Hello every one. I'm new to this and would like some help.

11 replies
Hello everyone!
My name is Rickard Ã-sterholm and I'm pretty new to marketing online.
I have been able to learn some of the stuff that is most common in affiliate marketing, e.g. that you need an autoresponder to be able to build a list that I then can sell products to as an affiliate.
I have learned some of it by using free traffic to sites that I have been promoting.
I have bought three websites that hasn't generated any income for me.
What can I do to be successful, building a list and hopefully generate some money from my sites?
Should I use banner advertising, article marketing or PPC?
I am currently using free bannerexchanges, text-ad exchanges and autoresponders to drive some traffic to the three sites.

The sites has an affiliate program and one product is available on the ClickBank market place.
So I wonder: Can you help me?

Best regards,
Rickard Ã-sterholm
(Lives in Sweden)
#affiliate programs #driving traffic #new affiliate #newbie affiliate #newbie affiliate marketer
  • Profile picture of the author Alexander Simons
    Hey, My name is Alexander and i'm also from Sweden, nice to have another Swedish warrior here.

    I see that you are starting getting traffic to your sites and that's great. Your question is a bit unclear but i believe that you are asking for what to do to get long term traffic.

    This is a question that everybody will be answering differently besuace everybody has their favorite techniques. I usually use SEO, its a bit hard i in the beginning to understand it but when you understand it can you make a lot of money if your site is ranking first on the search engines.

    If you think that SEO will work for you then could i reply with a quick guide to help you get started.

    Joining Warrior Forum was a wise decision, whenever you have a question just ask here and you will get great answers.

    If you have more questions just ask here or start a new thread.

    To your success,
    Alexander Simons
    (Also from Skåne)
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    • Profile picture of the author roosterhol
      Hi Alexander or should I say "Hej" !
      As I wrote to John, I will try to send more traffic to my websites doing article marketing. You may send me that SEO-guide, I might use it to make my articles sharper and SEO can help me when I try to send targeted traffic to my websites (see the addresses below).

      Sincerely to both of you,

      My websites
      mymoneyondemandmachine dot com
      the-best-dog-training-secrets dot com
      secret-to-good-dates dot com
      (and I've added an affiliate site: phonecashmachines dot com)
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      • Profile picture of the author Mike Parkin
        Find ways you can engage people in your niche - take the dog one - where do dog lovers hang out on line? how can you join their conversation? provide value / entertainment / education?
        Rockin' in the free world
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Rickard, my guess is that most of the traffic you are getting using the sources you mentioned isn't really interested in buying products - affiliate or otherwise. My guess is that they are more interested in getting traffic to their sites so you can buy their affiliate products.

    If you have the budget, a quick PPC campaign should tell you if that type of cold traffic converts for you in fairly short order. Banners are more of a numbers game, especially in the beginning when you are still honing the message to audience match. Article marketing can take awhile to show significant results.

    If you have no budget, article marketing may be an avenue for you. Search the forum for a number of excellent threads on article marketing.
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    • Profile picture of the author roosterhol
      Hi John!
      You're probably right about the sites I've used preciously.
      It sounds like article marketing will be the best way for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Wilson

    I always say this to beginners: start with AdSense. Your first website (and probably another 5) will be a learning website. More sites = more experience, each new one will be better.

    Get into a good niche (check sig.), build a website and so some SEO so you can see $$$ coming in. That is a big motivation even if there is only $5 a month at start.


    -25% WF PROMO CODE: "WFPROMO911" (expires on 1.1.2012)
    - High search volume keywords , high CPC keywords, easy to rank keywords
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    • Profile picture of the author options
      If your going to do seo you should really stay away from hyphenated domain names. one is ok but you have 3 in your url.
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      • Profile picture of the author rosetrees
        Originally Posted by options View Post

        If your going to do seo you should really stay away from hyphenated domain names. one is ok but you have 3 in your url.
        Just curious - why do you say that?
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      • Profile picture of the author ronaldmd
        Originally Posted by options View Post

        If your going to do seo you should really stay away from hyphenated domain names. one is ok but you have 3 in your url.
        Actually it doesn't affect SEO, domain with or without hyphens.
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  • Profile picture of the author nicholasb
    I would use banner marketing, ppc and article marketing. To get the best results provide value to your list by solving some of their biggest problems. Either with a free video or report about 3-5 times within the first 2 weeks of them signing up, then only promote affiliate products that get good results for the people who buy them, don't just promote anything that comes along.
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  • Profile picture of the author x-stream
    Hello Roosterhol...I looked at your secret-to-good-dates dot com website. I know your question here seems to be asking about traffic however, If I were you I would take a good look at the site itself (the copy). There are a few errors that may hurt your conversion rate if you send traffic there.
    First in the sales letter the guy talks about how hard it is to get a date and how ugly he is. He then referred to take a look at his picture...but there is no picture on your site of him. This would be the first red flag for me if I was a buyer.
    Second...in the sales letter there is a price of point of 27.00 mentioned for the product but a the end of the letter the product is offered for 97.00. This would be my second red flag if I was a buyer.
    Finally, there are no testimonies about from people who have purchased your product.

    If I were you I would spend some time correcting those errors on the sales letter and making the letter more compelling.
    Then I would add a few reviews by giving the book to friends for an honest review.
    Then I would put an opt in form on the page to build a list by offering a free report on "how to catch girls made easy" or something like that.
    Then you can build your list and start to build trust from your list to encourage a sale.
    I am sure there are a ton of other things you can do...but that's a start!
    Good luck and don't give up.
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