What are the pitfalls of Article Spinning and Mass Submissions?

7 replies
Is Article Spinning still viable and what are the riught ways to go about it to avoid duplictae penalties and any other negative issues.

Is there any pitfalls to watch out for when using mass submission tools for your Articles..??

As always I really appreciate the advice of any fellow Warriors that have experience in this area.


#article #mass #pitfalls #spinning #submissions
  • Profile picture of the author TopKat22
    I don't know about pitfalls except that I haven't seen it work very well.

    I personally have taken more time in the past and written better articles that were syndicated by some sites and it has helped me a lot more.

    From my own experience, a few highly syndicated articles did me much more good than a lot of submitted identical articles.

    Plus, I think that is why most of my sites are now on page one of google, even the older ones.
    44 days in and we broke the $10K a month recurring bench mark.

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  • Profile picture of the author Miguelito203
    Originally Posted by mymoneymentor View Post

    Is Article Spinning still viable and what are the riught ways to go about it to avoid duplictae penalties and any other negative issues.

    Is there any pitfalls to watch out for when using mass submission tools for your Articles..??

    As always I really appreciate the advice of any fellow Warriors that have experience in this area.


    Unique, quality content has and always will be best. With all of the changes that Google has made to its algorithm, I wouldn't waste my time spinning articles and stuff.

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  • Profile picture of the author Clint Butler
    Here is what I do.

    I write a unique post on my site.

    Then I get a PLR article, spin it with The Best Spinner then submit that article with Article Marketing Robot. Those directories then have a link to my new post. That way I don't have to worry about any duplicate content issues on my own site.

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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by mymoneymentor View Post

    Is Article Spinning still viable and what are the riught ways to go about it to avoid duplictae penalties and any other negative issues.
    Hi Anton, there are no duplicate content penalties even for submitting completely unspun articles to large numbers of article directories. Because that isn't "duplicate content" anyway - it's "syndicated content".

    This little article explains it really clearly and helpfully: Article Marketers - Lay the Duplicate Content Myth To Rest Once and For All | Internet Marketing and Publishing

    Originally Posted by mymoneymentor View Post

    Is there any pitfalls to watch out for when using mass submission tools for your Articles..??
    Yes: both spinning articles and their mass-submission lead to starting off threads here called "Is Article Marketing Dead?" and "Article Marketing Doesn't Work Any More".

    It sounds facetious, but I'm not joking. There are 100 threads here like that. And what all their authors have in common is that they spun articles and mass-submitted them.

    That isn't actually "article marketing": it's attempting to use article directories for their own traffic and/or their own backlinks. (Many experienced, successful article marketers call that "article directory marketing"). And for most people, most of the time, it's unsuccessful. And there are reason for that (and they're all explained in the list of posts below).

    Originally Posted by mymoneymentor View Post

    As always I really appreciate the advice of any fellow Warriors that have experience in this area.
    Like many here, I had experience with it (quite a lot, actually) when I started, but now I do "article marketing" instead and am building a real business based on increasing residual income from work already done, and earning a very good living. As for many others here, that all started for me when I stopped spinning and mass-submitting.

    Anyway, I think this thread will tell you what you need to know about spinning: http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...necessary.html

    And if you're interested in a little selection of other threads which will explain all the "reasons" mentioned above, and get you up-to-date with the state of article marketing (including using article directories), here it is ...

    There's no point in using article directories for their own traffic or their own backlinks. That's not their purpose, and it's an unproductive attempted use of them. As explained in this post.

    Using article directories for backlinks is a fallacy, as explained here. And here.

    If they interest you, these few recent threads are worth a read-through, to appreciate the current position with article marketing (actually including "how to use article directories").








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  • Profile picture of the author Martin Lee Jr
    Article spinning is great, and mass submission tools are fine, but several article directories are not worth submitting.

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  • Profile picture of the author RylanClayne
    Hey anton in answer to your actual question is article spinning viable the answer would be yes but has to to validated by saying it really depends on 'what and how' you actually utilise spun content.

    The core strategies of using spun content to gain massive amounts of backlinks still work and can be a valid part of your traffic gaining campaign however the caveat is that you must produce very high quality spun content in order to really be truly successful. While I agree that 100% unique content is great and will work best this is not always practical when scaling your business.

    As for mass submission tools each one will have their own pitfalls so it would be difficult to answer your question on this until knowing which tools in particular you are trying to find out about. In general, mass submission is not the way to go. I am not saying do not use these tools because I along with many do but there are specific techniques to employ to get the best out of them dependent as suggested above on your ultimate goals.

    Purely as a theoretical argument however spun content at least for now has its place amongst the plethora of strategies available to an internet marketer. It is entirely depended upon your business model how you go about using this technique to your own advantage if you choose to do so. Hope that helps
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    • Profile picture of the author Bryan
      If you're looking to rank content, you have better chances by creating a quality unique article instead of spinning. I'm not saying you would get penalized if it's spun or use duplicate content, but it won't generally get ranked as well THESE days, with the existing G. Algorithm in place.

      The initial Pa n da updates were for weeding out the content farms and auto blogs. If people don't believe there were big changes and care to direct you to old articles before the big hits were made -- you will be greatly misguided.

      If you're distributing articles for SEO, you could spin them now days for mass distribution, for these will do fine, and will still be attributed as backlinks. As well, article directories are becoming more vigilant with stomping out duplicate/crappy/weakly spun content because it can effect how G. sees their directory site wide.

      For high authority article directories and Web 2 sites that you wouldn't mind ranking with -- which is possible -- you'd be best to rewrite content yourself for better chances of ranking.

      You could spin the content, but I would suggest that you limit how many spun articles you spread from the base article used. As well, make sure they're well spun and even do some quick manual edits throughout the content for each site you publish the content.
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