A Question about Rights

2 replies
Can anyone help with this rights question?

What rights do I need to clear in order to sell something as PLR? In particular I'm talking about graphics and web designs.

I have various bits of design work and code that I have collected over the years, a lot of which has never been used. Some of these were created to try out new techniques or when brainstorming ideas.

If I put aside anything that has ever been near a client (in case of possible IP issues), I think I could still create several packages of templates or website graphics that could be useful to people.

My question is, how can I license this? Bearing in mind it is made up of elements from various sources, including:
  • some unique bits created myself,
  • some graphic elements taken from other PLR material (with rights to reuse)
  • some items from public domain, via sites like dezignus.com
#question #rights
  • Profile picture of the author craigraphael

    You can go and sign up for this free download if you'd like. It's "All Rights Made Easy" and was a HUGE eye opener for me personally. I am currently gaining subscribers by giving it away so the link is below if you'd like to sign up for it....

    Go here to check it out....


    Craig Raphael
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  • Profile picture of the author Darren Mothersele
    I guess my question is actually more specific than that.

    I see people including all kinds of things in so called "stock" web-graphics packages, some even with PLR. By the terms of the license for PLR, my understanding is that only the original creator of the material would have the legal right to make the product PLR.

    For example, if I've seen several examples of people including elements from "free" resources online that I know were originally released under a Creative Commons Share-Alike attribution license.

    In this case, will the package creator have cleared extra rights to allow them to distribute these elements with their package? Or, are they just ignoring the terms of the CC license?
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