Want to see a HIGH QUALITY article - I'll give you one!

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People today seemed to be forever arguing over what constitutes a high quality article.

Google is on the look out (apparently) for articles with little or no valid content, written solely for the purpose of creating a web page on which to place advertising or to engage in self-serving promotion.

This being so, it's a good idea to check out what the professionals are doing. And what better place to look than the news. With literally gazillions of events happening every second, the skill of the journalist is to capture one single event that captures the spirit of the times, the mood of a nation. In as few words as possible, the professional writer will tell us what happened, where it happened and why it happened.

And so, to the article... 500 words on...

Minor soap star buys an ice-cream

What this teaches us is that when Google talk of 'Quality' they are using it in the sense of: A distinctive attribute or characteristic possessed by someone or something. Rather than: General excellence of standard or level.

Basically, if your article has the distinctive attribute of being written for some kind of human being and makes sense it is a quality article even though the only purpose it can possibly serve is to be something you can put your advertisements around.
#article #give #high #quality

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