2 replies
I am trying to add members into Wishlist using their API but it doesn't seem to be working as it should. I have double checked everything and it looks good but it isn't returning UID. Wishlist have been unhelpful so I was wondering if anyone here may know what is wrong?

The code is:

$user_data = is_array($args['WP_UserData'])?$args['WP_UserData']:get_object_vars(get_userdata($args['WP_ID']));
$jfb_log .= "EA Custom: Registering new user with WishList: ".$user_data['user_login'].", ".$user_data['user_email'].", ".$user_data['user_pass'].", ".$user_data['first_name'].", ".$user_data['last_name']."...\n";
$uid = WLMAPI::AddUser(
$user_data['user_login'], //username
$user_data['user_email'], //email
$user_data['user_pass'], //password
$user_data['first_name'], //first name
$user_data['last_name'] ); //last name
$jfb_log .= " ...Done. UID: " . $uid . "\n";
#api #member #wishlist

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