Get More Sales With These Article Marketing Tips

7 replies
For those of you who may be looking for helpful information on how to improve your articles to get more sales, here's a list of steps I use when writing my own articles. Some of the information you might already know, however there may be a tip here that you hadn't thought of. Anyway, enjoy and feel free to add your own article writing tips to share with other Warriors.

1. Become an expert. People want to buy from other's who are more knowledgeable about a product or service than they are. Therefore, it's important that you give your readers as much information as you can about a particular subject. Before writing, take time to learn your niche, inside - out. As new information arises about your topic, be sure to update your articles. The last thing you want to do is provide your reader with outdated information.

2. Choose your topics wisely. When choosing a topic, remember that your intent is to lure your readers to your website. Choose topics that relate to products and services that your reader wants to know more about.

3. Choose an attention-grabbing header. This step might require that you write a couple of headers before you pick the one that you find are most attractive to your article. A rule of thumb is to make sure your header is attention grabbing, interesting, and benefit -driven.

4. Keep your readers interested. Don't stop with your header. You need to find a way to keep you reader's attention throughout the article. Try using the inverted pyramid technique by saving the most interested portion of the article till the very end. This is a secret technique leads the reader right to your resource box.

5. Using keywords. Whatever you do, you don't want to skip this important step. Using keywords allow search engines to find you. While you don't need to input keywords all throughout your article, you do need to at least put them in the header and top paragraph of your article.

That's it for now.

Wishing You More Sales!
#article #marketing #sales #tips
  • Profile picture of the author Jim Burney
    Great informative post Christie

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

    When I write articles for myself I sometimes forget to insert the keywords.

    Nice reminder with point 5.

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    • Profile picture of the author Christie Love
      Originally Posted by Jim Burney View Post

      Great informative post Christie

      Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

      When I write articles for myself I sometimes forget to insert the keywords.

      Nice reminder with point 5.

      Yea, when I started, I got conflicting information about keywords. Some marketers say you must do it... Some say keywords don't matter.

      For me... I'd rather be safe than sorry.
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      • Profile picture of the author Allen Graves
        Originally Posted by Christie Love View Post

        Yea, when I started, I got conflicting information about keywords. Some marketers say you must do it... Some say keywords don't matter.

        For me... I'd rather be safe than sorry.
        I'd say that's a good idea.

        Just don't overdue it. Let LSI work for you, but defintely add your keyword phrases.

        Nice thread!

        Every day I check the obituaries. If I don't see my name there, then I know it's going to be a good day!
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  • Profile picture of the author Ben_Curtis
    You are the fabulous one, and those are all good reminders.
    When I started with article marketing, I didn't understand keywords like I do now. I recently went back and modified 54 articles in ETA with keywords so they might get more hits. I am more cognizant of keywords when I start now---easier to begin right than to clean up a mess! :0
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    • Profile picture of the author Christie Love
      Originally Posted by Ben_Curtis View Post

      You are the fabulous one, and those are all good reminders.
      When I started with article marketing, I didn't understand keywords like I do now. I recently went back and modified 54 articles in ETA with keywords so they might get more hits. I am more cognizant of keywords when I start now---easier to begin right than to clean up a mess! :0
      You are so right. I've spent a lot of time going back to edit articles I wrote during my "early years." But, I must say that adding keywords definitely paid off.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ngmedia805
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[338360].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Ivancho
    Great Information, Thanks alot keep it comming
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