Finding High Priced Affiliate Products

6 replies
If you were going to market higher priced products (say $500+ with a 50% or commission), how would you go about finding these types of affiliate offers?

#affiliate #finding #high #priced #products
  • Profile picture of the author JerryIL
    Did you see the WSO that Lennelljones had on this topic.?
    It was around the end of Nov. title was "Explode your affiliate profits with 44 high paying affiliate programs."

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  • Profile picture of the author GeoffreyF67
    No, I sure didn't. I'll look for that - thanks!

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    • Profile picture of the author JerryIL
      I bought the product and was happy with it..
      I just need to get a website up with a bunch of them on it..
      Can't beat the price of 17 bucks..!!
      I had not heard of most of them...

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  • Profile picture of the author Jared Alberghini
    Hey G-Man,

    Jason Moffat has an affiliate program that pays $200 per sale:

    Easy Video Sales - affiliates

    - Jared


    Join The Future: Telekinetic Marketing

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  • Profile picture of the author GeoffreyF67
    Is that the instant affiliate review program of mike's you're talking about famouse2313?

    Traffic Secret is still selling eh? That program's been around for years and years now!

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  • Profile picture of the author forous
    Check the so called Gurus websites.
    They have some of the high priced affiliate products.

    For All Your Website Traffic Needs visit Easy Website Traffic Coaching!

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