My Perspective on the "Google Farmer" Update, and How It Can Help You Market...

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We've always heard the mantra (or cliche), that "Content is King".

With the ever present tendency for marketers to want to do something faster and cheaper, and game the system whenever possible, this evolved into "If content is King, then a crap-load of it is the Sorcerer".

It became a mad dash to flood the internet with "quantity" of content, rather than quality. So-called "Content Farms" were spawned by people that should have known better , and no-doubt certain economies in non-english speaking nations got a shot in the arm from all the contract writing that was flooding the www.

Google finally decided that LSI, or some variation thereof, was more important than tons and tons of "words" about a topic. Let's face it, one single article that answers the question that a searcher has, is much more valuable than 1500 articles that are just vague filler.

So how does this help you to market?

Stop paying pennies/word for drivel that's just words... and either write your own content or find someone that can write intelligently about it.

Writing about a topic is not just for backlinks, and that should never be the primary intention of it. You're writing for human beings, "people" that have a problem or a desire that they want more information about.

They're going to ignore the crap articles, and the salesy ones are the last stage in the research process. They want information that either gives them a better understanding of the question they had, or gets them closer to solving a problem.

I think you'll find that "quality" articles at any directory. content farm, answers site, or anywhere you've been relying on...are still rating just as high in google as they ever did.

Perhaps a very good time to make sure you post your "quality" content on your own property first.

#google farmer #market #perspective #update

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