36th birthday on the 5th. Want to d WSO.. suggestions...

4 replies
Hi warriors...

It is going to be my 36th birthdy on April 5th and I want to do a cool WSO but not sure what to offer.

Here are my ideas.

1. - Create a cool software program that has mass appeal
2 - Write some articles for a select group of wariors for $36.00
3 - Write an ebook for warriors for $50
4 - Offer my Newie Blueprint book for $35.00
5 - Something else
6 - A combo of above.

I really want to do somthing cool but just not sure what. Any suggestions would be helpful.
#36th #5th #birthday #suggestions #wso
  • Profile picture of the author Derek Salfen
    This is maybe unintentionally hilarious! I'm not sure warriors trust anything without a 7 at the end. Wait til next year

    Go for the cool software program, any warrior can do the other things, not all of us can code.
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  • Profile picture of the author TaiZejan
    Or you can do something totally different, like write a WSO on how you've discovered the system that would prolong aging by implementing 3 steps - no one is doing it! Be the first! :-) That will be awesome.

    I am willing to do today what other's aren't, so I can live tomorrow, how other's can't.

    Are you?
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  • Profile picture of the author Peggy Baron
    Happy up-coming birthday!
    I vote for #1, the software.
    Or you could get really crazy and offer something for $7 for a very limited time, with a higher priced related offer as an upsell.

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  • Profile picture of the author NicheExposed
    thanks... anyone else

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