Free blogs vs. buying domain...

24 replies
If I want to drive traffic to a certain site through four blogs, should I just use a free service like blogger to make those four blogs? Or, should I buy domain names and hosting for each of those four blogs? Is there any difference if their only purpose is to drive traffic to my main site?
#blogs #buying #domain #free
  • Profile picture of the author auradev
    buy the domain every time. They appreciate as they get older and you have more control. Its worth $10 per year.
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  • Profile picture of the author NateRivers
    Well... once you get around 5-10 money sites, buying domains for all the feeder sites doesn't make sense anymore. I just use blogger,, livejournal blogs for this type of stuff. Use a different account per free blog-- that part I just heard somewhere else I have no idea if it matters, but I do it.
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    • Profile picture of the author thosewiseguys
      Originally Posted by NateRivers View Post

      Well... once you get around 5-10 money sites, buying domains for all the feeder sites doesn't make sense anymore. I just use blogger,, livejournal blogs for this type of stuff. Use a different account per free blog-- that part I just heard somewhere else I have no idea if it matters, but I do it.
      So if I have less then that then I should buy the domain like auradev said?
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  • Well, if you just want to use the blog to drive traffic, it helps to use a free blog since they normally give you more ranking ability...

    But a paid blog can create an asset for you in the long term, so I guess it depends on if you want to target the short term or the long term.
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    • Profile picture of the author thosewiseguys
      Originally Posted by Illumination View Post

      Well, if you just want to use the blog to drive traffic, it helps to use a free blog since they normally give you more ranking ability...

      But a paid blog can create an asset for you in the long term, so I guess it depends on if you want to target the short term or the long term.
      I definitely want to target the long term. I haven't made any sites yet, but have a couple that I'm about to set up and wanted to get a general consensus. I guess I could always try both ways.
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  • Profile picture of the author rising_sun
    Originally Posted by thosewiseguys View Post

    If I want to drive traffic to a certain site through four blogs, should I just use a free service like blogger to make those four blogs? Or, should I buy domain names and hosting for each of those four blogs? Is there any difference if their only purpose is to drive traffic to my main site?
    Yeh, there is a little difference between top level domain and free domain for blogs.

    Every affiliate program such as adsense, CPA, PPC is activated quickly in top level domain, thats it.

    According to content of your blog, I don't think there is a difference. If it is qualitiful then domain doesn't matter.
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    • Profile picture of the author thosewiseguys
      Originally Posted by rising_sun View Post

      Yeh, there is a little difference between top level domain and free domain for blogs.

      Every affiliate program such as adsense, CPA, PPC is activated quickly in top level domain, thats it.

      According to content of your blog, I don't think there is a difference. If it is qualitiful then domain doesn't matter.
      I kind of see what you're saying, but what do you mean its activated quickly? As in AdSense will show up quicker on a purchased blog as opposed to a free blog?

      I guess my question is, is there a difference between the authority given to the backlinks from a free blog as compared to a purchased domain?
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  • Profile picture of the author webapex
    To gain link juice benefits from your own domains they need to have different IP addresses, hard core SEOers also avoid footprints left by shared domain contact info, adsense or analytics codes.

    A few years ago Howie Schwartz had a course (Conversation Domination) touting the benefits of networks of free social sites, saying at the time he had stopped buying domains, things are constantly changing though, his approach may no longer be as effective. I see there is a 2.0 version of the course.

    Here's someone's 2009 Howie promotion:


    “An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field” Niels Bohr

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  • Profile picture of the author usaimarketing
    its just waste of money, you can use free services of blogger and wordpress, you can optimize them and they can derive traffic for you too...
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    • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
      Originally Posted by usaimarketing View Post

      its just waste of money, you can use free services of blogger and wordpress, you can optimize them and they can derive traffic for you too...

      Free Wordpress blogs don't allow monetisation.

      Blogger blogs disappear without reason.

      So you use WP for fun and not to make money :rolleyes: and you build Blogger blogs even though you have no control over them and they don't even belong to you?

      You can't possibly be serious.

      Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

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  • Profile picture of the author trevord92
    The control freak side of me says use your own domain every time.

    Free blogs can - and do - change the rules when it suits them.

    Wordpress blogs (on the Wordpress [dot] com domain) say "no commercial intent".

    Blogger blogs - it's specifically against the TOS to use them to help your site to rank.

    Squidoo/Hub Pages/etc change the rules and will lock pages that no longer fit.

    If you do use free, that's the risk you run...

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  • Profile picture of the author RanD
    Well, you said you are targeting long term. It's hard to ay exactly without knowing what your exact strategy is. It seems like a waste to create a lot of content long term for sites you don't own. You could have a primary site and several mini sites that point to the main site, or even each other, though you would need to make sure you have different IP addresses with them. You can then use the blogger, wordpress,com, etc, to drive traffic to all of them.

    The Howie Schwarz method referenced early, was a short term, high gain strategy, and admittedly kind of grey hat. It was not meant to last long term. The problem with the public sites is they can shut your account down without warning an you lose everything that was on them. Howie was fine with that. That might not work for you. I have heard people say they never had a problem, and I have heard horror stories. I would honestly not put anything on them that I was concerned about losing. I would not count on them as part of a long-term solution.
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  • Profile picture of the author jimbojack
    Buy your own domain at least you will have a better control over your blog, especially because some free blogs are full of ads and links form your homepage...
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  • Profile picture of the author Eamon Diamond
    Yes you can use free blog platforms - but don't be depending on them solely for driving traffic.

    If you're thinking of long term, buy domains to suit.

    Use away at free hosting platforms that supply you free domains, but "note," any content you create for them, back it up every post you write, having it stored somewhere like a simple pen drive can save you a lot of grief if free hosting platforms decide to change their terms.
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    • Profile picture of the author Ted_B
      I buy the domain every time. I'd rather own the real estate and be more in control if my own destiny. Free blogs have been known to disappear overnight and for no apparent reason. And there's too many "non-commercial" restrictions with the free ones.
      If you're in it for the long haul, I'd lean towards buying the domain.

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  • Profile picture of the author kvwapgroup
    pleasei ve a domain and a paid host can a goo samaritan plz help me to upload a good script plz mail me so we can talk better and give u details
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  • Profile picture of the author Mjoseph83
    Buying new domain would be better idea as it offers more control and you can use plugins and other software that help to increase traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sheryl Polomka
    I have a few blogs that are on free blog accounts, but like mentioned above, free blogging companies can change their rules whenever they want. They can close down your account too without warning, so there is always the risk of that happening.

    I do still use them though and so far I've been ok with them. I use Squidoo and Hubpages too and also article directories.

    I do have my own websites that I also use but I try to only link from sites that are on a different hosting account. I think that was mentioned above also that the backlinks need to be coming from a separate IP address so you'd need separate hosting unless you get dedicated hosting I believe.
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    • Profile picture of the author Marian
      Most of my blogs are on my domains - I like it that way. I fully control them and in case of emergency I can restore them anytime.

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  • Profile picture of the author Joanne Reid
    Only a slightly related question but what about .info domains versus .com domains? If the content is good, does it matter if it is a .info?
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by usaimarketing View Post

      its just waste of money, you can use free services of blogger and wordpress, you can optimize them and they can derive traffic for you too...
      This isn't right at all. (And it's certainly a very remarkable opinion to see expressed by someone advertising SEO services here!).

      Half the discussion is nonsense, to be honest. It's not really about "free or paid" at all. It's about "self-controlled/self-hosted or dependent".

      You can get perfectly adequate, professional, reasonable hosting and domain-names free of charge, and still be 100% in control. It's about people's terms of service and the self-sufficiency of your own business, not about whether you have to buy stuff.

      To use or Blogspot for anything monetised at all, or to build backlinks to anything monetised is absolutely loopy, as well as contrary to the terms of service. It's both completely unnecessary, and a no-gain activity. Countless Warriors have suddenly lost their blogs in the night over this. :rolleyes:

      Originally Posted by GeekGranny View Post

      Only a slightly related question but what about .info domains versus .com domains? If the content is good, does it matter if it is a .info?
      Not in the slightest. Domain extensions don't affect SEO at all. Your question's answered in some detail in this thread, this thread and especially in this thread.
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      • Profile picture of the author ELK
        I started a blogger blog about a personal interest/area of knowledge, way back about 4 years ago. Knew nothing about getting my own domain or any of that.

        I've recently decided to make a whole new and more expanded site including that subniche so I can monetize it. I'm never going to take down my blogger blog, and it does give me traffic since it's held some solid keyword rank spots for some time.


        I'm glad to be taking all of that interest and searching to a hosted blog so I have much greater security. People will follow from the blog to the site, I can get an email responder going, and before long my new site will creep up and overtake my old site with at least a few keywords. I'll get articles syndicated, my list will grow, etc etc.

        My old site could then randomly disappear if it so happens, and I won't have lost my visibility in this particular community. Now that I'm doing this as a business, it just makes good sense - and it's not that much more expensive over time.

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  • Profile picture of the author Joanne Reid
    Thank you Alexa. And thanks for the links to the other threads. And as for the free blogs -- I was booted out of Wordpress entirely -- they closed it all right down and I have no idea why. I think I was trying to monetize but that was only peripheral. I was blogging about my miserable attempts to lose weight.
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  • Profile picture of the author thosewiseguys
    Thank you guys for all the input. I now know exactly what I needed to know and then some.
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