Ebook writers: How do you protect your content?

10 replies
I'm in the process of putting together my first Ebook. I think I have a solid plan in place. Only problem I'm running into is that the niche I'm marketing to does a LOT of business via word of mouth online. So instead of having customer A buy my ebook and rave about the value of the product to his friend and direct him to my sales page, he will simply say 'This product is great, here let me send it to you.'. I can see a large amount of sales being missed due to this.

Is there a way to avoid this scenario?

Edit: Woops think I might have needed to post this in a different forum (still learning the site). Mods feel free to move if so...sorry.
#content #ebook #protect #writers
  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    Originally Posted by spectrefax View Post

    Edit: Woops think I might have needed to post this in a different forum (still learning the site). Mods feel free to move if so...sorry.
    Nope. You should just use the search button before posting... it has been discussed ad nauseam - and there is no definite answer.

    Some will suggest to live with the fact that buyers will share it.
    Others will suggest complicated methods that will annoy your buyers.
    Others will again suggest to use .exe type ebooks.
    Or to stamp the PDF file with the name/email of the buyer (e-junkie has such a service)

    Feel free to search for other solutions, too.

    (oh, and I am not a mod)

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    • Profile picture of the author spectrefax
      Originally Posted by Istvan Horvath View Post

      Nope. You should just use the search button before posting... it has been discussed ad nauseam - and there is no definite answer.

      Some will suggest to live with the fact that buyers will share it.
      Others will suggest complicated methods that will annoy your buyers.
      Others will again suggest to use .exe type ebooks.
      Or to stamp the PDF file with the name/email of the buyer (e-junkie has such a service)

      Feel free to search for other solutions, too.

      (oh, and I am not a mod)
      Ah yes, probably should have searched first. Getting tired on this end. Sorry about that.

      I do see this to be a large problem though as I expect probably 80% to 90% of my sales to be through word of mouth.
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      • Profile picture of the author Will Edwards
        Originally Posted by spectrefax View Post

        I do see this to be a large problem though as I expect probably 80% to 90% of my sales to be through word of mouth.
        Then turn it to your advantage. Get an affiliate program setup and provide them with details of how they can make money by recommending your book.

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      • Profile picture of the author MissLauraCatella
        Originally Posted by spectrefax View Post

        Ah yes, probably should have searched first. Getting tired on this end. Sorry about that.

        I do see this to be a large problem though as I expect probably 80% to 90% of my sales to be through word of mouth.

        If you're selling a product online, bring online traffic to it by posting links in the relevant places and paying for advertising, if possible.

        Also, brand your ebook such that if people obtain it without buying it, you can still profit. Consider putting related affiliate links inside it where possible, or links to your own website.

        Setting up your own affiliate campaign was also a great suggestion.

        Ultimately, it's tough to ensure a digital product's safety, so it's best to not stress that and instead think of other ways the ebook can generate you money other than the direct sale of it. Good luck!
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        • Profile picture of the author spectrefax
          Originally Posted by bambii View Post

          If you're selling a product online, bring online traffic to it by posting links in the relevant places and paying for advertising, if possible.

          Also, brand your ebook such that if people obtain it without buying it, you can still profit. Consider putting related affiliate links inside it where possible, or links to your own website.

          Setting up your own affiliate campaign was also a great suggestion.

          Ultimately, it's tough to ensure a digital product's safety, so it's best to not stress that and instead think of other ways the ebook can generate you money other than the direct sale of it. Good luck!
          Yes really good advice so far. Affiliate idea is definitely something I will look into.

          The problem is my product is such that upsells are not likely to work well with this market as my current target audience only buys from very reputable sources within the niche. I started to check out the products in clickbank related to the niche and I can say with 99% certainty that my main target audience will not purchase any of these items.

          Given this, I'm lead to believe that the vast majority of income to be made from this product is by direct sale alone. So finding a solution, any solution, to hinder peer 2 peer transfers is going to be key I think.
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          • Profile picture of the author MissLauraCatella
            Originally Posted by spectrefax View Post

            Yes really good advice so far. Affiliate idea is definitely something I will look into.

            The problem is my product is such that upsells are not likely to work well with this market as my current target audience only buys from very reputable sources within the niche. I started to check out the products in clickbank related to the niche and I can say with 99% certainty that my main target audience will not purchase any of these items.

            Given this, I'm lead to believe that the vast majority of income to be made from this product is by direct sale alone. So finding a solution, any solution, to hinder peer 2 peer transfers is going to be key I think.
            Hm, well as you haven't shared your niche it's tough to offer more specific suggestions. Maybe physical products on Amazon might work? There's almost always physical products out there to compliment digital ones, it may take some creative thinking, but if you have affiliate links and advertising to your own site floating from hand to hand, it isn't the worst way to be stolen from!
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            • Profile picture of the author spectrefax
              Originally Posted by bambii View Post

              Hm, well as you haven't shared your niche it's tough to offer more specific suggestions. Maybe physical products on Amazon might work? There's almost always physical products out there to compliment digital ones, it may take some creative thinking, but if you have affiliate links and advertising to your own site floating from hand to hand, it isn't the worst way to be stolen from!
              Yea, I'd rather not say the niche as I feel it will derail the thread. I can say it is *somewhat* similar to marketing to experienced IM'ers. Experienced IM'ers (lets say warriors for example) aren't likely to buy Jonh Joe's amazing new money making system but when someone very reputable with proven results makes a product they will very much be willing to purchase.
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              • Profile picture of the author spectrefax
                Also just thought of something...

                I was a member to a site whose distribution format was in streaming and downloadable instructional videos. I would regularly download the videos to watch at a later time when I was free to do so. I was always prompted to enter my valid account key (that I had with the site) in order to get the downloaded video to play.

                Anyone know of anything similar for ebook solution?

                Edit: Ah you beat me to it, think the virtual vault type software is exactly what I was describing. Thank you.
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                • Profile picture of the author spectrefax
                  For any interested, I found this thread:

                  Edit: woops, not allowed to post links yet. Post count not high enough.

                  The general overview is that two main products come to the top that are available to do this:

                  bookguardpro - $17 monthly membership which converts your PDFs to locked .exe file in which the customer must have a valid access code with you in order to use the book. Access codes are matched to the users unique computer to prevent sharing. Seems like a really solid solution.

                  Adobe Acrobat | Adobe Acrobat X Pro - $199. Adobe Acrobat Reader Pro - Gives you the ability to add security features to your PDF files such as passwords and allows you to set it so that the distributed ebook file is not easily copied.

                  If anyone has any experience with Bookguard pro - I'd love to hear about it. Thanks.

                  The only downside I could see with Bookguard pro is that if you decide down the road that you no longer wish to do ebooks and cancel your account with them...wouldn't that suddenly make all your ebooks unusable by your customers?
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  • Profile picture of the author CheapTrafficDude
    Couple simple options here...

    #1- I used to use Virtual Vault (I think it was called). You're 99.9% guaranteed protection, it's a great tool but does have its price.

    #2- I'm with Will on this, you can actually write an e-book, slip in 4-5 affiliate links in it and ENCOURAGE sharing!! You can also give PLR rights to it, make the book non-modifyable, then you can submit it to PLR directories and such. Can you say viral?? In this day in age, it's the best way to do it.

    #3- Sell it on Amazon and become a published author! Kindle is huge, you can sell your book for a few dollars or give it away for free for the kindle. That's a good way to do it if you don't want to put in aff links in it and you can still promote it and you won't have to worry as much for content robbers.

    Hope this helps
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