A Little Tip That Could Make You A Millionaire!

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The people you are around can have a big influence on
your attitude. You may even become just like them.
How would you feel about that?

Today I had that feeling of
"oh I have to get away from these people"

Their attitude was not the kind I wanted to be around. I wanted
to work and they wanted to play. They have been playing for 4
days and the last 4 days, I have been working.

So I had to get away.

Don't get me wrong, I like to play and I can tell you some great
storys. Believe me! (Yeah right, you say! Haha)

But I am after results, and although the people around me
may think whatever they want to think, I am focused on
achieving these results in a certain time frame and I
cannot let what other people think effect that goal.

They are distractions.

I'm not really avoiding them personally, I'm avoiding the
distractions they are causing.

I am focused.

I'm nice, I participate to a point, I tolerate, but then it's time
to cut it short and get back to it.

I like what Anthony Robins talks about in "Awaken The Giant
Within" and more recently Mike Dillard reminded us again
in "Magnetic Sponsoring."

"Everything we do, is for one of two reasons. To avoid pain,
or to gain pleasure"

So my attitude is "I don't care what other people do or think
about me, I'm working to avoid pain and gain pleasure!"

I have to set some rules for myself to stay disciplined and
protect my attitude because I like to have fun just like the
next guy, but it is not during this time.

1st I have to limit the amount of time I spend with some
people, like some friends and some family members.
You cannot, never see them again because they are family,
but you can limit the time spent with them and that way,
limit the negative impact on your attitude.

2nd I have to increase the amount of time I spend with the
right people.
The right people are people that bring value and have a
positive impact in your life. People that make the time
spent worthwhile. Hanging out with people like this can
give you a fantastic attitude.

3rd I will stop altogether associating with negative people.
Sometimes it's even necessary to cut off relationships
altogether. Parents, if your teenager is hanging out with
the bad kids at school what should you do? Cut that
association quick, right? It doesn't change as you get older
only instead of your parents, and school yard bully's, now
it's negative people you have to watch out for . The ones
with no brains are the worst. You need to run from them
as fast as you can.

4th I need to spend at least 30 minutes a day reading or
listening to something positive, and learning something new.
Education doesn't stop just because you're finished with the
school system. Learning continues all through life, it never
stops. And you want to be best equipped to move with life's
ups and downs which will inevitably happen to all of us, so
that means to continue the education process.

We only have so much time in each day, and I want my time
to show I spent it with the right people, doing the right things.

I want my time to be reflected by my bank account.

Attitude controls your Thoughts,
Thoughts control your Actions,
Actions control your Results.

The books you read, the music you listen to, the t.v shows
you watch, the people you hang around, the jobs you have,
and many other factors, all effect the attitude you have and
ultimately that effects the results you are getting in your life.

So to change your results, you must change your attitude first.
That's why people say attitude is everything.

So fix your attitude and get what what you want and make your future a fantastic one!!!

Best wishes
Christopher Reid
#attitude #christopher reid #magnetic #make #mike dillard #millionaire #tip

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