Tip: How to quickly increase your Aweber message conversions ... and see which SUCK...

4 replies
Great one. Has helped us increase our sales and conversions, thought I'd share.

  1. Subscribers>>Search
  2. Stop Status = Unsubscribed
  3. Order by --> Last Message Date - Ascending
So what you then will have is EVERYONE who has unsubscribed, by message #.

Study which of your messages are causing the MOST unsubscribes, then:

1. Re-write those messages!
2. Move the message further back in the follow-up process

Also look at which messages have FEW or little unsubs and study those messages -- or copy or borrow their content, reworking them in your followup to replace #1 above.*

*Your subscribers are obviously finding value in these.

#aweber #conversions #increase #message #quickly #tip

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