Most Profitable Ways To Market Your IM Business in 2009

11 replies
Happy New Year Warriors!

As a New Year's present from me to you, I'm giving you a list of profitable ways jump on your 2009 marketing plan. I hope there's something here you can use. Enjoy!

Promoting yourself as an expert in your niche to offline customers is one of the most popular ways to build your client base. Before getting started, be sure to find a systematic way to market your seminar that'll... fill the room.

To compliment your stupidly cash cow marketing techniques, you'll want to take advantage of the many benefits of direct mail. You'll be amazed at how fast your online business will expand when you establish a system to quickly reach hundreds of offline customers at the same time. Not an advertiser? Don't fret. Do a Google search for "direct mail samples" or hire a copywriter to write killer ads for you.

Online Radio Shows and Podcasts
As you know, video marketing is... All The Rave! So, get out your video camera and start your own online talk show. You can tell customers the latest innovations in your products or services or you can grab a few gurus to interview. It's as simple as that.

Write Articles
Buyers love to read about the latest and greatest products. That's why it'll be a long time in the future before article writing becomes obsolete. Writing articles about your products are a sure way to get your new product launch noticed by local publications or online submission companies.
#2009 #business #market #profitable #ways
  • Profile picture of the author Jim Hallmark
    Hi Christie,
    Great list! Thanks for a reminder of some overlooked and underutilized ways of marketing your business.

    Here's hoping you and all of those on the forum have a banner year!
    "Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!" Mike Dooley
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  • Profile picture of the author Charles Harper
    Good Post, my friend.

    I would specify that Ustream.TV allows you to do a live video talk show and Blog Talk Radio allows you to do a live 'audio's show. Blog Talk Radio's shows are spidered by Google generously. Thus, you are very right; you can be found that way very easily.

    I have actually done a seminar and I would argue that it does not take as much $$$ as you think. I was out $400 for mine. Check out David Preston's thread on that.

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  • Profile picture of the author AntonioWrightMV

    You are so on point with this post. Many thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author Shadi
    the seminar thing could work, except for the thing that is targetting everywhere but your local area hehe, thats my case, I am just trying to market my 5 days old ebook hehe, nothing big but hope it turns out good, I am letting it for people to market it with thier reviews I mean
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    • Profile picture of the author Christie Love
      Originally Posted by Shadi View Post

      the seminar thing could work, except for the thing that is targetting everywhere but your local area hehe, thats my case, I am just trying to market my 5 days old ebook hehe, nothing big but hope it turns out good, I am letting it for people to market it with thier reviews I mean
      Shadi, what are you saying? Your ebook is the start of your seminar presentation. I started out with my own ebook series. I took my book and turned it into something... fabulous. I spoke to women, at a few seminars, on how to attract men.

      You already have a product, now shoot for the stars.
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  • Profile picture of the author mabbott
    Let's not forget optin mailing as well
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  • Profile picture of the author OmarNegron
    Hey I like the last one.

    A lot of people look over the power of articles. I use to a couple of months back. But now, they bring traffic to my site every single day like clockwork...

    good stuff!
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  • Profile picture of the author godisgood

    I agree with Omar, article writing is one of the mos profitable ways to generate traffic.


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  • Profile picture of the author lstoops
    How about video seminars? Or teaching videos or something like that. I'm looking to get involved more with video and podcasting this year.
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