The best twitter tool made (in my opinion) that I have not released yet...

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We made this twitter marketing tool and have not released it. In the opening screen, you see you can put in a site you are marketing and it will gather the right keywords for you. After you get the keywords, you go to the mass tweet section and TwitterPater finds ALL twitter users that have that keyword in the profile or have tweeted those words recently.
You then can use spinnable text to DIRECTLY reply to all of those people. This can do thousands of tweets per hour (max per account is around 125)
You can change twitter accounts to max your exposure and spread risk.
WARNING! dropping links will get account suspended within about 50 tweets. We have noticed just being friendly and saying "Hey" will draw people to your profile and have people check you also saves the account from suspension.

Can you tell me:

1. Would you buy something like this?
2. How much would you pay?
3. How would you improve it?
4. Have you seen something better out there?

Here is the video link of TwitterPater in action

#made #opinion #released #tool #twitter

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