Back in the Saddle Again...

9 replies
At long last, I have made it to becoming full time working from home. However, it is not through IM, it is through my transcription business. But this is a good thing.

So now that I'm not working myself to death (a regular job I have to drive to everyday and typing from home) I can focus on my transcription business and put more effort and time towards IM.

I have wanted to work from home for a long time but never had the time or the energy to do it. I am so excited that I can get back into the swing of things.

My problem now is that I've been so out of the loop lately, that I'm not sure where to pick back up from. I know IM changes like the weather so I am just gonna have to get back into this forum again and see what's going on. I know I want to focus on Affiliate Marketing, not really into creating a product of my own. We'll see how it goes.
#back #saddle
  • Profile picture of the author allenjohn
    You could offer a transcription service online? Regards Allen

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  • Profile picture of the author mavericx
    Welcome back! I'm sure not too many things have REALLY changed all that much since last time you were active.

    There's plenty of options in the affiliate marketing arena; amazon affiliate marketing, clickbank affiliate marketing, etc.

    Best of luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author tgdrew
    Keep your head up. I'm sure you'll get back into the groove of IM in no time. There are tons of gurus here that constantly give great hints and tips. Just keep your eyes peeled.
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  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    I know IM changes like the weather
    It's not really that "Marketing" is changing with that speed. I think the basics didn't change for ages.

    What's changing is the "dernier cri" (newest fashion) in methods promoted by some...
    The rest is always the same: find a hungry market, make them an irresistible offer, count the money coming in

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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Bard
    Originally Posted by Susanna Dodd View Post

    I know IM changes like the weather...
    I would like to add to what Istvan was saying in his post above.

    It's the fundamentals that make or break you.

    Targeting a market that has enough money to spend and spends it, presenting the right offer to that market to get leads, converting those leads, up-selling, backends, customer support and maintaining the relationship.

    It's the shiny bells and whistles passed off as innovation by way of smoke and mirrors that distracts everyone to the point of derailing.

    Chasing the latest thing just leads to a lot of activity being mistaken for accomplishment.

    One day you wake up and realize that you have been running around like a chicken with your head cut off and didn't really get anything done.

    Stay away from the traveling circus and sideshow barkers who dazzle and amaze you as you watch your hard earned money disappear right before your very eyes.
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    • Profile picture of the author mnoonan
      Originally Posted by Matt Maiden View Post

      It's the shiny bells and whistles passed off as innovation by way of smoke and mirrors that distracts everyone to the point of derailing.
      That is the best advice I've seen today! And the sad part is that so many people see the smoke and mirrors and can't resist the temptation. I know it was hard for me to quit "smoking" and focus on the real things!
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  • Profile picture of the author quicklinkbuilder
    Do some hard keyword research for amazon products. make niche websites and get them ranked. then flipp them on flippa
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  • As Matt and Istvan said above,

    The fundamentals stay the same but there are some newer methods for certain areas that can help you such as social media.

    Just stick to the tried and tested find a hungry market with money to spend, find out what they want and then give it to them.

    You should be alright with a surname like yours though Us Dodd's will reign triumphant!
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Congrats ... sounds like a less stressful job. Commuting is almost a full time job in itself.
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