What would you do with 15,000 opt ins

4 replies
I built this list over a number of years with 300-400 fresh opt ins per month.
The niche is ringback tones.
Not ringtones but rinback they are different.
Anyway I have tried all kinds of ring tone offers as well as other things with very little luck.
On most mailings i only get around 50 clicks on my offer.
#ins #opt
  • Profile picture of the author Scott Henderson
    Are you trying to build a relation with them or trying to sell them something with every mailing? My advice is to always give away more than you present offers to buy- free - free - free - offer - repeat
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  • Profile picture of the author revupcommerce
    Yeah I have not built a relationship
    Its something I need to do
    I also have only emailed the list maybe 5-10 times total in the last few years.
    I guess I need to line up like 5 or 10 free apps and then sent out 1 freebie each week for 3 weeks and then 1 affiliate offer the 4th week
    Its funny how I can formulate a plan of attack only after posting on here.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gama Seva
    You can try selling solo ad to fellow warriors at JV section.
    Is your list is on internet marketing niche?


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  • Profile picture of the author urangkb
    This happens to me too. I have a list that I didn't build a relationship with. Only I have some kind of 8 follow up messages and thats it.

    Then when I have an offer I write a broadcast email to all of them. Very low of response and I only get repeat costumers that are buying.

    I guess relationship with the list is the KEY to make the list a golden list. From now on, try to build a good relationship with your list and see the difference at your next offer. All the best!
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