How do you split test emails?

6 replies
I recently heard from someone about split testing your emails that you send to the list during a launch. Does anybody has any experience about how to split test your emails? If yes then how do you do it?

Forgive about the spelling error in title, its not editable, I hope that mods can corrects it.
#email #emails #slip #split testing
  • Profile picture of the author Paul Barber
    Re your title, if you click edit, then click advanced edit, you can edit the title.

    No experience on on split testing with emails, sorry
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3972223].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jonathan8
      Originally Posted by Paul Barber View Post

      Re your title, if you click edit, then click advanced edit, you can edit the title.

      No experience on on split testing with emails, sorry
      Thanks for help.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3972229].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author vivaarturo
        @jonathan8 there are a number of ways to split test emails.

        You can use a email service like that provides analytics on your emails sent. You can see stats for emails opened, emails clicked etc.

        To test emails send x amount to one group and x amount to another group.
        have a different subject in the heading and see which email people open more.

        things you can test are
        subject line
        long or short written emails
        text vs html
        images vs no images

        you can test anything you can think of

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        • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith

          The answer depends on the autoresponder you're using.

          With some, you can divide a list in two and send different emails to each half.

          With some, you can do this only with "broadcasts" but not with "follow-ups".

          With others, you need to have divided the people at the time you built the list, so you can send most of your emails to both smaller lists, but split-test occasional ones by sending out two different versions. Unfortunately, typically nobody tells you that until it's too late. But, in general, when list-building, the more segregation you do, the better: it always keeps more options open at later stages.
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          • Profile picture of the author jonathan8
            Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post


            The answer depends on the autoresponder you're using.

            With some, you can divide a list in two and send different emails to each half.

            With some, you can do this only with "broadcasts" but not with "follow-ups".

            With others, you need to have divided the people at the time you built the list, so you can send most of your emails to both smaller lists, but split-test occasional ones by sending out two different versions. Unfortunately, typically nobody tells you that until it's too late. But, in general, when list-building, the more segregation you do, the better: it always keeps more options open at later stages.
            I use aweber and get response. Thanks for advice. I'll try to make two small list of 200 people each and test the emails before sending it to all the lists.
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    • Profile picture of the author ecoverbox
      Originally Posted by Paul Barber View Post

      Re your title, if you click edit, then click advanced edit, you can edit the title.

      No experience on on split testing with emails, sorry
      If you're talking about A/B split-testing - it's sending out two e-mails selling the same product - but the content, layout and subject lines are different. It's a great way to test which e-mail writing approach sells more.

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