How To Quickly Grow Your Twitter Follower List

16 replies
I have just made a quick video on "How to quickly grow your twitter follower list"
I have share some awsume content in the video.If you are interested in watching it just go to the link below and REMEMBER not to forget commenting on the video.
#follower #grow #list #quickly #twitter
  • Profile picture of the author Claire Sharp
    I already have this one and got some more twitter lessons. And it helps me a lot in promoting my sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author Naeem Sikandar
    thank you so much.. I want to listen from you guys one more thing , Is my english understandable , if yes , upto which percentage my english is understandable because i am from pakistan and i believe in delivering awsume content and i want to be as good speaker as i can be...
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  • Profile picture of the author Dxdevilx
    I remember a Site Twidents like that i don't remember the exact Name :-s it helps in getting followers fast as well as facebook likes i think we can also follow each other and get more followers
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  • Profile picture of the author clickasite
    Follow me on twitter: websitenow is the name
    Thank You Warriers
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  • Profile picture of the author clickasite
    I promise to follow back, find us at websitenow on twitter

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  • Profile picture of the author clickasite
    try twittfame to get more followers .

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  • Profile picture of the author wantsuccess
    depends on your motives sikandar if you just want followers to push products to then no but for personal use then yes you would use manual following...hope that makes sense and helps...
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Michael
    Tweet Attacks does targeted followers.

    you can follow other users followers/following, you can follow people based on your keywords, you can unfollow, you can set delays & so on. lol it pretty much does the exact same thing that you would be doing if you were manually following people.

    i personally don't see the point in things like twiends, where u have to gather "seeds" and stupid things like that.. it makes no sense to me.
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  • Profile picture of the author n1985
    Interesting video, but I wouldnt neccessarily follow your approach.
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    • Profile picture of the author merereilly
      I agree about following people manually and growing your follower base that way... If you have something good to say, people will listen

      The more people you follow, the more followers you will accumulate... While it may be tedious, it works gradually!

      "Rome wasn't built in a day"

      And be sure to check your messages occasionally as many twitter users require followers to manually validate the follow, and they'll send out messages to you with the link to do that. This weeds out automated following.
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  • Profile picture of the author merereilly
    I also just found out that you can link your Facebook to your Twitter through the "Contact Information" section at the bottom of your "Info" page.

    Just add a new "Screen Name" and enter your twitter name and select Twitter from the drop down menu. Then your FB friends can find you automatically on Twitter!
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  • Profile picture of the author lotsofsnow
    Why would I need a twitter follower list?

    No, seriously, please explain as I have not found any use for a large twitter follower list. I have a few thousand (6,600 or so) and don't know what I should do with it...

    I guess it is just nice to have. At least it does not make any money; I know that for sure.


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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Michael
    while YOU might not ever need to use it, it's always good to know HOW

    you would be surprised how many clients contact me, wanting nothing but followers on twitter.. it's hilarious.. lol and a giant cash-cow
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