How to deal with the information overload?

2 replies
Threads go really fast here,think I might install a separate browser just for this forum that way I can manage bookmarks better. So much to read through, hard to find the time. How do you guys manage?
#deal #information #overload
  • Profile picture of the author Scott Henderson
    When I find a thread that interests me and I don't have the time to read it I go to the subscribe button. To do this, just go to the Thread Tools at the top of the thread. From there select Subscribe. I usually do not select any of the email notification options. Then when I have the time, I go to my Subscribe Threads by going to Quick Links up top. Easy way to manage threads you want to read later
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  • Profile picture of the author ColinChia
    Well, what's the rush? haha.

    Be picky about what you read... personally I filter out only the topics that interest me and where I feel I can help other warrior's in, so just work it to your strength because it would be CRAZY to go over everything.

    Highly unproductive too... where you could have spent that time making a masterpiece!

    Hope this helps,

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