay an income tax."

      I have loads more but I dont want this thread to go on forever!! lol (and I admit some of them are just soaking up disc space as I have yet to read them myself)

      Best wishes

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  • Profile picture of the author visit_faraz
    I am glad that I am able to pay someone to get my work done.
    When I started, I used to write articles for others and do other kinds of jobs online.
    I am so glad now that I am doing has worked for me. Thanks to article marketing.
    But I am still not where I want to be and am experiencing a kind of plateau,where I will need a real push to get to the next level and that's where the mindset comes in.

    Hope I am able to get a better mindset.

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  • Profile picture of the author Folusho Orokunle
    I agree with what Steven wrote earlier.

    You are the average of your five closest friends and associates. The reason people don't think they can do it, is because they don't see it.

    I'm different from most people, I don't have to see people making 100k/month to know that I could do it.

    But once I saw someone do it right in front of me, the very next month myself and my partner made over 150k in one month.

    So if you can't see it yet, you need to get around some people that are already doing it and trust me..........you'll start to see it.

    Need premium biz opp traffic? Email me: folusho at eliteecoach.com

    Internet Marketing Television

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[544810].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author BJ Min
    it's great to hear that you can make the big income
    from big picture mindset...

    but can anyone show any specific real life examples
    of making this big income?

    there's lots of talk about it...but what specifically
    did you sell to make that income?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[544905].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author misterlmno
    great post, but I cannot view the video with the link you provided.
    Need Help With Your Keyword Research??

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[545108].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author FitJerk
    Good shit!

    You sir, can really write. Loved reading it... going to watch you're videos now.
    Can't really say much else, but thank you for adding serious value to my morning.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[545192].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Folusho Orokunle
    In simple terms:

    To make big income you sell stuff that costs a lot of money over and over.

    Most thing that cost a lot of money that you can sell over and over are
    service related like coaching and marketing services.

    So instead of trying to sell an ebook about how to get on the first page
    of google, you print out your 50 page ebook, read it out loud and make
    2 cds out of it, then go sell it to business owners for 200 dollars.

    At the end of the book you tell them that you can do it all for them
    for a whole year for 5k, and if they don't see results you'll give em
    6k back.

    Then you outsource everything for 1k and pocket the difference.

    Then after you have some references raise your price to 10k, sell
    one package a week and you'll make over 500k in a year.

    Or do what I do and hire sales people and pay them 20%.

    Here's to your success and God Bless.

    Need premium biz opp traffic? Email me: folusho at eliteecoach.com

    Internet Marketing Television

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  • Profile picture of the author edpudol1973
    Great post daniel, I really like it, and read every post in this thread to pick some gold
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  • Profile picture of the author hiphil
    Great post, but I cannot view the videos

    Create your first website by 3:45 this afternoon - using Free software. (Free Download).

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[552291].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Adeel_Chowdhry
    Please fix the video.


    Awesome post.
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  • Profile picture of the author freudianslip27
    Fantastic post!

    I think a lot of this goes back to us not having confidence in ourselves. We don't value our knowledge and services enough and that leads us to focus on the lower end of the field.

    Look at how many successful people there are online that aren't "geniuses". What are you missing that they have?

    One mistake I make is I find something that makes money, but have trouble scaling it. I try to consider that from the beginning now when working with a venture.


    WarriorForum Rules!

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  • Profile picture of the author GrantFreeman
    I'm grateful for this thread. What also comes to mind are books like "The Magic of Thinking Big", by David J. Schwartz; and that line from The Dark Knight where the Joker says...

    "It's not about the money..it's about sending a message"

    When I watched that part of the movie, I applied a (much more positive) parallel to the IM world-
    Focus on seeing the real value of helping people first with a great message, and the money will follow.

    Also, that Jack-In-The-Box fast food commercial where the guy is hoping to get rich selling antenna balls:

    Jack: I'll buy one. How much?
    Guy: A million dollars
    Jack: Don't you think that's a little expensive?
    Guy: Lol. All I need is one sale!

    PS. Vids aren't working.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[552407].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    eye opening post....! Thanks!!!
    *** Affiliate Site Quick --> The Fastest & Easiest Way to Make Affiliate Sites!<--
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[552468].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author samxxx
    good point.....
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  • Profile picture of the author bizideas
    I can't view the video(s), is there an alternate link?
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis-White
    Great Post, I loved it you touched on a lot of great things

    Affiliate Marketer, business builder and Content Creator >Grab My FREE Internet Marketing Profits Book Here<

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  • Profile picture of the author kcgeorge
    Thanks for this great article, it really inspired to work hard and think positively.However, i try to watch the video but it wouldn't open.
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  • Profile picture of the author DerrickLamont
    i love that post, keep those coming!!!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author brandonhess
    This is so true. Great post, long as hell, but great. Now if more people would think this way it would be great. Everyone is so focused on the recession, and that is only going to make it worse. Need to get over it and move on.

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  • Profile picture of the author Sam Mlambo
    Awesome Thread, Taking action is the best feeling in my life.
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  • Profile picture of the author mywebwork
    Very inspirational post, thank you for it. As others have reported the video link does not work.
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    • Profile picture of the author Aare
      yeah... many people just come here to read but didn't work with the method.... the q is.. hardwork.
      God bless us all!
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  • Profile picture of the author hiphil
    The concept of limited versus unlimited thinking can be nicely illustrated by PPC (pay-per-click) marketing.

    Limited Thinking Model:

    Suppose you try and sell a $27 product using PPC.
    You spend 50 cents per click, and your conversion rate is 1 percent, i.e. you sell 1 product for every 100 clicks.
    So you spend $50 and earn $27 for each sale, and you make a loss of $23 on each sale.

    Unlimited Thinking Model:

    Now, suppose you sell a $270 product using PPC.
    This time you spend $1 per click, and again your conversion rate is 1 percent.
    But this time, you spend $100 and earn $270 for each sale, and you make a healthy profit of $170 on each sale.

    Create your first website by 3:45 this afternoon - using Free software. (Free Download).

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[563114].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ss61288
    absolutely hit the nail on the head!
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  • Profile picture of the author AX
    I too am having problems viewing the videos,really would like to see them after reading this thread.
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  • Profile picture of the author Teenage Genius
    OP - It is SOOOO True about peoples mind set!

    I started a thread here not so long ago about how I tryed to teach my friend internet marketing as he is bright but was struggling with life in general. I was just met with excuse after excuse.

    Luckily for me I've always been the opposite. I have the "I can do anything and everything" attitude and I have genuinly believed in myself for years too. I think thats helped my success ten fold!

    Teenage Genius
    Genius SEO - WSO : Not only do you get TOP SPOT on Google, Yahoo, Bing and Ask in MINUTES.... You Dominate the ENTIRE FRONT PAGE - One little 5 minute secret, massive results!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[563244].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author laurelwachtel
    Great post Daniel, you're absolutely right it is a matter of the right kind of thinking in the first place! Having a great plan to begin with is very important for sure, but its also whether you have the confidence in your abilities to follow thorough on them.
    Originally Posted by Daniel E Taylor View Post

    So the million dollar question is, why don't you
    implement the ideas that pop into your head?

    Well for most people its a combination of Self Esteem / Limited Thinking

    You may get the idea to go offline and start targeting small businesses
    and helping them get online.

    Now that will make your $50k this month.
    Especially liked that part, focus your energy into once source and give it all that you have to ensure your success! It helps my own business on a daily basis!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[565135].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author keithdougherty
    Wow you really put it in to context. I think we can all learn from utilizing the proper mindset. Thanks for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert_Rand
    Wow, that was a powerful post.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lori James

    I'm new here and this is my first post. I'm going to copy it and put it where I can see it every day.

    You're right, a lot of people, including me, limit themselves in their thinking. This is a really great post, and I'm going to start thinking "outside the box"

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  • Profile picture of the author Samuel Lee
    Great post Daniel! Very inspiring, I like the way you explained that we should look outside our own square and start to add our unique skills to make new new services to our existing products or develop new ones that are going to help people build there own businesses. Very true...
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  • Profile picture of the author sap147
    Excellent post, very inspiring to say the least. Steven, just to get back the linear thinking you were talking about (college students graduating and starting a entry level salary job, etc..).. Well, I graduated college a few months ago with a Chem Eng. B.S. Degree and have been unable to find any type of job/internship, nothing at all. I would sit at home depressed, but then I stumbled across IM. I am starting to think it was a blessing in disguise.. I always had a feeling that god had bigger plans for me..
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  • Profile picture of the author Doctor Article
    Awesome post and some great responses as well. Many thanks to all who've contributed.
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  • Profile picture of the author ragstworiches

    Excellent thread, I believe a lot of people on this forum are living in a fantasy world in which you make money without spending any money, taking any risk or working effectively.

    I was recently thinking of all the people who basically do what someelse has already thought of and then expect to make money?

    Which led me to the belief that if you can create an original idea that is beneficial to people it will market itself.

    If your idea is good enough you shouldn't really need to create a whirlwind of hype it should come naturally.

    For example the site omegle was created by an 18 year old. All the site does is allow you chat to random people. This got picked up by the media and thus it was marketed worldwide for free.

    I believe it is all about the idea, if you can create a good enough idea it will sell itself, regardless of your marketing abilities.

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  • Profile picture of the author Igor Kheifets
    Hey Daniel,
    great post man.

    Mindset is definitely the one thing
    that can pul a person down. It actually
    was pulling me down quite some time, untill
    I realised that my time worth money and people
    should pay for it.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[841248].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author SlfMastery
    Mr Daniel Taylor:

    Your post was very liberating!! You just echoed what Robert Kiyosaki teaches in his books/ CD's -- it's the size of the question that determines the size of the answer.

    This reminds me how powerful the masses thinking is and that I need to start following people like yourself. Thanks for this powerful reminder!

    **Blueprint To Your First $50 - FREE Now!
    **Amazon Assoc. Reveals How To Make $1500 Fast
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[844641].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Harry Behrens
    Great stuff - your mindset is the single most important thing you can adjust to improve everything you do.

    I'd question whether it's really 'quick' though - you can't just say "Yes, I have to change my mindset, ok - mindset changed!" In reality it's a process that goes against many subconscious forces and requires real work and time to achieve.

    But once you start taking real steps towards it you can start seeing big results for sure.

    - Harry Behrens

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[844735].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MrRSmith
      Originally Posted by Harry Behrens View Post

      Great stuff - your mindset is the single most important thing you can adjust to improve everything you do.

      I'd question whether it's really 'quick' though - you can't just say "Yes, I have to change my mindset, ok - mindset changed!" In reality it's a process that goes against many subconscious forces and requires real work and time to achieve.

      But once you start taking real steps towards it you can start seeing big results for sure.
      Harry, you're spot on with this. It's more than just speaking it. You have to live it, you have to embrace that decision to change and not look back. IMHO, what also happens a lot of times is that new people (and even some vets) hit a bump in the road and get discouraged. You just can't give up. Perseverance goes a long ways.
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      • Profile picture of the author MrRSmith
        I agree with a lot of the folks that say they have read some great and inspiring posts. It's very important to remember how important one's mindset is to their success. I don't want to get a soap box or anything like that, but I just wanted to post a quote that definitely helps keep me on target. Some folks might recognize it:

        If the dream is big enough, the facts don't count...
        In short, if that goal/dream you're working towards is really in your heart, if you know you have to achieve it and failure is not an option, the facts don't matter. It doesn't matter if you barely have any money or barely have any time, didn't graduate from high school or college, IT SIMPLY DOESN'T MATTER! You will find a way to acquire the resources you need to make that dream come true. We see and hear stories like this all of the time. It's just a matter of making the decision to take that first step and not looking back.

        (not trying to sound preachy or hypey). Just really passionate about folks achieving their dreams and not wanting to see them give up on what they dreamed of for so long...

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    • Profile picture of the author Myway
      Inflate the bubble..

      IM people really are a special breed... It's this kind of mindset and advertising that has driven me away from every single "money making method" for sale online. It's allways I'm the greatest, my method is revolutionary, I'll make you rich quick, your worth millions, blabla.. It's just empty marketing, take common knowledge, spin it, put it in a nice form, ad a ridiculous price, advertise the **** out of it and presto.. YAWN!

      I really wonder when the bubble will burst and consumers will start using their brain online..
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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        The thread is from 2008!!! You can read and enjoy it - but please don't bump old threads to the top by posting in them.
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
        what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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        • Profile picture of the author JustVisiting
          Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

          The thread is from 2008!!! You can read and enjoy it - but please don't bump old threads to the top by posting in them.
          By posting you have done just that... DOH!...and so have I.

          A solution maybe is the Forum Mods should close old threads after a certain length of inactivity. (They can still be viewed)

          "...If at first you don't succeed; call it Version 1.0"
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Jordan
    Way to go! Great post, Daniel.Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author hisham88
    You write a great post Steve. Thanks Daniel!
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  • Profile picture of the author daj
    I wonder if anyone from back in 2008 that posted in this thread is now making 50k+ a month from the advice given by Daniel(OP). Is Steve? Is any one? Does the OP still make that much?
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  • Profile picture of the author jacksonlin
    Yeah an update would be fantastic.
    Want a 13 Part FREE Internet Marketing Course - Taught By A PREMIER CLICKBANK SUPPER AFFILIATE? Did I mention taught through VIDEOS?
    Yup, I'm not hyping things up for you. Click here to check it out!
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  • Profile picture of the author jasonl70
    wow..this one was a blast from the past, but so true and relevant even today.

    I always tell people that the real key to my relatively quick success with IM was my mindest and beliefs. 10k a month wasn't some fantasy to me - it was normal for mebefore I ever got into IM (I did it with my day job as an IT consultant, and I did it within a month on ebay).

    In my case, that was MY limiting mindset - 10k a month.

    This concept isn't just limited to IM. even with my day job back then - the only thing that made me different from other people on the projects I was involved in was that I had the courage to say I wanted $85/hr, when everyone else was afraid to ask for more than $60k/yr.

    Since my comfort zone was around 10k or so a month, when I got into IM I was looking around with that mindset (and hence I never was interested in becoming one of the legions of struggling "Bum Marketers").

    Something that I learned working with salesmen offline - people will do what's required to stay in their comfort zone, but rarely go beyond it. Give them a raise in commission rates, and within 2 months they will have settled in right back at their previous average income (ie, somehow end up selling less). I have seen this OVER AND OVER AND OVER.

    While very few people want to hear this, a lot people with success under their belts will tell you that the mental game is critical. In my case, I don't chase any new fad, idea, or launch.. I work on my inner game, as I know that is what is holding me back.


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  • Profile picture of the author Rick Britton
    although I have only made tiny money online so far after about 3 months, I had independently come to a similar conclusion only very recently. I don't put it in the same words as the OP but I now see there are no limits and if you have a business model that makes money (or indeed several business models) then why not do them all?

    I have two areas of expertise in which I can and will make products and initially I was planning to make some ebooks and so on, sell them or give them away with some embedded links to other stuff.

    However, and this happened completely organically, one of my product ranges has expanded in concept into a product that should easily sell for $2000 (probably in installments) and there will be lots of opportunities to upsell extra "stuff". This one product range, although not even started yet, has in my mind expanded into a whole brand with 10 or more specialised versions and lots of special one offs and additional services, one on ones, video conferencing and all manner of stuff. As I say, it started out in my mind as an ebook with possibly a video for $27...

    and now the whole concept has expanded again as I have met someone else with a similar amount of information to offer in a different niche and we are going to create a huge product range both on and offline for him....

    both of these are huge evergreen niches and my personal goal is to create all these products and have people sell them for me for a very long time (affiliates)...

    now I only have one obstacle and that is the financing to actually make the product (mine) which will involve creating 24 to 48 hours of high quality video content and all the extras to go with it.... but I have plans afoot for that!

    I feel kind of like the OP has given me a green light to go for it! Yes, I can make a huge product range and sell it for what its worth and not sell it at reduced prices! And every time I think about it lots more new ideas come bouncing along and it expands again.... even now just thinking that there is a very good chance that the two ranges could cross sell

    great thread, one of the best

    EDIT: wow I have just seen this was originally posted in 2008!! And somebody bumped this recently and I just came to similar conclusions ie tha I can expand and expand without limit to as far as it will go


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    • Profile picture of the author optimus prime
      Easier said than done. But truly a good way to look at it and be motivated by it.
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  • Profile picture of the author TomBohan

    Fantastic Post very inspiring.

    I printed it out and plan to re-read every morning till the information sinks in

    all the best

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  • Profile picture of the author Trafficsniper
    Brilliant post, Daniel. Looking forward for more post.

    " The only reason you can't make $50k this month is because of your limited mindset (PERIOD)"
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  • Profile picture of the author MarkJones
    Mind set is always a limiter to your success, it takes guts and quick thinking to take a business from $2000 a month to $50,000 a month and that's something alot of people "don't" have or don't want to show that they have.

    If you are worried about every penny you send to get to the $50,000 a month mark or what ever it is your trying to reach to you'll never get there.. Sometimes it's about letting thing take their course and just running with it.

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  • Profile picture of the author dubaier
    Really awesome man ! 100% agree
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  • Profile picture of the author Eduard Stinga
    Mind opener! - should increase my prices for my services and aim for better and bigger clients.
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  • Profile picture of the author gillw254
    Thxn for changing up my mindset level...

    Even I try increase the prices for my services and I will check it out...
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  • Profile picture of the author dagaul101
    Nice tips, it's a great idea to have that positive mindset and set your goals as high and large as you can
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  • Profile picture of the author mado
    You boosted up my motivation.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
    Clearly the best thread I have read on the Warrior Forum. Thanks to the poster who raised it again. Why would anyone want to close a thread this good? It would never be found again and it's still highly relevant and it's message would be lost.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rick Britton
    I'm in Bill

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  • Profile picture of the author adrwcav
    This post is like one of the first I ever read when joining the WF back in 2008. I printed it out back then. And, YES, I have made significant progress since : )
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