Job Boards - When and When not to use them

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I was talking with a new rep in my organization
who was ready to start marketing and he had a
few questions on marketing where I found him...

A Major Job Board

It's a tricky proposition, I told him. On one hand
job boards when used properly can be a GREAT way
to attract business partners, but if you use them
the wrong way, you will cost yourself a lot of money.

When 1st got started, I used places like Craigslist, and other free job boards to promote
my business. I learned what worked by trial and
error, but it didn't cost me thousands of dollars to
do so. Today it is too difficult to post on craigslist
with the kind of consistency you need to get any
decent traffic at all unless you are a "techie" and
you can get around their filters.

So in order to be able to use the Job Boards properly
follow these steps:

1. Use the posting with the broadest reach -
you want the most people possible to find your
posting, so if you can get a national posting where
someone in Phoenix will see the same posting that
someone in Boston will see that's the best bet. If
they don't have national postings, go with major cities.

2. Find a job board that allows you to refresh your
ads as often as possible. Refreshes move your posting
right back to the top of the pile where everyone looks.
A busy job board may get hundreds of postings a day.
Your posting may be buried and rendered useless after
only a few days.

3. Use a GOOD job posting (this one seems obvious,
but good copy for one person may be garbage to another)
Write compelling ad copy that appeals to the emotions
and will entice people to click through to your website,
just like any other type of marketing.

4. Traffic. If you post an ad in a job board for a town
in North Dakota with 35 people in it, odds are not a
lot of people are going to read it. Find the job boards
with a lot of visitiors every day...the obvious ones are
careerbuilder, monster, and hotjobs, but there are a lot
of other ones out there, too.

5. Make sure you get a good ROI if someone gets started
in your sales organization. If you make $30 when someone
gets started in your business and no residual income, then
job boards are probably not going to be a good idea, but if
you make thousands, or have a GREAT residual income
plan, then it could work for you.

Helping Networkers,

Terry Dorland
Networking Coach and Trainer
#boards #job #job boards #marketing advice #network marketing

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