Prove it works ? - did you "really" make money ?

11 replies
Hi all,
I see threads about someone saying they made money,
then some 50 replies congratulate him and wishing him the best...

No one ever said exact steps to replicate such success !

My question to everyone:

Did you Really make money?, honestly..? how much in how long ?

I just can't get it around my head that this works!
#make #money #prove #works
  • This is not probably the answer you are looking for. It took me awhile because at first I was not interested in making money so to speak. I had web sites that were informational and a telephone number and an email address to "get more info." I had a crude html form to fill in your info online. ( An early type of "squeeze page" years before I ever heard of the term.) All this to get contact info from people to, "then" offer my service to them directly. Very crude, "Stone Age" compared to today's methods.

    About 18 -24 months ago I decided to monetize a physical product I had been marketing offline for about 8 years at the time. I self taught myself SEO probably a dumb way to go with all the decent courses available out there, even for free!

    I have page one (some above the fold) Google rankings for many of the keywords I chose. I wasn't bright enough to do keyword research. With no reasoning I chose keywords that I thought would fit my product. I went up against keywords with over 8 million broad phrase competition. What did I know! I now have 3-4 listings in the top ten of page one for a couple of these. Wasn't easy and some of my keywords weren't buying keywords. Dumb! Takes as much effort to rank a non-buying keyword as it does to rank a buying keyword.

    I have applied some of the techniques I have learned from some paid for and some free training products. Some of these are, and I do not affiliate market currently, so I'm not selling, Stomper Net, Mike F., James Schramko, Ed Dale "Challenge," Traffic Geyser, Consumer Wealth System, Howie Swartz and and few duds too. I just chose these there a lot of equally good teachers on this forum too. Info overload? Yeah I guess but I gleaned some basic skills. I have a long ways to go. I know how to make money offline, I now want to learn how online.

    Over the last several months, revenue has been increasing on one site that has been my test platform to $200-$500 a week. (not every week this is an average) Not yet great. Offline I have made 10x's that for years ongoing in the past. And it's not me. I'm not highly intelligent, quick thinking or overly ambitious. I just learn simple things and learn to do them well. That's all.

    That's my tale as simple as it is.

    My friend drop the hype you hear. There ain't no free lunch! Clear your head and do everything one step at a time in an order that many on this forum will agree on that you should do. Don't jump all over the place. Pick a market, be practical about it. Are people buying? If your goal is to make money you got to have buyers, the more the better. Learn good basic SEO including how to find buying keywords. This is not magic. How to do this is all over this forum. I assume you know how to get a site online if not, that info is here too. Learn and use Word Press if nothing else.

    No short cuts on effort and commitment. What do you dream of, I want a light sport airplane. I don't know what your offline trade may be if you have one. How long did it take you to learn those skills? Did you go to high school or college. Did that take time? Why should learning online business skills be any different. Want to make 6 figures a year? Spend 10-12 years and become a doctor. I'm not saying this to be smart. I'm just trying to get you to think about it.

    OK, now here's a neat little secret and fact about the Internet that has me determined to keep going. In all my years of being in the sales and marketing business and doing quite well at times, I have never seen anything that has the ability to be leveraged like the Internet can be. It's absolutely amazing. That's why you see these stories about rags to riches online. They do happen. Those that report these successes (some are bogus I know) are more plentiful than at anytime in history probably. The common thing these successes have learned is how to leverage the Internet market place. ( Do it right and white hat. Spammers, hackers and crooks also leverage the Net also. "Luke, there is a dark side to the force too" )

    The stars are truly aligned for those that can see them on the Internet. Learn to see the stars flush the crap, lots of that online too, find some folks on this forum or somewhere and team up and follow and learn. I hope you can see the stars!

    Old Dog

    P.S. It will work, it is impossible for it not to work. It's a machine well tuned and engineered. Are you?

    P.S. If I can be of any assistance in your "Off" or "On"- line sales and marketing please PM me or email at . Old Dog

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    • Profile picture of the author omrishabbat
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      • Profile picture of the author PatriciaJ
        We must be looking in a different place. If you take a good look around this forum you will find plenty of threads started off by those who are laying out how they are making money step by step, I've certainly benefited from them. They tend to appear on a regular basis so keep coming back.

        Apart from the masses of free information here I also found Ed Dale's Challenge that old dog referred to great for learning, that's at

        I've never shared how much I earn on or offline because it's what you earn not what somebody else earns that counts, that's something my parents taught me many years ago and it's stuck with me. Apart from that it's easy enough to fake proof of earnings.
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  • Profile picture of the author Will Edwards
    You got a great answer there from the Old Dog who is clearly learning a few new tricks. When you are starting out and just can't seem to make it work, there may be a tendency to think it can't be done, that's true. So you do need the encouragement of people who are making money and can tell you it's not rocket science.

    How much money other people are making should be irrelevant to you. Concentrate on your own goals. Get them defined and then start making them happen. Just so you know it's possible: it has taken me 6 years of effort, but I plan to go full-time over the coming months having built a solid passive income. So there you go - it can be done.

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  • Profile picture of the author James Schramko
    If you accept that someone is making money online (they are)
    then you can now devote energy into sifting it down to the
    core elements.

    Take much of what you read with a grain of salt. It is a common
    hustle for one marketer to sell to another.

    I DO post proof when I sell things because as a consumer I like
    to see proof. Demand proof and you will see who is BS'ing it or not.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dimitris Skiadas
    Internet Marketing and making money online REALLY works.every single one of Warrior Forum members has the exact same question..HOW? I was exactly like you, trying to figure out things, how can i make money online.And here's my advice for you.You have to fail first in order to succeed.Find and try things that work for you!

    I started in building micro niche websites in order to earn through Google Adsense.I was banned in a month's period from Google and still trying to figure out why.I tried Amazon.This didn't work much for me either.Then i discovered Fiverr!I started selling my services there and i have reached a period that i make 300$ per month from Fiverr.I know it's not a lot but it's a great start.

    Then i found a marketing business here in Greece and i make 700$/month from offering website promotion and SEO services.

    Try to find what works for YOU!Do not get disappointed at first because making money online is not as easy as it looks.

    Keep learning new stuff and keep working hard!And i am a 100% sure that you will find SUCCESS!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kom

    you can make money online,

    Even I can not make big money right now, I did make money 40 dollar for first week when I try to follow the step, then getting hard , to much information,then I stop for a while,I learn from any direction, keep all tips and advise,
    need 3 thing :
    and wait if you do right you will make money.

    To be honest again 90% people fail. because they want fast money, treat this like a business,

    hope make you uderstand. no quick money overnight, enless you do the right step,

    Correct me if i am wrong with my opinion,
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    • Profile picture of the author shmeeko69
      Like with most things in life, IM and working online is just a numbers game and if you're still doing this after a year then, you'll have learnt loads and especially from people on this excellent forum and you'll be learning how to put the numbers and traffic streams in your favour. I have persona;;y gained great information from fellow warriors and links to free web header and icon sites and free automated twitter software. The things that I now tend to concentrate on are :
      • Backlinking to high PR sites
      • Choosing products wisely
      • Keyword research
      • Article marketing
      I always choose keywords which have low competition and a healthy monthly search rate and my number one aim is to get my chosen products to page one on Google for my chosen related keywords and get lots of organic traffic, as a website without traffic is the equivalent of a shop with out customers.

      Best of Luck

      The Rock n Roll of Marketing Reviews
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrea Wilson
    Making money online is for real! People who posts that they just succeed in achieving their goals is there to inspire. They are not obliged to share their own techniques or whatsoever. But like what the other folks said, there are tons of other threads that discusses about their own strategies that you might want to read.

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  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry

    Welcome to the forum.

    Your question is a classic one for people that join this forum since when you first get here you may think this place is like most other forums and just full of people who are playing the 'fake it til you make it' game and not really making any money.

    I'm sure it's true that there are a lot of people like that here, but actually the community of this forum is like no other. If you just spend some time here and get to know people you'll soon see who you can trust and who is really making money.

    As for the how - you may not like the answer because it's different for everyone.

    For myself - I've made money using almost every strategy you've probably come across.

    I used to make a good income on Ebay but got bored of going to the post office so don't do that at all now. I buy and sell silver. I have books on Amazon that bring me a nice income. I do affiliate marketing. I sell my own software and information products. I have membership sites. I do article marketing. I make Adsense income. I consult for offline companies and build websites and do sem. I do personal and online business coaching.

    You get the idea?

    You shouldn't be asking just what is working for others because everything works for someone - what really matters is what works for YOU.

    Unfortunately the answer to that is only available with personal testing.

    Despite what you may think when you start out - it's not so much the strategy that will determine your results as your passion and focus.

    You could model yourself on a successful article marketer but find that in order to make the income you desire you need to spend all day every day writing - that may sound ok, but it gets tedious very quickly.

    There's a reason some people don't mind working behind a checkout and some people would rather clean toilets or muck out horse dung - we're all different.

    What will ultimately work for you is whatever you are passionate about and can take consistent action towards.

    In a way IM is like dieting - everyone knows what to do but most people struggle to actually take the actions they know would make a difference.

    There are people all over the world convincing themselves they have unusual metabolisms in order to justify why they don't lose weight, when in reality - they eat too much and don't exercise enough. It sounds simple - and it is - but most people struggle with it.

    So - don't look at how other people are getting results apart from to understand your options.

    When you find something you love and are passionate about - the money comes on its own.


    nothing to see here.

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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    I see threads like this one all the time. People seeking the exact steps that people use to make money. If you've visited any of the other forums here, like the SEO/PPC/Adsense or Copywriting, etc forums, you'll see there are as many different ways that people make money as there are people.

    My way of making money will probably not work for many, so my blueprint would be worthless to you. I'm lousy at affiliate marketing and PPC, so those blueprints won't work for me. I have no real interest in it.

    So basically, you need to build skills, read and learn and find what interests you and work hard to learn everything about the areas that interest you. Choose one. Not two or three or four. Become an expert at what you choose. Learn as many skills as you can. Buy courses if necessary, but be smart about it. Look for comments in the thread to make sure people are happy with what they're learning.

    I've made a full time living online for over 11 years and I haven't really changed my basic focus in all those years. I guess you can say that I've developed my own personal blueprint. There's no one size fits all in Internet Marketing, and everything is going to depend on how hard you're willing to work and how much you're willing to learn.
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