Which WSO's are really worth it?

21 replies
I have been a small time Internet marketer off and on since 2008. I have done ePN, CJ, and some privately offered CPA's. I currently own an iPhone repair business that I started in October of 2010 that has made decent small profit.

I do not need a HUGE income to survive but am finally EXHAUSTED and TIRED of just scrapping by. I know from the days with ePN and CJ that I have some talent in making money online. Also, my iPhone repair website does fairly decent with getting traffic. It is mostly local SEO though.

About 14 days ago I came back to WF to look for help and while I did not and still do not want a hand out I would love to find someone to mentor. I have looked at WSO after WSO and have been less than thrilled. I have purchased a couple and am starting to think if I throw together even a small handbook on how to place links in a Wordpress for CJ I could sell a WSO. (I know there are some very worth while WSO's out there but its tough not knowing what is going to work and what is just a bunch of fluff) I hope I am not stepping on toes I just want to find a way to make a good living and start enjoying life.

Ideally what I would like to find is a money maker that would get money rolling into my own PayPal account. Where I am selling an electronic copy of something. My problem is I am not certain or very strong at driving traffic unless it is coming from Craigslist.
#beginner #learn #money #worth #wso
  • Profile picture of the author webwriter
    The WSO's that are really worth it are those that help you to solve a problem in an IM area that you are focusing on and working in, such as making money as an affiliate or blogging. Find one or two that seem to meet this criteria and read the reviews before buying anything. Doing this will help you to save money and succeed faster in your chosen area, as you avoid repeating mistakes.

    Worst thing you can do is remain unfocused while searching for that magic bullet. It'll never happen. I learned that a long time ago.
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  • Profile picture of the author Greg guitar
    Stick to the ones which have almost all rave reviews, and teach basic systems, or monetization of current trends you know are real (like using videos for quick Google page 1 rankings, getting your share of the growing Facebook traffic, etc): and the basics that always work: list building with squeeze pages and autoresponders, how to get cheap or free traffic, sales pages that convert, how to build whole sales funnels, cheap but powerful paid traffic sources, etc.

    There are lots of good ones. Enjoy!
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  • Profile picture of the author LeeLee
    I think the best bang for your buck would be to join the paid Warrior Forum. There is a lot of good, focused advice in there and some WSOs are offered free to members. After that you should have a tighter focus, have an idea who some of the movers and shakers in your area are and can buy some narrower WSOs if you still want more info.
    The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of nonessentials. ~ Lin Yutang
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    • Profile picture of the author 26enterprises
      Originally Posted by LeeLee View Post

      I think the best bang for your buck would be to join the paid Warrior Forum. There is a lot of good, focused advice in there and some WSOs are offered free to members. After that you should have a tighter focus, have an idea who some of the movers and shakers in your area are and can buy some narrower WSOs if you still want more info.
      I am contemplating joining the War Room but didn't really see the door to it except the triangle at the bottom. Does the door not appear until you pay? Just curious. I have to get this going or I will have to go back to working for the man.
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      • Profile picture of the author LeeLee
        Originally Posted by 26enterprises View Post

        I am contemplating joining the War Room but didn't really see the door to it except the triangle at the bottom. Does the door not appear until you pay? Just curious. I have to get this going or I will have to go back to working for the man.
        Here ya go:

        How can I access the War Room?
        The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of nonessentials. ~ Lin Yutang
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    I would say find a method based wso and be sure to wait until there are at least 30 comments on the thread before making a decision
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Marshall
    Originally Posted by 26enterprises View Post

    Ideally what I would like to find is a money maker that would get money rolling into my own PayPal account. Where I am selling an electronic copy of something. My problem is I am not certain or very strong at driving traffic unless it is coming from Craigslist.
    Brad, what are your interests? I'm assuming that technology is one. Any hobbies? Pastimes?
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    • Profile picture of the author 26enterprises
      Originally Posted by Jeff Marshall View Post

      Brad, what are your interests? I'm assuming that technology is one. Any hobbies? Pastimes?
      Jeff -

      Thanks for the reply. I am a huge sports fan. I do own a concert and sporting event ticket website, SoldOutSeatz.com - "Great Seatz to Great Eventz". Technology obviously. I love being a father.

      The problem is I haven't hit that "WOW" factor. I really don't care what it is that I am doing as long as I am pulling in money. I get where your question is though cause the more fun it is the better it will be.

      Let me know if you have any ideas.
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      • Profile picture of the author Jeff Marshall
        Originally Posted by 26enterprises View Post

        Jeff -

        Thanks for the reply. I am a huge sports fan. I do own a concert and sporting event ticket website, SoldOutSeatz.com - "Great Seatz to Great Eventz". Technology obviously. I love being a father.

        The problem is I haven't hit that "WOW" factor. I really don't care what it is that I am doing as long as I am pulling in money. I get where your question is though cause the more fun it is the better it will be.

        Let me know if you have any ideas.
        I'm going to PM you some suggestions.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nathy Curiel
    Besides all above tips , I think it is plus when people say they really made money with it
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  • Profile picture of the author natewc
    Not to be a @$%^ but I'm a little confused on how you can offer a course on IM and be asking these questions?

    Although, I guess I shouldn't be surprised as it often seems like people are making more off of selling training then off of the system they are selling.
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    • Profile picture of the author 26enterprises
      Originally Posted by natewc View Post

      Not to be a @$%^ but I'm a little confused on how you can offer a course on IM and be asking these questions?

      Although, I guess I shouldn't be surprised as it often seems like people are making more off of selling training then off of the system they are selling.
      Nate -

      I actually got the ideal from a WSO that I had purchased. I do know how to do IM just have not found anything that provided a stable solid answer. I don't think you were being a @$%^ to I completely understand where you're coming from.
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  • Profile picture of the author gushy0202
    Depends on what area are you looking to learn/study/improve

    Don't roam around the warrior forum unfocussed.. Know what you want and what you are going to do before logging into the forum
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    The way I look at WSOs is that they are information products that enhance your business. I choose WSOs that provide knowledge in areas that I need more knowledge that will directly help my own business.

    I don't buy WSOs that are a "method" usually. I have occasionally, but they haven't been big money makers for me.

    I think it's best to join the War Room and read the forum and get a firm idea of what you'd like to do to make money. A plan. Then go for any WSO that will give you the information that you need to implement that plan.

    Information or tools such as software or services such as SEO ... all things that will enhance the business plan that you've already chosen.

    Browsing around the WSO forum looking for something that will make you a bunch of money reminds me of gambling addicts on the loose in Las Vegas. All the big, glaring, neon headlines... all the promises of big easy money. It drives me nuts reading the headlines. I don't know how people can buy one after another, always looking for the next best thing.

    To me, a more sane approach is to work with your strengths in deciding on a business that's right for you and then consider the WSOs you buy as business tools to get your business started.
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    • Profile picture of the author Bill Farnham
      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

      I don't buy WSOs that are a "method" usually. I have occasionally, but they haven't been big money makers for me.
      Funny you should say that...

      I don't buy a lot of WSOs, but if I see something that fits my overall focus I'll spring for it. Usually it turns out to be a good decision.

      But I bought one of those method WSOs today that also appeared to be right up my alley only to find it to be a WTF moment.

      If even five of the buyers put the method to work it will kill it it was so narrow. And it also raised some TOS issues regarding one of its' componants. I won't even go into how questionable the earnings screenshots were. I didn't buy it based on those and for all I know they could be legit. They could be junk.

      The bottom line with those method ones is you really need to ask yourself the question " Is this method repeatable and sustainable or this person selling a short term fluke?"

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  • Profile picture of the author Ben_R
    I bought one immediately I saw it because it was so useful - a guide to flipping websites theres not that much v good info around on site selling -

    pick a niche and be single minded enough to stick with it thru teh start where nothing happens - but keep learning untill you know your stuff -
    the main point is to have one topic or two at most -- but stick with it come hell or high water
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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    Worthy WSO's are the ones you buy and then take action to replicate the success of the WSO's author.
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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    • Profile picture of the author Leonardo Silva
      Originally Posted by tpw View Post

      Worthy WSO's are the ones you buy and then take action to replicate the success of the WSO's author.
      There are some WSO's I bought in the past, took action with them, and didn't make one single dollar. None of them was worth to buy it and the support from the seller was always terrible.

      What I can recommend from my own experience so far is to find a WSO that has been around for a while, with great reviews and better support.
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      • Profile picture of the author tpw
        Originally Posted by Leonardo Silva View Post

        There are some WSO's I bought in the past, took action with them, and didn't make one single dollar. None of them was worth to buy it and the support from the seller was always terrible.

        What I can recommend from my own experience so far is to find a WSO that has been around for a while, with great reviews and better support.

        The challenge in replicating someone else's success is that it is not always possible.

        I can teach you how I made approaching 7-figures doing article marketing, but can you replicate my success?

        Do you have the gift for gab that I have? Do you have the ability to tell stories like I do? Do you have the work ethic that I have? Or the willingness to learn about the subject in such a way that you can demonstrate the topic with the same clarity that I can?

        A WSO-seller can teach you what they learned, and we as buyers cannot always do what they did, because we cannot always duplicate the skills that the seller possessed and we did not.

        For example. I have a WSO out in the wild right now. Using that info, the best year that I tallied up was just over $100k. One of the people who bought that WSO says that he has closed $51k in business in two weeks!!

        Some times the student will make the teacher look like the amateur in the room!! And some times not. :p

        The value of a WSO is more in the hands of the student than the teacher, be it good value or bad.
        Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
        Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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  • Profile picture of the author JCorp
    wso's that have reviews and testimonies of people actually making money for one...
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