I'm Calling Out Some Warriors, Naming Names and I Don't Care

by Zanti
102 replies
I was moved to write this post based on a couple of recent post. One by Ron Douglas, http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...ior-forum.html and the other by ccmusicman, http://www.warriorforum.com/mind-war...unt-until.html.

I see this forum as a melting pot of people from around the world, with different backgrounds, cultures, education and income. Some are very successful making a great living with their business, others are just starting out with a dream and nothing more, with the majority being someplace in the middle.

For whatever reason we've all ended up here, mostly learning, giving, sharing and hopefully growing as a person and with our business.

I've noticed over the time I've been here that there can be a number of "Debbie Downers." Those who either attack, put down, or purposely try to step on others dreams, for what seems like to me, just the sheer enjoyment of doing so. This covers members with thousands of post and generally held in high regard and those with less than 10 post who joined last week.

What these "Debbie Downers" don't seem to realize is that their comments and actions here can have a direct impact on their business and reputation. What I mean by that is; there are some that don't seem to understand that making crass comments or jokes, belittling others, questioning someone's intelligence, making sexist comments, and just being a jerk is seen by many here. More importantly, you create an energy that will be attached to you and your business and not in a good way. So if you're wondering why you aren't making sales or why sales have dropped, this could be the reason why.

I'm not talking about some of the heated conversations that can sometime happen here, that's expected. What I'm talking about is the often lack of just common courtesy for someone who you most likely have more in common with than you don't.

If you think someone has asked a question that in your judgment they should know or could maybe search for, leave it alone and just let it go without a response if you have no desire to answer it.

I can only speak for myself, but there are both some veteran Warriors and some new ones that after witnessing how they engage with others here I would never buy any product from them, ever. Just based on how they treat people on this forum. For me it's just part of my integrity and ethics that I can't support someone economically who has so little care or concern about how they treat their fellow man or woman.

So yes, I'm naming names and calling out those Warriors that do the opposite of what I've described.

These are some of the Warriors both old and new that create an uplifting environment here. There are some people I'm sure I'm missing from this list but if you're new here you'll find the following people to be a major resource in helping your business succeed.

They are: Caleb Spilchen, Michael Mayo, Paulie888, Cathy Sheliver, Marvin Johnston, Lisa Gergets, Alexa Smith, Paul Hancox, Dr. Mani, Tiffany Dow, Istvan Horvath,, Jill Carpenter (Avenue Girl), Mark Hess, Kevin Riley, Diane S, Paul Myers, Janet Sawyer, Colin Theriot, Jmichaelz, Caliban Darklock (who can be a character but does much to help others), ccmusicman (Rob Howard), Will Edwards, John Schwartz (Zeus66), Ray Edwards, Viperchill (Glen Allsopp), Digimix, Dennis Gaskill, Andy Henry, Cathy Stucker (Idea Lady), John McCabe, Kay King, Ron Douglas, Mike McMillan (and not because he's also from Michigan), and oh, that bald head guy with the shinny dome, Thomas Belknap.

I know there are many more that I've missed, but to all of you I just want to say a very heartfelt thank you for helping me and others keep our dreams alive.

Thanks to all of you for creating a space that we can all benefit from.


Oh, and nothing personal to anyone named Debbie
#calling #care #names #naming #warriors
  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    I agree with 94% of what you have said here.

    I'd drop you a Thanks for a nice post, but the truth is that I run out of Thanks buttons everyday, and Paul Myers tells me to go play a harmonica when I mention it to him. LOL
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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  • Profile picture of the author glynlafferty
    Great Post Zanti. I was pretty active on this forum when I started out in IM but simple questions where being slated by other warriors so I kind of stayed away for a while.

    Great to see someone coming out and saying it out right
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  • Profile picture of the author CyberSorcerer
    Yes, I have to agree I can be pretty hard on my newbies and I do hold back some while on WF and other forums.

    But the students that I do have appreciate my pushing them and letting them know, in my own way, when they have disappointed me.

    And I have gotten into a few arguments already here on WF but like you said, I don't think that's what you meant.
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    • Profile picture of the author Zanti
      Thanks Bill, coming from you I'll take 94% and I do have you thanks left and you get one.

      Glaylafferty, I'm glad your back, stay and share.

      Cybersorcerer, being hard is ok, I often need a stiff kick in the pants too. While I might not like it at the time I appreciate it after the sting wears off. And yes, I've had my share of some heated debates here also. Nothing wrong with that.


      Brian Alexzander ~ Irie To The Highest - Respect
      "Irie"...the ultimate positive, powerful, pleasing, all encompassing quality/vibration

      A Candle Never Loses Any Of Its Own Light... By Lighting Another Candle

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3366461].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
        Nice post.

        I'll have to try a bit harder to get noticed. I do try and help a lot of the newbies here and I think it's good so many do. I've been on skype and have 3 I'm helping now to get going. I do this because when I first got here, Ex Rat, Roger, was kind enough to spend an hour on Skype helping me out. It made me realise I owe it to others to help them too.

        I agree with the list, I mentioned pretty much all of them in a post to thank people when I got to my 1000th post.

        They're definately the one's to look up to.

        Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

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  • Profile picture of the author Marketing Cheetah
    Very nice post Brian. I agree with you. Newbies must not be discouraged. We all were at that point once. Seriously, many people have no idea what can go through the minds of new members when they get insulted or discouraged.
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  • Profile picture of the author gvmweb
    im a newbie to WF but not to the vagaries of the IM community,
    the reason I didnt join WF 6 years ago was because IM forums were really a big turn off... and I have stayed away from them.
    After coming here now I wish I had, could have saved me a heap of heartache , time and money!
    Recently a lot of IM'ers that I respect have sent me promo emails cause Im on there lists, selling product releases through WSO's, so after purchasing several of these I decided to look around , finally join up, and next week Im even going to pay up!!!
    I Fully endorse the paid membership based on what I have seen, some post / discussion threads started purely to get a strong thread going, giving SEO benefits back to the thread instigators signature thread,...
    The only other thing that concerns me, and I noticed this particularly in the Offline and SEO threads, seems there are little clans developing of top promoters, who immediately jump on and give rave reviews to fellow warriors promoting products very similar to there own.
    Do they really purchase WSO's about stuff they purport to be experts in already?
    Also some of these experts in the field seem to be expert at pumping out new WSO's every week, so when do they actually work in their "real" business between taking time out to kindly share their latest secrets with all the newbies desperate for help me make it info.
    So hope Im not touching any nerves here, its just an observation,
    obviously this is an IM forum designed to sell IM products member to member, its just for some that seems the sole purpose of being here!
    Not a bad low cost business model really, maybe I should create a WSO on it!...
    All that aside Im sure when I pay up next week and get access to the war room and more interaction on the forums that Ill meet lots of Good dedicated marketers that share the wealth of their wisdom gregariously, and these are the type of people I would be happy to do business with and support their WSO's.
    What I dont like is the churning out of low quality WSO's designed to get money out of real newbies who seem to have no idea about a lot of things...surely most of the basic stuff is available free out there anyway if they knew where to look...
    be kind to them... they could be destitute and on the edge
    I see a lot of junk or poorly planned WSO's that probably sell quickly due to low cost, but judging by some of question they get, I think these people will get found out pretty quickly.

    So shine on you Victorious warriors,
    I'll be asking some business direction Q's in a few days when I get my access to the warm room

    thanks to all you good guys that make this forum what it is
    A valuable resource and community

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    • Profile picture of the author tpw
      Originally Posted by gvmweb View Post

      thanks to all you good guys that make this forum what it is
      A valuable resource and community


      Stuart: In the future, would you be kind enough to put a blank line between each paragraph? Doing so makes your posts easier for us old farts to read.

      Originally Posted by gvmweb View Post

      The only other thing that concerns me, and I noticed this particularly in the Offline and SEO threads, seems there are little clans developing of top promoters, who immediately jump on and give rave reviews to fellow warriors promoting products very similar to there own.

      Do they really purchase WSO's about stuff they purport to be experts in already?

      Would you rather have reviews from people who are clueless about a particular industry, or from experts who should know whether the information is solid?

      Often times, review copies are offered to experts in the field, prior to release of the product.

      I never ask for reviews in exchange for the advanced copy of the report.

      I give "courtesy copies" to people in the field, and if they choose to provide a review, they do that of their own accord. And beginning with my most recent report, I specify who was given courtesy copies and who had purchased the product.

      Originally Posted by gvmweb View Post

      Also some of these experts in the field seem to be expert at pumping out new WSO's every week, so when do they actually work in their "real" business between taking time out to kindly share their latest secrets with all the newbies desperate for help me make it info.

      It may appear as if some of us are creating a report to sell every day of the week, but a lot of people are simply bumping older products.

      I have released two products since the middle of October 2010. The product creation part of the process seldom takes more than 4-days to complete.

      Then add a day for writing the sales copy and setting up sales systems.

      That leaves plenty of time to do other work.

      p.s. People who have thick skin are seldom offended by such questions.

      As such, my nerves remain untouched.
      Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
      Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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      • Profile picture of the author circlesquare
        My brother's name is Caleb Spilchen.. how freaky is that? It's kind of a unique name you wouldn't think there would be two of them.
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        • Profile picture of the author skibbz
          we should try to uplift others at all times, let arrogance die and be open minded because what works for you may not work for me and vice versa
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          • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
            Originally Posted by tpw View Post

            Thanks Dennis. This is the first time I had ever noticed Brian.

            I just figured we play in different threads.
            Just giving credit where credit is due.

            Originally Posted by skibbz View Post

            we should try to uplift others at all times, let arrogance die and be open minded because what works for you may not work for me and vice versa
            Couldn't agree more.

            Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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        • Profile picture of the author Caleb Spilchen
          Originally Posted by circlesquare View Post

          My brother's name is Caleb Spilchen.. how freaky is that? It's kind of a unique name you wouldn't think there would be two of them.

          Thats interesting..


          Canadian Expat Living in Medellin, Colombia

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          • Profile picture of the author circlesquare
            Originally Posted by Caleb Spilchen View Post


            Thats interesting..

            (Can't PM yet XD)

            Ya, I'm from Vancouver. Ya when I first saw your name I was so confused, I'm like what's my brother doing here? If you search youtube with "Caleb Spilchen" or Google with his name and "skateboarding" you should be able to find some of his skateboarding videos.

            We actually changed our last name to Borosevich about 5 years ago so you are now the only Caleb Spilchen again but for about 15 years there was 2 Caleb Spilchens lol.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3369002].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author tpw
              Originally Posted by circlesquare View Post

              (Can't PM yet XD)

              Ya, I'm from Vancouver. Ya when I first saw your name I was so confused, I'm like what's my brother doing here? If you search youtube with "Caleb Spilchen" or Google with his name and "skateboarding" you should be able to find some of his skateboarding videos.

              We actually changed our last name to Borosevich about 5 years ago so you are now the only Caleb Spilchen again but for about 15 years there was 2 Caleb Spilchens lol.

              Both Caleb Spilchen's, the present and the former, are Canadians....

              Except from different parts of the country...

              One of them has a cool headset...

              And one of them does cool skateboard tricks...

              Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
              Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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              • Profile picture of the author paulie888
                Originally Posted by tpw View Post

                Both Caleb Spilchen's, the present and the former, are Canadians....

                Except from different parts of the country...

                And one of them does cool skateboard tricks...

                YouTube - Caleb Spilchen
                Caleb and I have watched that - he needs to fix it and be in the #1 spot on Youtube for his name. He can't have the other Caleb stealing his thunder.
                >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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                • Profile picture of the author tpw
                  Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

                  Caleb and I have watched that - he needs to fix it and be in the #1 spot on Youtube for his name. He can't have the other Caleb stealing his thunder.

                  Maybe his adoring fans will contribute to his YouTube SEO campaign to lift him up above the skateboarder dude who is trying to steal his thunder...
                  Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
                  Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3369497].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
                    Originally Posted by tpw View Post

                    Maybe his adoring fans will contribute to his YouTube SEO campaign to lift him up above the skateboarder dude who is trying to steal his thunder...
                    Perhaps some old-school article marketing might be needed to give him that little boost to topple his rival?
                    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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      • Profile picture of the author petevamp
        Originally Posted by tpw View Post

        Stuart: In the future, would you be kind enough to put a blank line between each paragraph? Doing so makes your posts easier for us old farts to read.

        p.s. It is hard to "lift someone up", when they are unwilling to help themselves.

        LOL your not that old yet. You may feel like you are that old but we all do at times. Great little catch phrase their too by the way. I have siad this to a number of people my self from time to time. But it really is very very very true.

        Any how great post to the op. Thanks for sharing.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3366705].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author tpw
          Originally Posted by petevamp View Post

          LOL your not that old yet. You may feel like you are that old but we all do at times.

          I don't know about that...

          According to the Warrior Forum, I am a "Senior Warrior Member"...

          Maybe I ought to be asking restaurants for my Senior Discount...
          Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
          Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3366711].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author gvmweb
        Originally Posted by tpw View Post

        Stuart: In the future, would you be kind enough to put a blank line between each paragraph? Doing so makes your posts easier for us old farts to read.

        Would you rather have reviews from people who are clueless about a particular industry, or from experts who should know whether the information is solid?

        Often times, review copies are offered to experts in the field, prior to release of the product.

        I never ask for reviews in exchange for the advanced copy of the report.

        I give "courtesy copies" to people in the field, and if they choose to provide a review, they do that of their own accord. And beginning with my most recent report, I specify who was given courtesy copies and who had purchased the product.

        It may appear as if some of us are creating a report to sell every day of the week, but a lot of people are simply bumping older products.

        I have released two products since the middle of October 2010. The product creation part of the process seldom takes more than 4-days to complete.

        Then add a day for writing the sales copy and setting up sales systems.

        That leaves plenty of time to do other work.

        p.s. People who have thick skin are seldom offended by such questions.

        As such, my nerves remain untouched.
        Ha Ha!!
        hit a nerve ...cool
        tho that was not my intention
        just a newbie wishing to express himself in the lions den

        I just did a post over here-
        Hope the line break spacing meets with your approval

        and yes, newbies can recommend products, I just did!
        I even purchased it..
        better than a I'll pat your back if you pat mine reco I'm sure.
        Tho I understand what your saying and I'm sure 98% are genuine.


        and please dont fart in public--my God, what would your mother say :-)
        an when I get to put a pic to my profile you'll realize the "old" part was out of line too!

        Im smiling as I write this...so I hope u get it that way too!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3367015].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author tpw
          Originally Posted by gvmweb View Post

          and yes, newbies can recommend products, I just did!
          I even purchased it..
          better than a I'll pat your back if you pat mine reco I'm sure.
          Tho I understand what your saying and I'm sure 98% are genuine.

          I am not saying newbies cannot recommend products.

          In fact, for other newbies to hear that a product helped another newbie, might be the confidence booster they need to make a good buying decision.

          You will soon find that most Senior Warriors have a high level of integrity, and they will not support products they do not believe will be valuable to others.

          While newbies may find comfort in the testimonials of other newbies, some products I see, I want them to be endorsed by the pro's, before I will dive in to make the purchase.

          In time, you will get a feel for which warriors have a high level of integrity and those who may not.

          I tend to think that 98% may be a bit optimistic, and I might suggest the real number is closer to 90%.

          Like I said, you will get a feel for knowing whose recommendations you can trust, and whose should be taken with a grain of salt.

          Originally Posted by gvmweb View Post

          and please dont fart in public--my God, what would your mother say :-)

          As you might have guessed, I keep my wife on her toes.

          One day, when we were still newlyweds, we were walking through Lowe's, and she whispered to me, "I have to fart."

          I leaned towards her and said, "Look at this place," waving my hand through the air, gesturing to the ceiling.

          I said, "This place is so big that if you did fart, the smell would dissipate quickly, and no one would know except for you and I."

          She saw my point, and let it go quietly.

          As we reached the end of the aisle, there was an old man and old woman looking at stuff.

          As we walked by them, I looked at my wife and said loudly, "Oh my God! You farted!"

          The old couple looked up from what they were doing, and both looked towards my wife, as she was ducking to hide behind me.

          We went around the corner, and she started pounding my shoulder with her fist!!

          All the while saying, "Oh my God! You asshole!"

          I laughed with great joy, like a 13yo-boy who had just told a fart joke. LOL
          Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
          Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3368676].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan

            Originally Posted by tpw View Post

            As you might have guessed, I keep my wife on her toes.

            One day, when we were still newlyweds, we were walking through Lowe's, and she whispered to me, "I have to fart."

            I leaned towards her and said, "Look at this place," waving my hand through the air, gesturing to the ceiling.

            I said, "This place is so big that if you did fart, the smell would dissipate quickly, and no one would know except for you and I."

            She saw my point, and let it go quietly.
            At least she didn't do it in an elevator. That would have been wrong on so many levels.


            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3368859].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author myob
              Originally Posted by Frank Donovan View Post


              At least she didn't do it in an elevator. That would have been wrong on so many levels.

              The big secret when this happens is to look at someone next to you in disgust. It works on any level.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3368953].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
              Originally Posted by Michael Oksa View Post

              There are times when people need support, there are times whne they need a wake up call, and there are times when they just need to know they are being herd.
              Freudian slip?

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              ***Especially if you don't have enough time, money, or just plain HATE writing***
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              • Profile picture of the author tpw
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                • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
                  There are many great and helpful people on the WF. Folks whose posts I always read and learn from. I am honored and humbled at the same time that you included my name in your list.

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          • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
            Originally Posted by tpw View Post

            I laughed with great joy, like a 13yo-boy who had just told a fart joke.
            Or, for that matter, like a forty year old man who has just told a fart story.

            It's okay. You can still eat burritos in the off-season.
            "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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    • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
      Originally Posted by gvmweb View Post

      seems there are little clans developing of top promoters, who immediately jump on and give rave reviews to fellow warriors promoting products very similar to there own.
      These are called "mutual admiration societies."

      In general, they form when a small group of people on the forum find themselves frequently posting more or less the same opinions on more or less the same subjects. It doesn't take long for them to become friends.

      When those people start releasing products, they obviously send each other review copies in advance of the launch. And since they all have more or less the same opinions on the same subjects, they sit in a little circle nodding and agreeing with one another.

      Obviously, they're biased. Everyone is. It would be pretty stupid not to try and get your new product reviewed by people who will like it. And since they actually do like it, the review's still perfectly honest.

      The basic rule of thumb is that each of them is about as trustworthy as the others.

      So when you see the same four people reviewing one another's WSOs and saying "It's great! You should buy it!" - think about who those four people are. If you can trust one of them, you can probably trust all four of them.

      And if you don't trust any of them, maybe you shouldn't buy that WSO.
      "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    For those who aren't aware of Brian because he doesn't post a lot compared to some of us, add his own name to that list he made. Brian is someone who is always positive and helpful.

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3366616].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tpw
      Originally Posted by Dennis Gaskill View Post

      For those who aren't aware of Brian because he doesn't post a lot compared to some of us, add his own name to that list he made. Brian is someone who is always positive and helpful.

      Thanks Dennis. This is the first time I had ever noticed Brian.

      I just figured we play in different threads.

      Originally Posted by HiAbby View Post

      It's silly to engage in a "pissing contest" when the point of this community is to learn, share and grow.

      Most people who end up involved in a "pissing match" get lured in by individuals who ignore a mound of evidence, and stick to their own view as the "only correct view" or the only one demonstrating "common sense".

      The simple and most honest solution is usually to agree to disagree, but some people openly and vehemently reject that approach. :p

      Most often when something goes ugly, it is because someone stoops to name calling, suggestions that anyone who disagrees with them is lacking something, or going hateful because another person disagrees.

      Most "pissing matches" I have found myself in involve people who have an entitlement mentality, who demand the we the members of the WF somehow "owe them" and we "should give up our time" to help them operate their businesses.

      p.s. It is hard to "lift someone up", when they are unwilling to help themselves.
      Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
      Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3366635].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author HiAbby
    Great post! There's generally always a respectful way to debate something and there is never reason to insult or put down. Even when people are being nasty or spouting off BS, there is usually a graceful way to state your case.

    It's silly to engage in a "pissing contest" when the point of this community is to learn, share and grow.

    I am eternally grateful to everyone on here who shares their knowledge in an attempt to genuinely help others succeed. Chances are, if you are successful, you probably received some help along the way so it's only fair to pass it on.

    <3 Abby Elaina
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  • Profile picture of the author Zanti
    And here I am thinking that I'm one of the few that stays up all night and goes to bed at 7am instead of getting up at 7am.
    Brian Alexzander ~ Irie To The Highest - Respect
    "Irie"...the ultimate positive, powerful, pleasing, all encompassing quality/vibration

    A Candle Never Loses Any Of Its Own Light... By Lighting Another Candle

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3366722].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
      Originally Posted by Zanti View Post

      And here I am thinking that I'm one of the few that stays up all night and goes to bed at 7am instead of getting up at 7am.
      Cut if you will with sleep's dull knife
      Each day to half its length, my friend...
      The years that time takes off my life
      He'll take from off the other end.

      - Edna St. Vincent Millay
      "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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      • Profile picture of the author ExRat
        Hi Tina,

        "There are NO stupid questions - ONLY stupid answers"
        I'm confused. In the OP Brian is praising Ron who said 'there is such a thing as a stupid question on the warrior forum'.

        Just teasing, I get it really...

        Roger Davis

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      • Profile picture of the author Damien Roche
        Originally Posted by CDarklock View Post

        Cut if you will with sleep's dull knife
        Each day to half its length, my friend...
        The years that time takes off my life
        He'll take from off the other end.

        - Edna St. Vincent Millay

        Are you color blind? That text in your image sig (the red) is unreadable..it's that bad.

        Now, what was this about Debbie Downers?
        >> Seasoned Web Developer (CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby) <<
        Available for Fixed Fee Projects and Hourly ($40/hr)
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3367574].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author smartdoctor
          I Honestly agree with that
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3367592].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
          Originally Posted by Damien Roche View Post

          Are you color blind? That text in your image sig (the red) is unreadable..it's that bad.
          No, I'm a marketer. The banner is deliberately hard to read because most people's immediate impulse is to just click it, because presumably the WSO thread on the other side will be much easier to read.

          In other words, unreadable text = call to action.

          There is a place in this business for things that are deliberately done wrong. Like misspelling or mispronouncing a word to "break the pattern" and startle the prospect into paying closer attention.

          On the other hand, maybe I'm just making up something that sounds halfway plausible because I can't be arsed to edit my banner. :p
          "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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  • Profile picture of the author petevamp
    Oh darn I just realized something I can do the same thing now as well. Looks like I have become a senior now to since my birthday a few days ago.
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  • Profile picture of the author lindgren
    Hi Zanti,
    What a great post. finally someone spoke out load and with such elegance. I am happy to see what there are still real gentlemen ( and ladies) in here.

    and to all the smart people who have the urge to put newbies down:

    "There are NO stupid questions - ONLY stupid answers"

    Best Wishes
    Tina Lindgren

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  • Profile picture of the author vok
    I agree, I've had to leave some other forums because they were just creating a negative energy that I just didn't wan't to be around. It just isn't me, so I left and started using the Warrior Forum more.

    I hope I can start helping more people out around here, now I'm visiting here on a daily basis.

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    • Profile picture of the author Oggyoi
      Originally Posted by chriswick View Post

      I agree, I've had to leave some other forums because they were just creating a negative energy that I just didn't wan't to be around.
      Found the same on forums in general.
      Sometimes there seems to be an inner circle and if you aren't in there you really can end up feeling like an outsider.

      SEO Agency spending $1k a month? PM for details.
      Best PBN Hosting www.tiptopcrew.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3367207].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Barry Unruh
        Originally Posted by Oggyoi View Post

        Found the same on forums in general.
        Sometimes there seems to be an inner circle and if you aren't in there you really can end up feeling like an outsider.
        Top Secret Technique Revealed....

        Talk to people in the inner circle and they will many times befriend you.

        The people some might call an "inner circle" on the Warrior Forum have answered every single PM or email I have sent them.

        Most times the "inner circle" came to be just because they all keep "annoying" each other long enough with questions, jokes, and friendly chatter....join in and they will adopt you.
        Brain Drained...Signature Coming Soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author drmani
    Originally Posted by Zanti View Post

    For whatever reason we’ve all ended up here, mostly learning, giving, sharing and hopefully growing as a person and with our business.

    I’ve noticed over the time I’ve been here that there can be a number of “Debbie Downers.” Those who either attack, put down, or purposely try to step on others dreams, for what seems like to me, just the sheer enjoyment of doing so.
    Overall, GREAT points.

    I especially agree with this - "If you don't have time, interest
    or knowledge in a specific area... or even if you just simply don't
    care enough to take the trouble to respond - DON'T!"

    With that said, I'd also like to address the "other side of the coin"
    - the person who is ASKING for help/advice/guidance.

    Some attitudes just bring out the beast in others.

    Entitlement - "I asked, therefore I deserve to be helped"

    Rudeness - "This isn't what I asked for. Give me what I want!"

    Being Stubborn - "Yes, I hear what you're saying, but don't/won't/can't... "

    Laziness - "You didn't tell me EVERYTHING - you want me to find out myself?!"

    Vagueness - "What's the best way to make money on the Interwebs?"

    And then, the person seeking help gets twisted out of shape when
    they get responses typical of a group of seasoned vets in the field
    of online business.


    Do you expect the world of online business, esp. in the make money
    niche, which is one of the most cut-throat competitive niches out
    on the Web, to be a land of sunshine and roses?

    Do you really believe you'll be [strike]cuckolded,[/strike] cuddled and spoon-fed
    every last thing you need to succeed in business - by your current
    or potential competition, no less?

    Do you think experienced people who've cut their teeth on this
    tough marketplace, overcome challenges you've barely even sensed,
    weathered storms that'll sink all but the toughest entrepreneurs,
    that these folks will sit back and smile when you spout silliness
    and pseudo-wisdom about stuff they know will never work?

    This is the WARRIOR forum, folks.

    It's tough.

    Just like the world of business.

    And life.

    Even when you're ridiculed, mocked, cut down to size, hassled,
    teased, tortured, angered, annoyed and ganged-up against, IT IS

    Because this is a microcosm of the 'real' world of business "out
    there"... and a refined, softened and gentler version of it.

    If you can't make it here, you don't stand a chance there.

    Look on it as your "residency program" or "internship" in IM. An
    obstacle course to judge your toughness and readiness to meet
    and face bigger challenges in your business.

    EVERYTHING is a learning experience.

    You just need to shift your perspective a little to realize it!

    All success
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  • Profile picture of the author jonluk
    This forum is a goldmine of information. I must have spent months (literally) of my time reading stuff on it.
    There was that much to read it was ages before I got around to joining.
    There may be no such thing as a 'stupid question', but there is such a thing as a lazy question.
    That being on which has been answered many many times and all you need to do is search and you'll find it.

    Admittedly many of us IM's are lazy at heart, but one thing we tend to get quite good at is searching. After all, that's how we discover new niches, new products, new ways of generating traffic.
    Newbies need to be encouraged to search for answers, rather than just asking, as it is a skill which will serve their business well in the future.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brad Spencer
    Being mean is simply our souls rotting from the inside out...positivity does have its medical benefits (look them up...they're all over the place).

    Thanks for spreading the good energy here my friend!


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  • Profile picture of the author ejb2059
    Well said & thank you!
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
    One of my overriding business principles is to be as helpful as I can.

    However, I don't have all of the answers; nobody does. There have been times when I've gone to Google and looked up answers for people. Do I get cranky about it? Not at all.

    On another note, one of my life principles is that everybody has my respect by default. They don't have to earn it. Of course, there are a few who have unearned it, but that takes some doing.

    Looks like I need to try harder.

    All the best,

    "Ich bin en fuego!"
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    • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
      Hi Michael,

      Originally Posted by Michael Oksa View Post

      Looks like I need to try harder.
      You do plenty as it is.

      The point is, anyone who's been a member for a while knows there's a ton of helpful and positive contributors - many more than a list of 30 or so would suggest.

      Interestingly, it's probably more of a challenge to compile a list of true "Debbie Downers". I'd certainly struggle to come up with more than a handful by name.

      Perhaps this forum is a better place than some perceive.


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    • Profile picture of the author Christina Osorio
      Originally Posted by Michael Oksa View Post

      One of my overriding business principles is to be as helpful as I can.

      However, I don't have all of the answers; nobody does. There have been times when I've gone to Google and looked up answers for people. Do I get cranky about it? Not at all.

      On another note, one of my life principles is that everybody has my respect by default. They don't have to earn it. Of course, there are a few who have unearned it, but that takes some doing.

      Looks like I need to try harder.

      All the best,

      I for one always read what you have to say in a post. I find you to be fair which is what interests me most. You always seem to have a common sense approach to whatever the thread deals with and I appreciate your humor. I'll add you to the list But seriously I do mean it so please don't change your approach. Just keep on posting and thank you very much for being a great Warrior for those of us who are amateurs.
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      • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
        Originally Posted by Christina Osorio View Post


        I for one always read what you have to say in a post. I find you to be fair which is what interests me most. You always seem to have a common sense approach to whatever the thread deals with and I appreciate your humor. I'll add you to the list But seriously I do mean it so please don't change your approach. Just keep on posting and thank you very much for being a great Warrior for those of us who are amateurs.
        Thank you, Christina. That really means a lot.

        I do my best to be fair and objective, and to see different points of view. There are times when people need support, there are times whne they need a wake up call, and there are times when they just need to know they are being herd.

        It's okay to tell people what they need to hear, but it can be done with tact. What drives me nuts are people who confuse rudeness with honesty (they justify the former with the latter). To be fair, I don't always live up to my own ideals of being fair, objective and tactful, but I do try.

        Thanks again, and...

        All the best,

        "Ich bin en fuego!"
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  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    Hey Brian,

    Thanks. It's nice to see a positive thread that has an important message combined with friendly advice.


    nothing to see here.

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  • Profile picture of the author KristofferIM
    Very sneaky headline
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    • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
      Originally Posted by Zanti View Post

      I've noticed over the time I've been here that there can be a number of "Debbie Downers."

      If you think someone has asked a question that in your judgment they should know or could maybe search for, leave it alone and just let it go without a response if you have no desire to answer it.
      I never make these lists so I must not be as helpful as I thought...lol. I don't believe I'm a "Debbie Downer" although I can get snarky at times. I do try to reserve that side of me for those who deserve it, however.

      I have noted several people through my years here that, as you said, seem to take great pleasure in being negative and downright nasty to others. I agree with you completly on it effecting your business because I wouldn't do business with those people for any reason. I'd rather pay twice as much than to support someone whose only mission in life appears to be being as mean as they can to as many people as they can.

      Very nice post, Brian.

      Originally Posted by gvmweb View Post

      Do they really purchase WSO's about stuff they purport to be experts in already?
      ...obviously this is an IM forum designed to sell IM products member to member, its just for some that seems the sole purpose of being here!
      Stuart, yes they do. I buy many products in my areas of expertise because I am always seeking ways to improve. Sometimes these products won't have anything new to offer but most of the time, I get at least one nugget of information or one new idea that will help me do even better.

      I disagree that this forum is designed to sell IM products member to member. It's designed for marketers to share, learn and network with one another. The selling features are a fringe benefit to that. Or at least, that's how I look at it. Those who come here ONLY to sell, I feel bad for. They're missing out on the true value of the Warrior Forum.

      Originally Posted by Dennis Gaskill View Post

      For those who aren't aware of Brian because he doesn't post a lot compared to some of us, add his own name to that list he made. Brian is someone who is always positive and helpful.
      Good to know, Dennis. I know I've seen Brian around occasionally but I haven't seen enough from him to feel I know him. This post, however, definitely shows that side.

      Originally Posted by circlesquare View Post

      My brother's name is Caleb Spilchen.. how freaky is that? It's kind of a unique name you wouldn't think there would be two of them.
      Two of them??? Thanks. Thanks a whole lot. Now I'm going to have nightmares.

      Originally Posted by Oggyoi View Post

      Found the same on forums in general.
      Sometimes there seems to be an inner circle and if you aren't in there you really can end up feeling like an outsider.
      That's because you probably are an outsider. This isn't a bad thing. It's a community and many of us have known each other for a while so we've become friends.

      That may naturally make newer people feel like outsiders - it's kind of like moving to a small town where you're the "from AWAY" person for a while. Post, participate, be helpful, sell good products when you sell and get to know people. That outsider feeling will go away.

      Originally Posted by drmani View Post

      Do you expect the world of online business, esp. in the make money
      niche, which is one of the most cut-throat competitive niches out
      on the Web, to be a land of sunshine and roses?

      Do you think experienced people who've cut their teeth on this
      tough marketplace, overcome challenges you've barely even sensed,
      weathered storms that'll sink all but the toughest entrepreneurs,
      that these folks will sit back and smile when you spout silliness
      and pseudo-wisdom about stuff they know will never work?

      Look on it as your "residency program" or "internship" in IM. An
      obstacle course to judge your toughness and readiness to meet
      and face bigger challenges in your business.

      Amen, Dr. Mani! Well put as always. As Paul Myers says, the world is full of hard edges and sharp corners.

      Originally Posted by smartdoctor View Post

      I Honestly agree with that
      Agree with what?

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  • Profile picture of the author tonis
    I 100% agree with the first post!

    Ive seen also a lot of posts by seasoned marketers, who just walk over peoples dreams with one post in a thread...

    What comes to buying WSO's then it really has to be good... but unfortunately there is not many WSO's that are good!
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  • Profile picture of the author Converting Copy
    I haven't seen the downers here as much on other prominent marketing message boards (which I won't mention) and I think that's part of what makes this one the best. People are generally more motivated to help a newbie here than in most other places.

    That being said I completely agree with what you said and yes we were all newbies to this at some point; very important to keep in mind when dealing with current newbies. Luckily no one was ever too offputting to me on other forums, but I know it can (heavily) discourage newcomers.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Ive seen also a lot of posts by seasoned marketers, who just walk over peoples dreams with one post in a thread...
      If you want to chat about dreams - there is the Mind Forum section here. Most newbie dreams are about easy, fast money with little time or work. Those people need a reality check and they often get it.

      It does nothing good to encourage someone to dream about wealth when there is no chance of success on the path they are taking. If what you want is to spout about your dreams of success without being challenged - there are many newbie forums online where that kind of talk is encouraged because no one there has experience to point to a better way.

      The WF is great for helping new marketers - but not for coddling dreamers.

      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
      what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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      • Profile picture of the author myob
        Most newbie dreamers have a snowball's chance in hell of succeeding without having an actionable plan.

        - Paul Uhl, 2002
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  • Profile picture of the author Recession_Proof
    Zanti this is really great that you decided to do this. I agree, stop noob bashing, and for that matter bashing in general. Before I start a thread I tell folks to keep it civil, and no flaming. Vet or noob nobody knows it all.

    1. Everyone starts out as a beginner.
    2. We all have aspirations of making the IM dream into a full-time reality.

    A lot of people do not realize that when you bash someone, you run the risk of possibly making them SO, SO ASHAMED.

    Ashamed of asking questions, ashamed of wanting to think they could start a business, ashamed of joining the WF (wondering who is tracking them / who will strike next). But most of all ashamed of dreaming.

    Those are the same folks, who more than likely tell their kids they can't do it (whatever there dreams maybe).

    Blessings be upon you and your family.

    And to all you F&%#ing dream killers out there. I hope you have a slow burn in He!!.

    Or at least catch a nasty case of chlamydia.
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  • Profile picture of the author Floyd Fisher
    Since you love Paul Myers so much, I'd like to point out a post I highly recommend you read:


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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      Zanti, it's nice to see positive, uplifting posts like these.

      If everybody on the WF were like these people, this place would probably
      be a Utopia.

      Thanks for recognizing those who have helped make this a nice place to
      call home.

      PS - Hug somebody you love today, because you don't know what tomorrow
      is going to bring.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3368674].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Beatrice
      Very good thread indeed. I immediately noticed some veteran Warrior's names missing from your list.... What goes around comes around...
      FREE Video to Build Your Website:

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      This Step-by-Step video guide will show you how to buil your website from scratch!(For FREE)
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  • Profile picture of the author Nick Brighton
    Here's another thing you should look out for:

    Be VERY weary of wine that comes from the sour grapes. In other words, take the advice that the cynical and negative give you, with a pinch of salt.

    Why? Because...

    Those with the most bitter lemons, rarely make lemonade.

    - Nick Brighton, 2011.

    Think about it... do you really think a six figure, beach walking, alarm clock avoiding guru would be so bitter, as to spend his/her time attacking people on forums?

    I don't.
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  • Profile picture of the author Palusko
    Nice headline :-)
    Where does an actual encouragement stops and a foolish, unrealistic BS masked as encouragement starts? You see, what you may see as a discouragement may be viewed by others as a reality check. Just saying...
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    • Profile picture of the author ExRat
      Hi Palusko,

      Originally Posted by Palusko View Post

      Where does an actual encouragement stops and a foolish, unrealistic BS masked as encouragement starts? You see, what you may see as a discouragement may be viewed by others as a reality check. Just saying...
      I agree with you.

      For example, when I read Nick's post just above -

      Think about it... do you really think a six figure, beach walking, alarm clock avoiding guru would be so bitter, as to spend his/her time attacking people on forums?
      It made me think of a certain warrior who doesn't post too much and I think he got fed up because he's very successful and talks on a high level, in kind of marketing MBA speak or whatever it is which went over many peoples' heads, including mine. At times he made his points quite sternly because he was trying to demonstrate how deluded the person was about their chances of survival in a business environment - if they were to continue, they really needed to know.

      Some would see this as 'attacking', others would see it as trying to help in the best possible way.

      But it's down to interpretation whether you see someone as negative and bitter, or alternatively if they are trying to provide some much needed 'tough love' - the two things are easily confused, depending on your perspective, or how defensive the receiver is.

      Roger Davis

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  • Profile picture of the author I.M.Retired
    I have mixed feelings about a thread like this. While I certainly acknowledge Zanti's intent in posting this, and the emphasis on the positive contribution made by the people he has made, the sad thing about this post is that there are only 34 people named out of a forum that has over 7,000 active members.

    While I agree that those named are positive, helpful and so much more that words can't really express, I'm wondering if a post like this is hurtful the those who contribute so much, and whose names weren't mentioned.
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    • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
      Originally Posted by Val.S. View Post

      While I agree that those named are positive, helpful and so much more that words can't really express, I'm wondering if a post like this is hurtful the those who contribute so much, and whose names weren't mentioned.
      You can never please everyone.

      Anyone who's self-obessed enough to be upset that they weren't mentioned in a "thanks to some good warriors" thread like this has bigger problems to worry about.

      There are always people who will see the glass as half empty and they're always going to find something wrong so I believe it's best just to do what you feel is right, focus on the positive, look for reasons to appreciate other warriors and not look for opportunities to feel bad.

      I'm sure we can all find reasons to feel offended easily if we look for them.

      I think the spirit of this thread is a positive one and not worth focusing on who wasn't on the list.

      I've posted lists of people I respect here before and there's always someone who wants to argue about who isn't on the list.

      Life's too short to focus on such things.


      nothing to see here.

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      • Profile picture of the author Karen Blundell
        I could have easily added twice or even three times as many Warriors to the list, but really everyone has their own opinion about people. I understand what Val meant, though, and thankfully real warriors have thick skins so they don't sweat the small stuff and let small slights get to them.

        All in all, I've met some terrific people in here and learned a whole lot and for that I'm very grateful.
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  • Profile picture of the author SozzledBoot
    Whenever anyone goes over my head with terminology, I simply say: "We're all going to die, aren't we?"
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  • Profile picture of the author I.M.Retired
    You can never please everyone.

    Anyone who's self-obessed enough to be upset that they weren't mentioned in a "thanks to some good warriors" thread like this has bigger problems to worry about.
    Be gentle Andy - that's what this whole thread is about.

    And I agree with you. I do have bigger problems to worry about.

    I worry about this forum turning into a forum where everyone tries to say nice things so that they will be receive accolades in due time from fellow members. (Although, thankfully most members are too feisty to ever allow that to happen.) I'd sure hate to be part of a forum where everything was nicey nicey. I learn way more from the crabs. (Somtimes!)

    I worry about breaking forum rules about mentioning names in threads. Because if it's okay for the goose, then it's okay for the gander. How many threads do you want to read on this forum similar to this one. Especially if your name isn't on it?

    I don't worry about any of the members on the forum who post their honest opinions. I respect them entirely.

    I suppose there is a fine line, here. And that's what I'm on about.

    Besides, my self-obsessed name wasn't listed so I'm going to pout. And be nasty from now on. Maybe even run away from home while I'm at it..... :rolleyes:
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3368790].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author SozzledBoot
      Originally Posted by Val.S. View Post

      Be gentle Andy - that's what this whole thread is about.

      And I agree with you. I do have bigger problems to worry about.

      I worry about this forum turning into a forum where everyone tries to say nice things so that they will be receive accolades in due time from fellow members. (Although, thankfully most members are too feisty to ever allow that to happen.) I'd sure hate to be part of a forum where everything was nicey nicey. I learn way more from the crabs. (Somtimes!)

      I worry about breaking forum rules about mentioning names in threads. Because if it's okay for the goose, then it's okay for the gander. How many threads do you want to read on this forum similar to this one. Especially if your name isn't on it?

      I don't worry about any of the members on the forum who post their honest opinions. I respect them entirely.

      I suppose there is a fine line, here. And that's what I'm on about.

      Besides, my self-obsessed name wasn't listed so I'm going to pout. And be nasty from now on. Maybe even run away from home while I'm at it..... :rolleyes:
      We're all going to die, aren't we?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3368820].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author I.M.Retired
    Yup! Life is a terminal disease!
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
    I think it's great that people like to share names in a positive way.

    At the same time, I always wonder "Ooh! Did I make the list?" Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. When I don't, it does make me take a look at what I'm doing and asking if I could do better.

    My comment wasn't meant to paint the OP in a negative light, not at all.

    When I said I have to try harder, I meant that as a motivational thing aimed squarely at myself.

    I suppose some people do feel let down, or need their egos massaged, and that's okay too. Everybody likes a pat on the back. It just so happens that in this particualr post it was only cetain people. But I wouldn't expect Zanti to list 100s of people (and my guess is that he could), nor would I expect him to remain silent on giving credit where credit is due.

    That being said, the people who wonder how others feel about being left out have a valid point. And it also shows that they are empathetic, and I consider that to be a positive character trait.

    So, let's just say it's all good. If you didnt make this particular list, don't worry...you may just make the next one.

    All the best,

    "Ich bin en fuego!"
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3368850].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mikemcmillan
    Zanti, in your post when you ended with...
    --that bald head guy with the shinny dome, Thomas Belknap...

    There were probably about 60,000 "shinny-domed" Warriors who were thinking, "OMG, Zanti's going to ridicule my bald head". They were all relieved to know it was Belknap . --Mike

    I'll help you create a reputation-building evergreen product in any niche and launch it successfully!
    Check it out here.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3368981].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Tom B
      Originally Posted by mikemcmillan View Post

      Zanti, in your post when you ended with...
      --that bald head guy with the shinny dome, Thomas Belknap...

      There were probably about 60,000 "shinny-domed" Warriors who were thinking, "OMG, Zanti's going to ridicule my bald head". They were all relieved to know it was Belknap . --Mike

      Mike, how can anyone be ridiculed when they have a shinny dome?

      BTW, I am a Michigander as well. That explains the good looks.
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      • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
        Originally Posted by CDarklock View Post

        These are called "mutual admiration societies."

        In general, they form when a small group of people on the forum find themselves frequently posting more or less the same opinions on more or less the same subjects. It doesn't take long for them to become friends. .
        Kind of like in real life...we gravitate toward those we have common interests and similar opinions with. Nothing wrong with any of that, as you said. One should expect no less on line, we're still human, after all. Good post.

        Originally Posted by drmani View Post

        This is the WARRIOR forum, folks.

        It's tough.

        Just like the world of business.

        And life.

        Even when you're ridiculed, mocked, cut down to size, hassled,
        teased, tortured, angered, annoyed and ganged-up against, IT IS
        Excellent counterpoint, Dr. Mani. There's a difference between "tough love" and being an anal orifice, and I think Brian was speaking about the latter. Some people are mighty quick to burn bridges here, often unnecessarily. Doing so may or may not "toughen up" the recipient, but it almost always damages the arsonist.

        Originally Posted by Val.S. View Post

        I have mixed feelings about a thread like this. While I certainly acknowledge Zanti's intent in posting this, and the emphasis on the positive contribution made by the people he has made, the sad thing about this post is that there are only 34 people named out of a forum that has over 7,000 active members.

        While I agree that those named are positive, helpful and so much more that words can't really express, I'm wondering if a post like this is hurtful the those who contribute so much, and whose names weren't mentioned.
        Val, I don't create lists like that because I wouldn't want to accidentally leave a friend out that deserves to be there, so I understand your point. However, one shouldn't expect to make the list of someone they don't have an established relationship with. It's a nice surprise to be included, but if I'm not I'm just happy for those who are. It's nice to see good people get a little recognition.

        It doesn't mean a person that doesn't make the list doesn't deserve to be on it, it just means their name didn't come to someone's mind at that particular time. I'd bet if Brian made a new list today, some folks on the original list would get left off, and some that were left off the original list would be on the second. That's just how memory works...somewhat haphazardly at times.

        Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    Brian, this is such a refreshing and uplifting post. It seems like we've had more than our fair share of "Debbie Downers" recently who are so jaded and disillusioned that they cannot see the forest for the trees.

    Especially if you're in the IM niche, this is a cutthroat and competitive arena where you have to be at your best to succeed. You simply cannot put a half-hearted effort in and hope to gain any headway, and this is definitely not a "hobby" to dabble in, but far too many of these "Debbie Downers" keep putting conditions and limits on what they'll do - instead of saying you can't/won't do this and that, you should be stretching yourself and asking yourself what you can do to succeed at this.

    As with any business, online or offline, the success you achieve is directly proportional to the amount of effort you put in. There is no place for loopholes, shortcuts and "glitches", and an "entitlement" mindset will get you nowhere fast either.

    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author theory expert
    I was gonna thank you for your post until I realized my hat nor screen name was mentioned for the multitude of unseen billions I provided for 98.7% of the members here(those stats are accurate. Don't believe me? Just ask me).

    P.S. You people are so inconsiderate.
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  • Profile picture of the author garyv
    Good post! I think that it's an awesome list of names. I agree with every one of them. And I don't think that the premise of the post was to make anyone self-conscious because they weren't on the "nice" list. It was to make more people aware, that if they are "constantly" being a downer, that it can have a great effect on their reputation here.

    The list was to make a point of what a good reputation looks like. In contrast I think that most of us can think of some names that would or should belong on a "debbie downers" list. And I think that anyone would hate to see their name on such a list. It's a good post, because whether or not your name is on the "nice" list it provides you with the opportunity at some introspection.
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  • Profile picture of the author George Phillip
    Originally Posted by Zanti View Post

    and oh, that bald head guy with the shinny dome, Thomas Belknap.
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  • Profile picture of the author rcritchett
    Nice thread Brian! I think you're hitting on something incredibly important, but obviously not yet thoroughly understood by some.

    Awesome thread. You're spot on friend.

    We do mail-in iPhone Repair Services, Nationwide in the US. LCD/Digitizer Glass Replacement And More.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Beaudoin
    Good for you Zanti! I definitely agree with you here. Even criticism must be given with the healthy welfare of the person that it's directed to. It was brave of you to speak-up.
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  • Profile picture of the author boldguy
    Great post, i must say that...and i know every one will put 100 out of 100 here to this post. Thanks anyways for sharing your knowledge and time with us.
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    There are certainly some meanies on the forum, but I haven't seen a huge amount of it going on. Sometimes people mistake honesty as meanness, when it is not at all meant to be that.

    As an example:
    People often start a thread "check out my site and tell me what's wrong". Sometimes the site is really awful. If I participate in a thread like that, I will give honest feedback about how awful it is, but try to also give them ideas on where it needs to be improved. Sometimes the threads like that can look pretty brutal, but how helpful would it be for everyone to just tell a white lie and say ... good job, keep it up?

    Another example that comes to mind is the "disaster threads" ... I've been doing this for 6 years, haven't made a penny, am losing my house, eating out of garbage cans and selling my children on street corners type of threads.

    What good would come of simply patting them on the back and telling them to keep at it ... you'll get it sooner or later. At some point, people really do need a reality check. There's no point in being mean about it, but being honest is more helpful than telling them what they want to hear.
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  • Profile picture of the author Zanti
    So I'm out of Thank You's.

    Yes, there are a lot of people I realize I didn't mention. Most of those have already posted here. I really wasn't trying to list 2,000 or more, but just trying to make a point. Which I believe all of you got. This is a great place and I want it to stay that way. If you noticed I also listed some Warriors who have very little post counts, or are very new here. It's not the number of posts one has but the quality of post.

    I love the humor so many of you have shown in your post. I've been laughing all afternoon.

    Loved your post Dr. Mani. Thanks.

    One of the things that I have always done since being a member here is when I ask questions I always try and think of, how can I ask this question so that it is a benefit not just for me but to others, in that way I've always received great responses.

    I will share very quickly though something that is important to me. Two of the best friends that I have, I met through this forum. One is from England and the other in the Canadian NW. We've never met face to face but we talk/email a few times a week, supporting and encouraging each other. In my local circle of family and friends no one really understands what or why I spend so much of my time with this IM stuff.

    I reached a point a few years ago, that I just no longer care if anyone understands what I'm doing or why. I have a dream and I'm going to reach my dream. It's just that simple.

    It has helped me in ways that I can't express to find other kindred spirits who understand what the path to success is really all about, and no it's not just about making money. When I'm down they uplift me, when I'm discouraged they encourage me. When I fall they pick me up and when I'm lost and in the dark they show me the light and give me direction.

    That to me is one of the real beauties of this place. Finding people you connect with and helping each other to reach our goals.

    I keep meaning to start a blog on here, I think now I will. There's a lot more I want to share and that seems like a good place to do it.

    There are some post here I do want to respond to, which I will do in the wee hours of the morning.

    Dennis, I am very honored by your kind words, thank you.

    Keep sharing - keep growing,

    Brian Alexzander ~ Irie To The Highest - Respect
    "Irie"...the ultimate positive, powerful, pleasing, all encompassing quality/vibration

    A Candle Never Loses Any Of Its Own Light... By Lighting Another Candle

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    • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
      I keep meaning to start a blog on here, I think now I will. There's a lot more I want to share and that seems like a good place to do it.
      Please do...if your posts in this thread are any example, it will be a wonderful and refreshing blog.

      Discover how to have fabulous, engaging content with
      Fast & Easy Content Creation
      ***Especially if you don't have enough time, money, or just plain HATE writing***
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    • Profile picture of the author ExRat
      Hi Brian,

      Originally Posted by Zanti View Post

      It has helped me in ways that I can't express to find other kindred spirits who understand what the path to success is really all about, and no it's not just about making money.
      {applause} Me too mate, me too...

      Keep sharing - keep growing
      {second round of applause}

      Roger Davis

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      • Profile picture of the author Young Samurai
        Thoroughly enjoyed the OP

        and Here!, Here! as they say approvingly in the Mother of Parliaments.

        The only thing I'm not 100% happy with - I can't find my name on the list

        Seriously, the helpful people stand out - all those on the list are known to regular warriors and they add the value and make the WF what it is.
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        • Profile picture of the author drmani
          Originally Posted by Dennis Gaskill View Post

          However, one shouldn't expect to make the list of someone they don't have an established relationship with. It's a nice surprise to be included, but if I'm not I'm just happy for those who are. It's nice to see good people get a little recognition.
          (Posted with my tongue planted firmly in my cheek!)

          Ah, who are you kidding?

          If you're not on this list (or any of the dozens compiled
          daily by fellow Warriors), then you may as well throw up
          your hands and quit your business!


          I mean, isn't that what most people commenting about the
          "list" are thinking/feeling/saying?

          (Takes tongue out of cheek, now)

          Look, if you're in this for the purpose of being admired,
          getting on fan lists, and seeking approval of folks who
          don't pay you money for your products or services, then
          you're not going to get very far in your business, so
          giving up now is a shortcut to finding your real passion
          or calling!

          Once you find it, you don't care what lists you're on or
          not on. You'll get focused on what you are doing - and if
          it's getting you closer to your dreams.

          One more example of "tough love"?

          Or am I just being a "Debbie downer" here?!

          All success

          P.S. - I noticed, after drafting this post, that Brian already
          nailed it with this:

          Originally Posted by Zanti View Post

          I reached a point a few years ago, that I just no longer care if anyone understands what I'm doing or why. I have a dream and I'm going to reach my dream. It's just that simple.
          Yes, it is that simple - or tough!
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    • Originally Posted by Zanti View Post

      It has helped me in ways that I can't express to find other kindred spirits who understand what the path to success is really all about... When I'm down they uplift me, when I'm discouraged they encourage me. When I fall they pick me up and when I'm lost and in the dark they show me the light and give me direction.
      hi Brian

      I appreciated your OP for its own merit but had to get my $0.02 in about the importance of finding a kindred spirit. It's definitely been a two-way street knowing you! I look forward to a continuing dose of "Zanti" while we keep pursuing our dreams...

      Prove Your Worth To Offline Business Owners
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  • Profile picture of the author Caleb Spilchen
    @The Other Spilchen

    Good, cause I'm kinda trademarking Caleb Spilchen, so it wouldn't be able to be used in domain names


    Canadian Expat Living in Medellin, Colombia

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    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by Caleb Spilchen View Post

      @The Other Spilchen

      Good, cause I'm kinda trademarking Caleb Spilchen, so it wouldn't be able to be used in domain names

      Caleb, unfortunately you don't own the rights to that name - remember that he does have the very same exact name.
      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author ViperChill
    I just noticed this today. Sorry I'm late to the party.

    Thanks a lot for the mention. Happy to help out
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  • Profile picture of the author shermancox
    well..as has been noted...sometimes a reality check is in order. There are times in my online life that I wish someone had kicked my tail into reality...but then there are times when a pick me up is needed...

    In the end...you can find both the pick me up...and the kick in the tail...on Warrior Forum...

    sometimes these "debbie downers" have shaken me back into reality before I drank the Kool-Aide some other warrior was serving up. It can be difficult for the extreme newbies...but I am glad the realists-pessimists are here...reminding me to make sure what I am bout to do makes sense for my business....

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  • Profile picture of the author Tom L
    Good post... we can all benefit from each other's help in some way
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    • Profile picture of the author TheOldRanger
      Zanti, you started it, so the Ranger's gonna weigh in too :-)

      Two of the best things I EVER did online were to A) join the Warrior Forum and B) fork over the 37 schkenekels to join the War Room...

      I have received some of the absolute BEST advice I've ever gotten in here, simply by opening my eyes and reading, and thusly sticking around to be taught when folks are trying to teach...

      Thanks to the Warriors, I have been able to maintain my enthusiasm and drive forward toward MY breakthrough moment, thanks to the Warriors...I don't have a very high post count myself, because honestly, I'm the kind of guy who tries to speak/post when I feel I have something constructive to say...

      I'll close by saying this...a big THANK YOU, and a mighty god bless to ALL Warriors...it's folks like you who should be held up as examples of how to encourage and assist those who need help :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author schttrj
    Originally Posted by Zanti View Post

    They are: Caleb Spilchen, Michael Mayo, Paulie888, Cathy Sheliver, Marvin Johnston, Lisa Gergets, Alexa Smith, Paul Hancox, Dr. Mani, Tiffany Dow, Istvan Horvath (I was just talking with yesterday!),, Jill Carpenter (Avenue Girl), Mark Hess, Kevin Riley, Diane S, Paul Myers, Janet Sawyer, Colin Theriot, Jmichaelz, Caliban Darklock (who can be a character but does much to help others), ccmusicman (Rob Howard), Will Edwards, John Schwartz (Zeus66), Ray Edwards, Viperchill (Glen Allsopp), Digimix, Dennis Gaskill, Andy Henry, Cathy Stucker (Idea Lady), John McCabe, Kay King, Ron Douglas, Mike McMillan (and not because he's also from Michigan), and oh, that bald head guy with the shinny dome, Thomas Belknap.

    I know there are many more that I've missed, but to all of you I just want to say a very heartfelt thank you for helping me and others keep our dreams alive.

    Thanks to all of you for creating a space that we can all benefit from.


    Oh, and nothing personal to anyone named Debbie
    No offense to anyone! I especially like the BOLD ones, who I have shared my ideas and thoughts mostly with. I learnt a lot from them and maybe, they learnt a bit from me.

    But then again, I would like to point out something here.

    I have seen many people blindly fixated to their opinions. Encouraging and informing are TWO different things altogether.

    As I was posting on some threads on freelance writing and article marketing, I got into arguments with many of the popular warriors here. And apart from Alexa Smith and Zeus, I don't really found some strong reasons against what I said.

    What the other people was saying may be true. But if this is a public forum, people must be open to discussions. They got hot-headed and tries to snub you down!

    That's not the point. If you find a newbie making a valuable point that you differ with, you should actually give it a thought. Who knows, the newbie may only be a newbie in the Warrior Forum, NOT in the internet marketing field?

    I will say, a little bit of self-questioning would go a long way in learning and teaching.

    That's what I think anyway.
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