Guess Which 3 Words Guide My Entire Business! (Surprise For Whoever Guesses It)

14 replies
Hey Warriors,

I wanted to have a little fun now that I've gotten all the "honey do's" done for the day.

And what better way than to spark a little thread about business... the spirit of Wheel of Fortune You'll Get "R,S, T, L, N, E"

S*EE* ** E*E**T**N

These 3 words once discovered can double, triple, or quadruple your income in no time flat, they're something you've probably heard before, they aren't "magic button" BS, and they're freaking easy to implement if you focus.

So...with that being said, have at it and let's get some more profits and make the month of March the best month for Warriors yet!


#business #entire #guess #guesses #guide #surprise #words
  • Profile picture of the author CurtisN
    Speed of execution
    Curtis Ng (blog) - Product Launch Manager
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  • Profile picture of the author tonio79
    WOW.....didn't even get a chance to play.
    Like the theme though...thats pretty neat.
    I'll keep it mind!

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  • Profile picture of the author CurtisN
    Haha, sorry for spoiling the fun, guys. Less clues next time, maybe?
    Curtis Ng (blog) - Product Launch Manager
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    • Profile picture of the author Brad Spencer
      Originally Posted by CurtisN View Post

      Haha, sorry for spoiling the fun, guys. Less clues next time, maybe?
      Haha...totally...I really was thinking no one would get it.

      My whole point in posting was 2 fold.

      1. To see what would happen.
      2. Inspire people to take more action.

      The key in business (in virtually any business) is getting to market first. The reality is that most of the time (and the main discussion forum proves this) people ask questions that don't get them further to their goals but rather just give them a reason to rock in their chair and go on their way.

      The fact is...if you aren't selling you aren't making money.

      That's indisputable. The only way to make money is to sell something.

      Ad space, clicks, products, services, have to exchange value for stuff.

      The faster you do this...the more likely you will be to have a "hit" and then rock the house being successful. But it all comes down to speed to market.

      So the question now is...what are the odds that one product will be a hit if you create 10 products...or if you just stick to one.

      I know the answer to this one...but the key is many people focus on the latter. Don't worry if something is the best it could be. It needs to be good no doubt (garbage is garbage no matter how fast you produce it)...but the fact doesnt' need to take a month to create 1 good product.

      Sometimes, fast makes you focus on the 20% of the features/benefits that will attract 80% of your customers.

      Focusing on getting all the money now in the form of the "best ever product" is usually a losing battle. Usually, no matter what you do...someone will always be better.

      Just get it out there selling.


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      • Profile picture of the author MikeHumphreys
        Originally Posted by Brad Spencer View Post

        The fact is...if you aren't selling you aren't making money.

        That's indisputable. The only way to make money is to sell something.

        Ad space, clicks, products, services, have to exchange value for stuff.

        The faster you do this...the more likely you will be to have a "hit" and then rock the house being successful. But it all comes down to speed to market.
        Another way to say it is that money loves speed.

        Personally, I like hockey great Wayne Gretzky's quote "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3436351].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author TedMarlett
          Originally Posted by MikeHumphreys View Post

          Another way to say it is that money loves speed.

          Personally, I like hockey great Wayne Gretzky's quote "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

          This is so true in many things in life, not just internet marketing. Just think back on how many things you missed out on because you gave them too many second thoughts.

          Get information on growing older and healthier.

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          • Profile picture of the author Brad Spencer
            Originally Posted by Jason Perez O'Connor View Post

            if curtis wont take that 20 k surprise of you I will
            20k surprise? lol Idk if i ever offered that but I got in touch with Curtis


            Originally Posted by MikeHumphreys View Post

            Another way to say it is that money loves speed.

            Personally, I like hockey great Wayne Gretzky's quote "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."
            Totally true and rarely does any "experiment" have anything longer than a day's results. I mean I own a deli and if I stuck with the "comfortable" I'd never have half the contacts/friends I have now b/c of it.

            Plus it's a proof mechanism for so many products of mine.

            Gotta go take risks and usually they pay off in the long run lol



            Originally Posted by TedMarlett View Post

            This is so true in many things in life, not just internet marketing. Just think back on how many things you missed out on because you gave them too many second thoughts.
            Yep...totally agree...I kill myself sometimes on this but gotta never live with regret. If I told you how many product ideas I had that didn't get done b/c I "was worried about it working" I'd probably shock even myself.


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        • Profile picture of the author CurtisN
          Originally Posted by MikeHumphreys View Post

          Another way to say it is that money loves speed.

          Personally, I like hockey great Wayne Gretzky's quote "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."
          I've always loved that quote.

          However, now that I think about it, a lot of players get credit for goals where they don't even have to shoot the puck (i.e. redirections with the body, skates, stick).

          What that means with regard to the quote, I have no idea.

          Yes, my mind is screwed up like that
          Curtis Ng (blog) - Product Launch Manager
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      • Profile picture of the author William Prawira
        congratz Curtisn for answering the correct words,

        Originally Posted by Brad Spencer View Post

        I know the answer to this one...but the key is many people focus on the latter. Don't worry if something is the best it could be. It needs to be good no doubt (garbage is garbage no matter how fast you produce it)...but the fact doesnt' need to take a month to create 1 good product.
        I'm Not so sure about that one. But then, Up until now, I am trying to produce a good product. Hit my head on a brick wall every time I'm thinking about what product to create.

        If an expert can make a good one in a week or less, I'd say a newcomer like me will need 7 weeks or less? I mean, a lot of things to do, and I have to take it slowly to avoid the information overload symptom.


        William Prawira

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        • Profile picture of the author Brad Spencer
          Originally Posted by wp0102 View Post

          congratz Curtisn for answering the correct words,

          I'm Not so sure about that one. But then, Up until now, I am trying to produce a good product. Hit my head on a brick wall every time I'm thinking about what product to create.

          If an expert can make a good one in a week or less, I'd say a newcomer like me will need 7 weeks or less? I mean, a lot of things to do, and I have to take it slowly to avoid the information overload symptom.
          Your logic is a bit's the "tipping point" where you'll become a product creation master.

          If your market is experiencing really huge pain on topic A...if you create a simple video entitled "How to Get Rid of Topic A in 3 Easy Steps" and it actually does get rid of the that not a good product?

          It doesn't need to be a 50 page ebook on the subject...just solve it on video and go from there.

          That product can take a few hours to create, produce, and launch and it's a GOOD product. There might be better but most people want "good enough" to solve their problem NOW...not in 3 hours...NOW.

          Good enough=solution NOW
          Great product=solution in a certain period of time.

          This isn't the "right" way to think b/c long term results matter more to me than short term fixes...but unfortunately people want that stuff.

          Solve a problem FAST and EFFECTIVELY=Good product that'll sell.

          That's it folks...the big secret is revealed

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  • if curtis wont take that 20 k surprise of you I will
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