Clickbank Question. Can we skip the sales page and go straight to the cart?

6 replies
I have created a good middle page for an affilliate product on clickbank. The only problem is that the actual sales page is poorly designed, and I would like to know if there is a way to make the customer go from my sales page straight to the shopping cart, without seeing the actual sales page. Not sure if this is allowed, any advice would be great, thanks!
#cart #clickbank #page #question #sales #skip #straight
  • Profile picture of the author Kevin Hill
    Yes, I used to use Affiliate Cloner to do this Affiliate Cloner - Best Solution To Protect Your Affiliate Links. It allows you to redirect the customer to any order page and you still get credit for being an affiliate.

    There is probably a coding/programming thing you can do but I am not that tech savvy. Affiliate cloner worked for me.

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  • Profile picture of the author Chri5123
    Yes, you can - watch this video it shows you how to do it >> Web Market Notes: How to link directly to a Clickbank checkout page

    However I would contact the vendor FIRST and ask if this is OK?

    Also double check with Clickbank to make sure.

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  • Profile picture of the author Caleb Spilchen
    Originally Posted by unlimitedmarketing View Post

    I have created a good middle page for an affilliate product on clickbank. The only problem is that the actual sales page is poorly designed, and I would like to know if there is a way to make the customer go from my sales page straight to the shopping cart, without seeing the actual sales page. Not sure if this is allowed, any advice would be great, thanks!
    Yes, You can pretty simply actually....

    How to Bypass Clickbank Sales Page |

    The format for the Clickbank affiliate link is changed to
    the following so that you bypass the merchant page, and
    instead take your PPC prospects directly to the order page:
    This is how your affiliate link should look this will bypass the sales page and take you right to the clickbank pay page.
    Network Abuse - ClickBank
    NOTE: There is an underscore between your ID and the Merchant ID.



    Canadian Expat Living in Medellin, Colombia

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  • Profile picture of the author noble
    The only issue with this is that CB passes a one time cookie as opposed to their standard 30 day one.

    So if they don't purchase the first time but say bookmark the order page and return at a later time/date you will not be credited with the sale.

    Also be sure you are representing the product correctly, I had an affiliate doing this that just had the biggest BS sales page and was getting high refunds from him because of that so I asked CB to remove him from my product.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by noble View Post

      The only issue with this is that CB passes a one time cookie as opposed to their standard 30 day one.
      ^^^^ This - exactly.

      (Except it's actually a "standard 60-day one", not a 30-day one ).

      The two things you need to know about doing this are:-

      First, you're not leaving a cookie on your prospective customers' computers and are therefore earning commission on only the "immediates", and losing all the "returns" (and not so many people buy at their first visit to the page).

      Secondly (do you really need a second reason, after that first one?!), it's against Clickbank's rules to do this without the express permission of the vendor.

      There are also a number of other reasons why this is generally a pretty misguided thing to do, but the overwhelming financial reason is the first point above: you're chasing only a very small proportion of the income you might otherwise make. With about 14,000 products from which to choose, there, it makes little sense indeed, under normal circumstances, to promote one whose sales page you then want your traffic to bypass.
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