How's safelists conversion?

3 replies
Is still working? I used only for blog traffic, how about the sale? What's your best safelists?
#conversion #safelists
  • Profile picture of the author andynakamura
    I was doing ListJoe, ViralURL, ViralHost etc. But then it dawned on me how much traffic and sales I could generate. I'd get hits, but probably nothing short of grabbing their credits.

    Most people there are not serious IMers and they'll just looking for that quick buck. I have about 15000 credits and maybe I'll use it for split testing but wouldn't count on that as my main traffic method. It would be pretty low on the totem pole.

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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      It depends what you're selling (and how).

      If you're selling something that's specifically relevant to safelist users, you can get a decent conversion-rate as long as you opt them in first and don't try for the sale right away. (There are people here making a living from doing so - have a look in other threads on this subject using the search function and you'll find them).

      If you're not selling something that's specifically relevant to safelist users, then not so much, for the obvious "Marketing 101" reason that your offer is mismatched with your market.

      I strongly suspect that most of the people whose experience is that "safelist traffic is untargeted" have products/services that are simply inappropriate to that traffic. But hey, that's marketing, isn't it? You fail to sell and then blame the traffic ... :p
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  • Profile picture of the author O0o0O
    They are usually pretty low because those lists are spammed to death. My recommendation would be to build your own list and treat it with care.
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