Kindle Strikes Again #2! For those using Public Domain

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I just got an email from kindle concerning public domain uploads.
I haven't uploaded any myself but I wanted to give you a heads up if you are.


We offer our customers free editions of public domain titles in the Kindle Store. In order to provide an optimal customer experience, it's our policy to only offer differentiated versions of these freely available books. We consider works to be differentiated when one or more of the following criteria are met:

• (Translated) - A unique translation

• (Annotated) - Contains annotations (unique, hand-crafted additional content including study guides, literary critiques, detailed biographies, or detailed historical context)

• (Illustrated) - Includes 10 or more unique illustrations relevant to the book

If your books meet our criteria, please edit the title fields and product descriptions within 14 days and resubmit for publishing. Differentiated books must include (Translated), (Annotated), or (Illustrated) in the title field. For example, "Pride and Prejudice (Annotated)" is acceptable, while "Pride and Prejudice (With an Introduction by Tiffany Gordon)" is not. Be sure to specify how your book is unique in the beginning of your product description in bullet point format (maximum 80 characters).

While it's possible that other features may make books unique, we only allow the criteria noted above. Examples not considered differentiated include a linked table of contents, formatting improvements, collections, sales rank, price, freely available Internet content, etc.

Your undifferentiated public domain titles will no longer be offered for sale in the Kindle Store after 14 days. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.


Kindle Direct Publishing
2 weeks is not long enough if you have 100's of Public Domain books uploaded, but its better than nothing!

Good luck,
#domain #kindle #public #public domain books #strikes

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