Need Help: Who here has outsourced or created software programs?

6 replies
Hello everyone,

I have been recently thinking about a few ideas for creating some software programs to later promote to sale through my website. I would not be making it myself and would have someone else do it. It seems the popular method is to use ELance.

I was curious who here has created their own programs or outsourced to have someone else do it?

I have a number of questions, but would like to begin with just hearing about your experiences with it by keying on questions like:

Was it profitable for you?
Was it very problematic or straight forward?
If you outsourced, how to get a good worker?
How did you figure out your budget for this?
How did you go about deciding the program could be profitable?
Deciding on the price etc?
What was your process for addressing questions about the software?
How long did it take for the software to be created? What is a reasonable time frame to expect?
Did you go the affiliate marketing route for your product? If not, why did you choose not to let others promote it?

For a frame of reference, I have been following what Tim Ferriss had mentioned in the 4 hour work week.
For example, he suggests having a 10 times markup on the cost and to shoot for a product selling in the $50 to $200 range.

Looking forward to reading your responses.
#created #outsourced #programs #software
  • Profile picture of the author Jared Alberghini
    Before posting on elance, I would test the waters here first... there are plenty of warriors that can do what you need... just wait... I'm sure your PM box is getting filled up as we speak

    P.S. you could also try posting in the Warriors For Hire section of the forum also.

    - Jared


    Join The Future: Telekinetic Marketing

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    • Profile picture of the author JDSalinger
      bumping up this thread
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    • Profile picture of the author Oliver Hart
      Originally Posted by Jared Alberghini View Post

      Before posting on elance, I would test the waters here first... there are plenty of warriors that can do what you need... just wait... I'm sure your PM box is getting filled up as we speak

      P.S. you could also try posting in the Warriors For Hire section of the forum also.

      - Jared

      I will like to find a software creator too, so i don't mind that someone PM me if they know how to create keyword research tools.

      Take care.
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    • Profile picture of the author BizBooks
      Originally Posted by Jared Alberghini View Post

      Before posting on elance, I would test the waters here first... there are plenty of warriors that can do what you need... just wait... I'm sure your PM box is getting filled up as we speak

      P.S. you could also try posting in the Warriors For Hire section of the forum also.

      - Jared
      except ....some people, in some cases, would specifically not use a warrior for something that they feel would be easier to keep under wraps until launch if it was created by some guy with no clue about IM....
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      • Profile picture of the author Johnny Slater
        Originally Posted by BizBooks View Post

        except ....some people, in some cases, would specifically not use a warrior for something that they feel would be easier to keep under wraps until launch if it was created by some guy with no clue about IM....
        Going with a software designer who has no experience in IM is a quick way to massive headaches.

        Unless the programmer has first hand experience in the field the software is being designed for, it will be difficult to explain how processes should work and to describe how the software should flow.

        You should never depend on a programmer with no IM experience to design IM software, unless you know the programmer very well and have a stable working relationship.

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  • Profile picture of the author GuruGazette
    I've done a variety of software type projects for about 12 years, and they're ALWAYS profitable for me in one way or another... whether I sell them or not.

    In 97/98 for example, I had a little web widget type thing I called a "Website Design Checklist" if I remember right, and that brought tons of traffic plus plenty of website design clients too. I also modified a common formmail cgi script so that it could write orders to a log file securely, and that one had links and traffic for a solid 8+ years.

    I tend to create software that I need or want for my business and goals. Most of the time I create for myself, and only consider giving it away or selling it later. It's only recently that I've been developing with other users in mind.

    And up until earlier this year, I did all my own work. I finally got my husband involved this year though and it's making things happen much faster and easier.

    Most of the stuff we've done this year would be $10,000+ projects if we had to outsource it to someone with enough skill because they're that complicated and sophisticated. I couldn't trust work of this level to an unknown outsourcer at most of the work for hire type sites.

    Reasonable time frames to completion and budgets depend entirely on what you're looking for specifically, how complicated/sophisticated the software is, and how good your programmer is. There is no cut and dry answer to most of your questions because of these variables.

    Hope that helps a little,
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