shocked seeing the earning stats of this site sold on flippa

14 replies
Hi just a few minutes ago I have gone to the "just sold" section on flippa and seen this coupon site sold on flippa with high rate. I am really confuse myself when I see the earning stats of such site.

The guy claiming that he is earning average of $623/Month from google adsense. Then I start to analyze the site and really shocked how the site can earn such a high amount.

I want to mention some point below regarding this site:

1. His main targeting keyword is "joann fabrics printable coupons" and some other relevant keywords. I then go to google keyword tool and search the average CPC of that keyword and find that $0.20 is average CPC of that keyword and also other relevant keywords. This is first shocking thing for me.

2. Next he claim "Website is ranked in google on 425 keywords.", but it completely foolish type talk, a simple 7-8 page coupon site can be rank on 425 keywords????? I checked the backlink of the site and the site have only 20 backlinks that shown on yahoo site explorer and most of them are from article submission site. This is the second shocking thing for me.

As per my 2 years on IM experience I can say that all the stats are really can not be believable.

The site already sold for $4,100, I want to ask one thing is that is the buyer is one fool person or what else. Please need your broad elaboration. Thanks
#earning #flippa #shocked #site #sold #stats
  • Profile picture of the author Cool Hand Luke
    Yeah, that definitely looks a little fishy to me. That said, I know for fact that those coupon-based adsense sites do VERY well. Personally, I would never buy an adsense site without proof of earnings. Still, having sold sites on Flippa before, I know the market for adsense sites is a HUNGRY one, and people are very eager to buy sites which even appear to have earning potential.

    I'd have steered clear of this one though.
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  • Profile picture of the author Starfusion
    Now as a very experienced adsense site builder, i'd have to disagree with you regarding the revenue generated here.

    You metnion that keyword has a average CPC of $0.20 per click. It doesn't matter, what i have realised regarding adsense clicks :

    If you build a website in the insurance niche : (you may think it's tough) is it heck!

    Let's say inurance keyword gets a average CPC of $20 (just a figure)

    You build a website around this keyword " Buy cheap insurance" let's say this keyword recieves in google keyword tool a average CPC of $5 (again just a figure)

    Just because your targeting that said keyword "buy cheap insurance" doesn't mean your clicks you recieve will be around $5 or below, you can still get clicks up to $20 based on the insurance niche.

    What i have found out is even if i based a website around a very low insurance keyword of a CPC of $1 i can still get clicks up to $20 per click because of being related to the main keyword "insurance"

    I curerrently have a website in the dentist niche that is currently built around one specific keyword which has a CPC of $0.47 per click, but i haven't received one click lower then $3 "you try and work that out"

    So my findings is doesn't matter what niche or what google keyword is telling us, if you target a main keyword niche like "insurance" you still can receive those $10 clicks.

    It's very hard to explain this but it's what i have found out with over 80 plus sites i currently own.
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  • Profile picture of the author g36
    Hahaha, I found website sold for $22,000 on flippa. The seller claimed his website got 180K unique visits/month. But according to my own data, the website only received 3000 UV/month. Also, I checked his analytics data and clearly it was faked. He also claimed he got over $2000/month from that website. The funniest part was the fact that the website sold for $22K.


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  • Profile picture of the author Vasuu
    What Innow said is perfect. The adwords bot scans the entire content and forms a theme about the website. From then it starts showing the Ads. The cpc will entirely depend on the new theme formed and advertiser competition.
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  • Profile picture of the author Webmastrr
    I second Innow.. having multiple sites in a similar niche to coupons .. i can say that the sites i estimated would earn $0.35 per click ( adwords/MNF data) is in fact making over $0.80 consistently..
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  • Profile picture of the author londoncoffee
    Hi Moonheart. I am also perplexed by the high number of scam sites that sell like hot cakes on I am a newbie, but i'v been a web designer for over 10 years. I am mystified why bids roll in on such sites. On closer inspection, it can be seen that many sites are showing adsense figures for an ealier site - the one being sold is usually a carbon copy, and maybe number 10 or 20 in line. Buyers are unaware. I would suggest taking screen grabs of certain sellers, and keep an eye on them over a 30 day period. You'll be surprised how they auction very very similar sites within a few days of each other. You are right to question this sellers data, well done! There are many scammers on The bottom line is this: nobody would ever sell a site that makes $500pm for even $2000 fact! I am sick of the usual reason for sale "I am selling this site because i haven't got time, and i'm setting up a new venture and need cash". What rubbish! And like you, sometimes i also witness a site selling for thousands that seems absolutey worthless, hardly any content and a crap design. Makes you wonder!
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  • Profile picture of the author BabyMama
    The market for adsense sites on Flippa is massive and people are very hungry to buy these kind of sites.
    Perhaps someone sees potential in the site or has other plans for it but yes I agree I would not purchase without seeing first proof of income.
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  • Profile picture of the author warrich
    I need more proof before I spend my hard earned money to earn more hard earned money. Till then I will just wait and watch.
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  • Profile picture of the author RatRaceWatch
    So the question is, once these people buy these sites, and they find out it was a bunch of b.s., are they out of luck? Lol

    I can imagine what a devastation that would be...
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  • Profile picture of the author Marc Lindsay
    Are they out of luck....

    That depends on their mindset.

    Was it a devastation, or a lesson they will learn that will help them be more profitable going forward?

    All depends on how they react to it.

    Sometimes sh*t happens, learn, evolve, go again.

    My biggest errors have cost me over 6 figures in real cash..... but they were also the errors that made me much more in improved systems and growth.

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  • Profile picture of the author prince007
    Well, there may be few frauds on flippa or other sites, for eg, member A will put a site on sale, and member B ( who is his friend) will buy at good price. I know it will still cost them some money like listing fee, commission etc. After few months, they will have this site at sale with increase price, offcourse member B - have to prove that he have increase earning and it is good authority site.

    Conclusion - please check each and every point before buying site.
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  • Profile picture of the author kennykjtan
    yeah, I found out that there are a lot of scam in flippa but what I find very hard to digest is there are still buyers. (Head Shaking)
    The best thing is to check everything before buying and it's not difficult to check.
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Don't really know if it's a scam or not since there's no way to prove or disprove the Adsense screenshots.

    The thing that I find pretty unbelievable is that if the income is legit, he should have sold it for more.
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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    Yes, there ARE scams going on... but...

    If someone goes out with a big chunk of money about to spend several thousands of dollars, then PUULLEEASE do due dilligence or consult someone who knows the biz, can evaluate sites etc...and don't just blindly buy a site. It's also your responsibility.

    If you are unsure or don't have the experience evaluating and deciding whether a site is legit - then ask a friend with more experience - also use common sense. If something looks and smells know the drill.
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