by esk
50 replies
Hi fellas,

I started in later october with IM, first i was just educating myself and reading alot in the internet. I startet some projects nothing series. Set up a blog, some squeezepages, you know. Really nothing big. So i made around $30 dollars in 2months.

In the mid of Dezember i got into niche marketing. I started to create my on how-to infoproduct. And actually today was my "Launch". I just wrote an email to my tiny list of 168 people at 4pm. After that, I just need to get away from the computer. I was refreshing paypal like every 5 seconds.

I went to a friend and acutally told him what I was doing in the last time. I didn't tell anybody about it before. I thought they gonna think im crazy.

We went to a bar a catched a couple of beers. I just came home checked the stats and saw i had already 4 Sales equal $152. And i have to say my list is only checking their emailaccounts every 2-3 days. I only have 23 unique openings. I suppose that I'm going to sell some more courses this weekend. Ok $152 it's really not very much, especially compared to the work I put in. But it's an really awesome feeling to experience first hand that this stuff is working. I'm really excited right now and I'm going to expand this business like crazy. Thank you all for your help.

At the end of my post i want to give you some advice. I personally had really fear to fail. That my dream would just be gone if this isn't working out. I struggeld really hard with it, even on the first day of creating my product. You have to push and motivate you every time and keep going.

Never step into this niche marketing with product creation. Because it takes up very much time and the money ain't comin in over night. I started on the 15th of dezember and today i made my first money. Please do me a favor and start as an affiliate to get immediate cash and create your product later.

Build a real business, not some flyby blog. Be serious about yourself and your business. Invest in your business and stop buying courses about your business. Make sure your course is really helping people.

Are you are fighter? Don't give up, just like a star noone can stop!!!!

again thanks for your help and please excuse my bad english
#working #wow
  • Profile picture of the author InitialEffort
    Congrats on your successes Everyone has to start somewhere. Most IM'ers don't even make to where you have made it.
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  • Profile picture of the author JackPowers
    Cool, congrats on your sucess!

    I will definitely be looking into email marketing this year. Got quite of a scare when Google did their little algo update this month. Made me realize that counting on Google for all your traffic is a bad idea.

    How often did you write your subscribers before the launch?

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    • Profile picture of the author Frank Murphy
      Congratz on your success. The very fact that you did not let your small list size prevent you from making your launch speaks volumes of your courage and confidence. You will make a name in this industry!
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    • Profile picture of the author esk
      Thank you alle for your nice answers, that is a great motivator for me.
      I wanted to post my litte story, because for me as a beginner it was always a huge motivator reading in this forum, that another rookie just made their first money. So if I can motivate one person to keep going and not to quit, I'm happy .

      Originally Posted by JackPowers View Post

      Cool, congrats on your sucess!

      I will definitely be looking into email marketing this year. Got quite of a scare when Google did their little algo update this month. Made me realize that counting on Google for all your traffic is a bad idea.

      How often did you write your subscribers before the launch?
      I just wrote them an email on monday, that my prodcut is coming. And yesterday on friday i wrote them that they can order now. So there is plenty more room for marketing ^^
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      • Profile picture of the author SJstar
        Originally Posted by esk View Post

        Thank you alle for your nice answers, that is a great motivator for me.
        I wanted to post my litte story, because for me as a beginner it was always a huge motivator reading in this forum, that another rookie just made their first money. So if I can motivate one person to keep going and not to quit, I'm happy .

        I just wrote them an email on monday, that my prodcut is coming. And yesterday on friday i wrote them that they can order now. So there is plenty more room for marketing ^^
        I think Jack is asking what was your writing schedule prior to launching your product?

        Did you write your list an email a week, two emails a week, an email every two weeks?

        I believe that's what he's asking, if not, I would like to know!
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        • Profile picture of the author esk
          Originally Posted by SJstar View Post

          I think Jack is asking what was your writing schedule prior to launching your product?

          Did you write your list an email a week, two emails a week, an email every two weeks?

          I believe that's what he's asking, if not, I would like to know!

          I've just set up a autoresponder series with 3 emails, 3 days between each email. Also I did 4 broadcasts and they weren't planned out or something I just emailed them when i had something cool.
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    • Profile picture of the author kayden57
      Originally Posted by JackPowers View Post

      Cool, congrats on your sucess!

      I will definitely be looking into email marketing this year. Got quite of a scare when Google did their little algo update this month. Made me realize that counting on Google for all your traffic is a bad idea.

      How often did you write your subscribers before the launch?
      Building a list is the best decision you can ever make for your business. Targeted subscribers are the best traffic you can get, and it's been proven that you need at least 5-6 contacts before most people will buy. That's why article marketing isn't the best way to go, unless you are using it to send traffic to your squeeze pages.
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  • Profile picture of the author LauraJames
    Wow! Congratulations on your success! Thank you for sharing this with the members of the Warrior Forum.

    Chief Executive Officer
    Best Designed Blogs
    Based in Canada and the USA
    None of our work is outsourced

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  • When you find something that works... lather rinse repeat.
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  • Profile picture of the author Todd R
    That's great.. I hope you keep growing trying new ways of marketing... It really is a rush when you see the money pouring in.
    Interested in affiliate marketing..?? Join Erica Stone and Todd Royer's webinar every Thursday, 8pm EST
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  • Profile picture of the author mkonate
    congratulation on your success, harder stuff is coming. Congratulation again....
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  • Profile picture of the author Yadira Barbosa

    You already made the most hard part of the entire making money process: Take action!
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  • Profile picture of the author Intermission
    Congratulations for not giving up and making it work!
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Miranda
    Congrats. everyone starts somewhere! Just have to get the ball rolling.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrea Wilson
    That is really something! Now try to make a bigger list and double your income. Its not always a numbers game in having a list though but how targeted and reponssive they are to your offers.


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  • Profile picture of the author Aira Bongco
    Congrats. You did well and in a few months too. I figure that you will find great success in this industry.

    But remember, this is only the beginning. Scale it up and you will find success.

    Lots of luck!

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    • Profile picture of the author Ian Jackson
      Well done, nice 1 .

      (It took me AGES to understand the concept of IM!!, then about 4 years to see my first few dollars.)
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  • Profile picture of the author SJstar
    Congrats! I can't wait to join you! I'm still learning and working on building my list now, so I hope to launch sometime this summer.

    I wish more people understood the concept of marketing other products, creating awesome content, etc. while building a list in the interim, and then launching your own product. I find that's where the patience of IM comes into play.
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  • Profile picture of the author DR's Fynest
    Wow. Amazing. I've been at this longer than you and I am ashamed to say I don't even want to "think" about creating my own product yet. I have learned a lot but I just don't feel ready for some reason.

    Excellent job on your part man! Ramp it up!
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  • Profile picture of the author indiatext
    very congratulations on your are finally on the right track...

    Best of Luck...
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  • Profile picture of the author johnny_h
    Awesome news, congrats!
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  • Profile picture of the author wendyloohoo67
    Wow! That is wonderful. As a beginner myself it gives me hope that this really can happen. Congratulations!
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  • Profile picture of the author CFK
    That is great man, congrats on your success!
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  • Profile picture of the author heypapay
    do what you did again and again
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  • Profile picture of the author joetann
    This is an awesome read, thanks man.

    I feel inspired
    Signature - better logo design briefs for designers
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  • Profile picture of the author SeanSupplee
    Very well done, for those that say list building is dead I laugh at them! Building your own list is the smartest thing you could ever do!
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  • Profile picture of the author vermadenish
    Congratulations Man ! Its really amazing and appreciated.

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  • Profile picture of the author kaytav
    Nice congrats on your success .
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  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    Congratulations on making your first few sales with your product. A lot of the battle is psychological - it can be very daunting for the uninitiated to set up squeeze pages, drive traffic, create your product, etc. Many people let this fear keep them from doing anything for ages, but as we've seen time and time again, all it takes is a little action for you to start conquering your fears. It all starts with taking that first step, but that is an action only you can take!
    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author bilzz
    Well done congrats on your success ..keep working like that
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  • Profile picture of the author MESophie
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  • Profile picture of the author Fun to Write
    Yes, it works because you are willing to put in the long hours and effort to make it work. Plus, you must have a pretty good info product. Good job!

    Focus+Smart Work+Persistence=Success

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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Miranda
    Good job at taking action! That is mostly what it is
    All about. The first sales create motivation and you will
    Only become more successful if u keep working at it.
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  • Profile picture of the author madaffiliatemoney
    Congratulations Esk!!!

    best of luck,
    Some people make stuff happen, Some people watch stuff happen, Some people ask, "What Happened?"
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  • Profile picture of the author echin
    Building a list is vital to your success. It is targeted and you can promote other related products to your market again and again. Its easier to that way.
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  • Profile picture of the author jezbiz
    thanks for the inspiration.. i've been thinking lately about creating an info-product as well.

    Need Articles? chek my gig @

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  • Profile picture of the author macalixter
    thanks for sharing your sucess with us.. kudos to you!
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  • Profile picture of the author yukiyenster
    Congratulations! Now that you've got the ball rolling, keep building it's momentum. You're on your way! Maximize and optimize earnings potential for your first product before moving on to the next one...

    Continue building your lists, build relationships with them, get some affiliates for your product on board now that you've got some conversion metrics... If your product continues to convert well, why not scale it up and flesh it out so it can be a full fledged product? List it in marketplaces like DigiResults, Rapbank, WSOPro and Clickbank to attract more affiliates.

    Remember to reinvest in your product and business, and never be afraid to expand. Contrary to popular belief, Internet Marketing is one of the lowest risk business models available today... unless you keep buying WSOs without taking any real action.

    Experience is the enemy of fear...

    Get it done, then get it right

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  • Profile picture of the author Rough Outline
    $152 is a great amount to make, as you said, you should supplement income from your own product sales with affiliate sales as well. Well done on your small but definite success, and keep going!
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