Big figure projections don't do it for me - but this does.

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I'm not sure how many folks have done this in the past (I'm guessing a lot) but I have a spreadsheet that shows projections for how much money I can make.

You know the one - if each site earns just 1 dollar a day then here's how much I'd make if i had 10 - 20, 30, 100,1000. I play around with the figures and it all looks so easy, but the big numbers don't seem real enough to be motivating to me at the moment.

I'm in the process of buying a house and I saw the monthly payment figures - and I remember thinking how easy it would be to cover that payment If I just built a few more sites and I suddenly found that I was far more motivated because this could be achieved quite easily - if i just worked a bit harder.

I guess when I'm dreaming of 6 or 7 figures online , making a few hundred bucks seemed trivial. However looking at it as covering payments makes it real - and I would feel the benefit of it instantly.

I wish I had discovered this when I was struggling with debt, but even though I'm debt free, I have monthly bills like council tax, water rates, cable, mobile phones that I can use as short term goals.

Hopefully this will help motivate others.
#big #figure #projections

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