Personal blog with 1000 daily visitors, how to monetize?

17 replies
I have a personal blog where I am writing about SEO news and Facebook tricks. I get about 1000 visitors daily, 70% from organic search. I write about one article per month there.

Now I wonder what could be a good way to monetize it. The domain is my name, so I can´t do anything that would hurt my "personal brand" or whatever you call it. The posts are being shared on Facebook and Twitter by people, so they actually seems to like what I am writing about as well. I have tried with Adsense, that gives me less than a dollar per day. I have as well tried to link to some clickbank products under related posts and in sidebars, and gets about one sale every second month.

I think that it should be possible to get more money than that from the site, don´t you? But, I can´t make it look too bad either and not really put ads everywhere. Does anyone have any suggestions what I could do? I can do some SEO, so I will get even more visitors to it if I see that it is possible to get some money from the blog.

( And if you are interested in checking the blog, the domain is )

Best regards, Jonathan
#blog #daily #monetize #personal #seo #visitors
  • Profile picture of the author Victoria Gates
    Have you tried doing some CPA offers? You get paid for quality traffic you send to other peoples offers. Just make sure its relevant to your theme.
    Victoria Gates - Digital Marketing Specialist

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  • Profile picture of the author TCrosby
    Write a free report. It can be a compilation of a dozen or so related tutorials that you have already made, rewritten, and tied together with an overall purpose and meaning.

    Offer this in your sidebar, and/or with popup domination.

    With that level of traffic you will have a very big list quickly.

    In their first 2 weeks on your autoresponder give them high, high, high quality content. Consider recording a few videos perhaps.

    After that, you can send them purposeful, related offers, or start developing a product of your own.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathanbj
      Thank you this far!

      Actually, I have thought of start building a list, now when you said it as well I think that I will actually give it a shot. I have to read a little about it first so that I do not do anything "bad"..
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    • Profile picture of the author david carr
      get a mailchimp account it's free for upto 2000 subscribers and build a list give them free tips and tricks you don't give out on your blog.

      Give 3 really good tips then a recommendation(affiliate offer) or you can even semi conceal the recommendation in a tip.

      Plus you can create a product and sell it.

      Plus you can sell ad space


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  • Profile picture of the author richgrad
    yes you need to build that list like yesterday... and don't go for a free autoresponder... the deliverability sucks... go for a reputable one like aweber
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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathanbj
      Originally Posted by richgrad View Post

      yes you need to build that list like yesterday... and don't go for a free autoresponder... the deliverability sucks... go for a reputable one like aweber
      Ok, I go for Aweber then, It is okay for me to pay for things, I do not think everything in life is free.. And I have noticed again and again that you get what you pay for, so by paying nothing, you get kind of nothing..

      I checked your sites a bit, what plugin do you use for the smooth opt-in boxes that appears while the content fades to black? And have you experienced a higher bounce rate with that kind of call to actions?
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    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by richgrad View Post

      yes you need to build that list like yesterday... and don't go for a free autoresponder... the deliverability sucks... go for a reputable one like aweber
      Yes, since building a list our business has changed. I mean in a big way.

      If I didnt have a big list I would probably make about $50 day.

      Our list has grown to about 30k, I guess that is ok.

      But if you are not building a list in any sort of business you are waisting your time, for sure.
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  • Profile picture of the author Willie Murray
    Very cool Blog Jonathan and agree get your list going asap, that's a big following you have on your blog!

    Aweber gets a thumbs up from me to, I've been using them a while now and their support is very good
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  • Profile picture of the author GaryCarlyle
    1,000 a day for a personal blog is tons. Very well done mate.

    I think list building is the next step for you bro. Agreed with above.

    UK TV abroad for free:

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    • Profile picture of the author busygal21
      Hey.. I'd get cracking on a list, you're losing alot of money. The money is in the list! Put together an ebook with your content, and offer in the side bar for free and a pop up, like pop up dominator, or a word press popup plugin. This is a perfect opportunity for Ben Shaffer's new product and one of his methods called "Regeneration". See my post if you search under "Instant Profit Booster". Use Aweber, set up your auto responder sequence, once per day for atleast 7 days with very high quality content - video works best. Then do a video review of a clickbank product - make it real, either buy the product and review it, or connect with someone that has, or see if the owner will send you a copy for a testimonial, in order to do an accurate review, and then send that out somewhere after 7 days. You will need to develop your backend, preferably with your own products. Put together a product with a $1- 7 day trial and go from there.

      Hope this helps

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  • Profile picture of the author xavierfok
    you could consider getresponse too.

    the list is only useful because it helps you to build a trust relationship. the issue on your website is probably insufficient knowledge and trust about you leading to the purchase.

    This trust is build through the free articles you give, sending the message that you know your stuff and that you are a reliable source of help and they are going to get their money's worth of value.

    Good luck with your list!
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  • Profile picture of the author jameson222
    Jonathon, I will pay you affiliate commission for every visitor you send to my site that purchases. We pay 25% per sale. My website is directed at the SEO based consumer. You can check it out if you want and let me know.

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    • Profile picture of the author JGetson
      I am glad that you are doing so well, however I am going to differ with the recommendation of Aweber, I much prefer to use TrafficWave because they charge a flat rate (which is less than awebers starting price) no matter how many subscribers or lists you have...

      We are all here to 'make' money so why spend more that we have to just because we can?

      Have a great rest of the day...just because YOU CAN!

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      • Profile picture of the author Jonathanbj
        Sounds interesting. Are anyone else using the TrafficWave? I mean, Aweber is the most used software, there must be a reason for that right?

        Originally Posted by JGetson View Post

        I am glad that you are doing so well, however I am going to differ with the recommendation of Aweber, I much prefer to use TrafficWavebecause they charge a flat rate (which is less than awebers starting price) no matter how many subscribers or lists you have...

        We are all here to 'make' money so why spend more that we have to just because we can?

        Have a great rest of the day...just because YOU CAN!

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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathanbj
      Originally Posted by jameson222 View Post

      Jonathon, I will pay you affiliate commission for every visitor you send to my site that purchases. We pay 25% per sale. My website is directed at the SEO based consumer. You can check it out if you want and let me know.

      I saw that your products are priced per month, is the 25% a one time commission or is it paid every month the customer is subscribing to your service?
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  • Profile picture of the author jimcal
    Offer some warrior special offers on your site on the topics you are blogging about

    Index Annuity Guide

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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathanbj
      Do you mean that I should make own WSO:s and offer them on my blog, or if I should offer other peoples WSO:s? How does that work?

      Originally Posted by jimcal View Post

      Offer some warrior special offers on your site on the topics you are blogging about
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